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研究生(外文):Jin-Ru Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Inhibitory effect of Anoectochilus formosanus effective fraction on thioacetamide- induced liver fibrosis in mice
外文關鍵詞:Anoectochilus formosanusthioacetamideliver fibrosis
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本研究主要探討台灣金線連有效分劃(AFEF)對thioacetamide (TAA) 所誘發小鼠肝臟纖維化的效果。BABL/c雄性小鼠隨機分成四組,即控制組、TAA組及AFEF兩組。除了控制組,所有小鼠每週三次由腹腔注射TAA (200 mg/kg body weight),持續八週。AFEF組小鼠的整個實驗過程,每天一次經口投予AFEF (0.2或1.0 g/kg body weight)。TAA誘發小鼠肝纖維化,最終的血清GPT活性上升、肝臟hydroxypoline含量增加、肝臟相對重量增加、血清膽固醇含量下降。AFEF之處理能降低血清GPT活性、肝臟相對重量及肝臟hydroxypoline含量,增加血清膽固醇含量。肝臟組織學的分析也顯示有改善作用。RT-PCR的分析顯示AFEF能降低TAA處理的肝臟collagen(α1)(I)、insulin-like growth factor binding protein及lipopolysaccharidebinding protein mRNA表現。結論,小鼠口服AFEF能減弱TAA所誘發的肝臟纖維化,可能是AFEF具有抗肝臟發炎的作用而保護肝細胞不會壞死。
To investigate the effects of Anoectochilus formosanus effective fraction (AFEF) on liver fibrosis induced by thioacetamide (TAA) in mice. Male BABL/c mice were divdied randomely into 4 groups: control, TAA, and two AFEF groups. Except for mice in control group, all mice were administered intraperitoneally with TAA (200 mg/kg body weight) three time a week for 8 weeks . Mice in AFEF groups were treated daily with AFEF (0.2 or 1.0 g/kg body weight) via gastrogavage throught the whole experimental period. TAA caused liver fibrosis, featuring increase in serum GPT activity, hepatic hydroxyproline content, and liver relative weight; and decrease in serum cholesterol level. Compared with TAA group, AFEF treatment significantly decreased the activity of GPT, liver relative weight and hepatic hydroxyproline content; but increased serum cholesterol concentration. Liver histology in the AFEF-treated mice was also improved. RT-PCR analysis showed that AFEF treatment decreased the expression of collagen (??1)(I), lipopolysaccharide binding protein and insulin-like growth factor binding protein. In conclusion, oral administration of AFEF significantly reduces TAA-induced hepatic fibrosis in mice, probably by exerting a protective effect against hepatocellular necrosis by its anti-inflammatory ability.
第一章 緒 論 頁次
第一節 研究背景及目的…………………………………..…..…10
第二節 金線連文獻考察…………………………….…………12
一、 金線連種原、分布及植物型態…………………...….12
二、 民間入藥用法…….………………………...…..……..13
三、 金線連成分………………..………………….……….13
四、 金線連藥理活性…………………..……………..……14
第三節 肝纖維化成因……………………………..……..….....18
一、 星狀細胞(Hepatic stellate cell)………..…...……..18
二、 膠原蛋白……………………………………….…...…20
三、 間質金屬蛋白酶 (Matrix metalloproteinase, MMP)
與組織金屬蛋白酶抑制劑 (Tissue inhibitors
of metalloproteinases, TIMP)………………..…......…21
四、 脂多糖結合蛋白 (Lipopolysaccharide binding
五、 轉化生長因子 (Transforming growth factor β1)…..23
六、 胰島素樣生長激素結合蛋白(Insulin-like growth
factor binding protein)……………………………….24
七、 肝細胞生長因子(Hepatocyte growth factor)……26
第四節 Thioacetamide誘導肝纖維化……………….….……..27
第二章 研究材料與方法
第一節 研究材料………………………………………………..28
第二節 研究方法………………………………………………..30
一、 AFEF的製備…………………………….………….…30
二、 動物實驗……………………………………….…..…..30
三、 血液生化值實驗…………………………………..…...30
四、 肝臟組織病理學觀察……………………………..…...31
五、 肝臟Hydroxypoline含量測定…………………….....31
六、 RT-PCR分析………………………………..……..….32
七、 Real time PCR分析…………….………………....….32
八、 統計方法………………..………………………..…….32
第三章 研究結果
一、 對體重的影響………………………….……..………...34
二、 對肝臟重量及含水量影響………………………….….34
三、 對血清生化值影響……………………..……..…….….35
四、 Hydroxylpoline含量………………..………………....35
五、 病理檢驗…………………………………….………….35
六、 RT-PCR結果…………………………….………….....36
七、 Real-time PCR結果…………………..……………...37
第四章 討論與結論…………………………………………….53
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