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研究生(外文):Ju-Chuan Hsian
論文名稱(外文):The impact of social support on working mothers' breastfeeding styles
指導教授(外文):Mei-Mei Chen
外文關鍵詞:breastfeedingsocial supportworking mother
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研究結果發現:總樣本(n=522)的混合母乳哺餵率為47.9%,有哺乳者平均哺乳8.12週(SD=11.94)。邏輯式迴歸分析發現─在控制其他可能影響因素之下,家庭支持中已婚兄弟姊妹數少(β=-0.12, p<0.05)的婦女哺餵母乳的機率高,與長輩互動頻率及婦女自己做家務的比例並不影響婦女哺餵母乳的機率。醫護人員支持中產後住院間哺餵母乳的婦女(β=4.44, p<0.05),選擇哺餵母乳的機率高。職場環境中的婦女所從事的職業類別並不影響選擇哺餵母乳的機率。迴歸分析發現─在控制其他可能影響因素之下,家庭及醫護人員支持與混合母乳哺餵週數無顯著相關。職場環境中從事勞動工作的婦女哺乳週數明顯較短(β=-0.46, p<0.1)。除此之外,我們也發現婦女為剖腹產哺乳的機率就比較低(β=-0.54, p<0.05)。婦女如果為初產婦(β=0.30, p<0.1)、有抽菸的習慣(β=-0.73, p<0.05)、看電視的頻率高(β=-0.09, p<0.05),會使得母乳哺餵週數減短。
Breast milk is the best food for babies. But under the transition of society, an improvement on economic condition, and the easiness to get formula milk, formula milk has replaced breast milk as the main food for feeding baby. In recent years, many countries worldwide re-recognize the value of breast milk, and promote breastfeed vigorously. According to the investigation of the UNICEF of the United Nations, between 1996 and 2002, the mix breastfeeding rate in Canada was 79%, US was 64%, England was 69% and so on. In Taiwan, however, the mix breastfeeding rate was only 46% in 2005. The employment rate of Taiwan’s women grew continually from 37.67% of 1992 to 47.71% of 2004. Without support form outsides, the rising conflict between breastfeeding and working among working mothers is foreseeable.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of family supports and working environments on working mothers’ decisions on breastfeeding.

This study is a retrospective cross-sectional study by using a secondary data from “the eighth survey on families and fertilities of Taiwan in 1998” which is the newest release of Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health. The study subjects are women who had given birth after 1995, which consists of 264 working women as the experimental group and 256 nonworking women as the control group. Logistic and multiple linear regression are used to find out factors that may influence the choice of breastfeed and the number of weeks of mix breastfeeding. The factors under consideration are mother's basic characteristic, family values, the experience about birthing, health knowledge and behavior, family support, medical care staff’s support, and working environment.
The total sample (n=522) which mix breastfeeding rate is 47.9%, the breastfeeding mothers have average to breastfeeding 8.12 weeks (SD=11.94). The logical equation regression analysis discovery - in possibly controls other to affect under the factor, In the family support, If the family has few married brothers the sisters (β=-0.12, p<0.05), then mother have high breastfeeding rate, which interacts the frequency with the elder and the proportion of housework those are not to affect the breastfeeding rate. In the medical care personnel supports, the mothers who breastfeed during the post-natal in hospital (β=4.44, p<0.05), have higher breastfeeding rate. In the work place environment, mothers are engaged in the professional category does not affect the choice to feed the breastfeeding rate. The regression analysis found - in possibly controls other to affect under the factor, the family and the medical care personnel support have no obviously relate to week number. In the work place environment, if mothers is engaged in the work then the week number of breastfeed to be obviously short (β=-0.46, p<0.1). Besides that, women are caesarean birth and they have low breastfeeding rates. If women are the primiparas(β=0.30, p<0.1), smoking(β=-0.73, p<0.05) or watch TV often(β=-0.09, p<0.05). And they will breast shorter weeks.
Working mothers as well as nonworking mothers need family and medical care personnel's support to carry out breastfeeding. The difference between working and nonworking mothers is the work place environment. For working mothers, support from work place is essential.
第一節 研究動機及重要性………………………………………………………..1
第二節 背景說明…………………………………………………………………..2
第三節 研究目的…………………………………………………………………..6
第四節 名詞解釋…………………………………………………………………..6
第一節 哺餵母乳的重要性………………………………………………………..7
第二節 影響婦女哺餵母乳的相關因素…………………………………………..8
第三節 家庭支持對哺餵母乳的影響……………………………………………10
第四節 工作環境對哺餵母乳的影響……………………………………………11
第一節 概念架構…………………………………………………………………12
第二節 資料來源及樣本選取……………………………………………………13
第三節 研究架構及變項定義……………………………………………………16
第四節 研究假說及設計…………………………………………………………39
第四章、研究結果…………………………………………………………………..49 第一節 母乳哺餵情形……………………………………………………………49
第二節 職業婦女與非職業婦女的特性描述……………………………………50
第三節 影響婦女是否哺餵母乳的因素─單因子分析…………………………53
第四節 影響混合母乳哺餵週數的因素─單因子分析…………………………59
第五節 影響母乳哺餵型態─多因子分析………………………………………83
第一節 家庭支持對職業婦女母乳哺餵的影響…………………………………88
第二節 職場環境的支持對職業婦女母乳哺餵的影響…………..……………..92
第三節 醫護人員的支持對職業婦女母乳哺餵的影響…………..……………..95
第四節 其他影響職業婦女母乳哺餵的因素……………………………………79
第五節 研究限制…………………………………………………………………98

第一節 結論……………………………………………………………………99
第二節 建議……………………………………………………………………99

附錄一 Logistic Regression Full Model …………………………………………..105
附錄二 Multiple Linear Regression Full Model…………………………………...107
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