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研究生(外文):Tzung-Yuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Effect of Steady and Unsteady Rainfalls on soil Infiltration under Different Initial Water Contents
指導教授(外文):Chu-Hui Chen
中文關鍵詞:未飽和層水流質量守恆數值模式Green and Ampt入滲公式穩態降雨非穩態降雨入滲深度
外文關鍵詞:residual difference of mass conservation formula“Green & Ampt” infiltration formulasteady state rainfallunsteady state
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入滲量的推估,可藉由實驗方式、現場的量測、或是由求解描述土壤水文物理機制的數學方程式求得。在未飽和層的入滲問題中,對於一個給定的臨前條件,及土壤表面水量供應率之時變性,理論上多以理查氏方程式(Richards’ equation),作為求解的基礎。然而在自然狀況下,初始的土壤水分含量,隨著土層深度而變化,且土壤表面的邊界條件,亦隨降雨強度而變化,這些時變性及空間變異的自然因子,使得求解理查氏方程式的困難度增加。
李文生等(2004)以Celia (1990)的質量守恆數值模式為基礎,建立之未飽和層水流質量守恆數值模式,求得穩態降雨及非穩態降雨,且土壤表面未積水時之水流傳輸現像,並將模擬結果以Green and Ampt入滲公式代入,求得Ψ值的變化,並藉由Ψ值的變化探討是否可建立由Green and Ampt入滲公式求得之體積含水比之變化量Δθ與入滲深度L之關係式,如果可行,則入滲情形可藉由此關係式快速得知。
The estimation of infiltration can be obtained by means of experiment and site measurement or by the mathematical formula of hydrologic physics mechanism for soil. In the infiltration problem of unsaturated layer with a specific condition and soil surface water supply varied with time of soil moisture. The Richards’ equation can be used as the governing equation to solve the problem theoretically. Generally, the analysis solution of soil infiltration would simplify the initial and boundary conditions. But under the natural condition, the initial soil water content varied with the soil depth and the boundary condition of soil surface varied with the rainfall intensity as well. These natural factors of time and space variation increase the difficulty of solving the Richards’ equation.
Lee (2004) proposed a solution method with the residual difference of mass conservation equation established by Celia (1990). By means of the method, this article obtained the unique soil property, with a constant of saturated hydraulic conductivity coefficient Ks, of saturated soil layer under the condition of steady state and non-steady state rainfall. Also consider the transfer phenomenon of soil surface water flow. The variation of Ψ value can be obtained by substituting the simulated results into the Green & Ampt infiltration formula. With the results of Ψ value, we will establish the relationship of variation volume Δθ of water content and infiltrative depth L acquired by Green & Ampt infiltration formula. The infiltration condition can be obtained by the proposed relationship as fast as possible.
中文摘要 I
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
符號索引 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章、緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1 數值模式理論 4
2.2 Green and Ampt入滲公式 7
2.3 Horton 入滲公式 9
2.4 Philip入滲公式 9
2.5 Diskin and Nazimov入滲公式 10
2.6 美國水土保持局入滲公式(SCS) 12
2.7 Richards’非飽和水分傳輸公式 13
2.8 土壤保水曲線 14
第三章、穩態降雨模式模擬與討論 16
3.1 穩態降雨模式模擬 17
3.2 穩態降雨模式模擬結果討論 23
3.3不同初始條件穩態降雨模擬 33
第四章、非穩態降雨模式模擬與討論 47
4.1 非穩態降雨模式模擬 47
4.2 非穩態降雨模式模擬結果討論 53
4.3穩態降雨迴歸公式在非穩態降雨之應用 59
第五章、結論與建議 64
參考文獻 67
作者簡介 69
授權書 70
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