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研究生(外文):Yao-Hsuan Li
論文名稱(外文):Analysis on the change of Ryodoraku values by time, age, or acupuncture, moxibustion, and ice stimulation on the Zusanli acupoints
指導教授(外文):Bih-Cheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Ryodorakutimeageacupuncturemoxibustionice stimulationZusanli(ST-36)
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6.四組的衍生變異值(derived variables)統計分析比較。結果顯示:88.2%有中度以上的相關性,且已有82.6%達統計學上的顯著(p<0.05)。
For the time being, Ryodoraku instrument discovered by Dr. Yoshio Nakatani which measures the skin electric resistance to reflect the bioenergy of the meridians is the most useful noninvasive technique used by doctors. Many years passed, the Meridian Energy Analysis Device, shortened to M.E.A.D., was improved and connected with computer, so the stability and accuracy are better. Because the variation of the Ryodoraku values of one person in different time is large, and the normal range is not yet standardized in Taiman, so it’s not easy to read the data of Ryodoraku values.
This study was designed to investigate the influences of the change of Ryodoraku values by time, age, or acupuncture, moxibustion, and ice stimulation. We used M.E.A.D. ME-Pro type as measured tool. There were two sample populations were recruited. One is 300 patients from clinic, we measured only one time of each person, and to analyse the mean values and distribution in five age layers. At the same time, to compare the difference of sex, left from right meridians, and upper from lower meridians. Another is 30 volunteers of healthy students from university, we measured one time every week ,and twice of each time in the interval of 30 minutes. First week, we measured twice and the 30 subjects sat and rested during the 30 minutes interval, which served as their own control(comparison) group. We compared these two measurements for the reliability analysis. Second week, we stimulated the both Zusanli acupoints for 20 minutes by using acupuncture during the interval, which acted as acupuncture group. Third week, we stimulated the same acupoints by ice as ice group. Fourth week, we stimulated them by moxibustion as moxibustion group. We analysed and compared the change of Ryodoraku values between four groups. Furthermore, the value divided by the mean value of that time called derived variable, and we analysed the relationship of the derived variables between these four groups. We also compared the mean values between the healthy volunteers and the clinical patients with the same age layer.
The following is a summary of our conclusions:
(1). The Ryodoraku values significantly decreased when the age increased in total or individual measured acupoints. The mean value of TE meridian is the highest, and the Gall bladder meridian is the lowest. The left side is significantly more than the right side, and the upper is significantly more than the lower.
(2). The correlation coefficients are between 0.79854 to 0.93207 in the reliability analysis. There are 96% have good to excellent consistency significantly in the test-retest reliability in the interval of 30 minutes (p<0.0001).
(3). The mean values measured in the afternoon are higher than in the morning. In the comparison group (except right heart meridian) and moxibustion group (except left TE and left gall bladder meridians) reach significant level statiscally. But the average changes of Ryodoraku values measured in the afternoon or morning have no difference significantly.
(4). The average changes of the comparison group significantly dropped mostly. The average changes of the acupuncture group both raised and dropped. The average changes of the ice group dropped in all meridians, especially stomach meridians. The changes of the moxibustion group raised in all meridians, especially urinary bladder meridians.
(5). The change values retested after 30 minutes showed that: left liver, left gall bladder, left stomach, right liver, and right stomach meridians: acupuncture and moxibustion group are higher than ice group significantly. Left stomach, right gall bladder meridians: acupuncture group is higher than comparison group significantly. Right kidney, and right gall bladder meridians: acupuncture group is higher than ice group significantly. Right urinary bladder meridian: moxibustion group is higher than ice group significantly.
(6). There are 88.2% of the derived variables have more than moderate relationship, and 82.6% reach significant level statiscally.
(7). We compared the mean values of the healthy volunteers with the clinical patients with the same age layer. The result revealed the mean values of the clinical patients are significantly more than the values of the healthy volunteers in the 12 meridians of the hands, left kidney and right stomach meridians.
Finally, from all of the above, we suggest that the normal range must be adjusted to age layer, if it cannot be defined, we can try to use derived variable to evaluate the relative values of meridians. The time to measure must be fixed, but it may not be fixed to see the change of Ryodoraku values at the interval of 30 minutes. The operater must pass the test-retest reliability, to confirm the consistency of data. It needs further study to see the meridian system from the view of body temperature regulation.
目錄……………………………………………….…. iv
圖目錄……………………………………….………… v
表目錄……………………………………….………… vi
中文摘要………………………………………………. 1
第一章 前言…………………… …………….. 3
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………….. 4
第一節 經絡學說之古籍回顧…………….….….. 4
第二節 經絡學說之現代研究…………………..……………. 7
第三節 良導絡學說的發現與原理……………………………. 16
第四節 相關因素對良導絡值變化的研究回顧………………. 22
第五節 不同刺激對良導絡值變化的研究回顧………………. 24
第六節 良導絡之臨床研究回顧…………….….. 27
第三章 材料與方法………………………….….. 31
第四章 結果………………………………….….. 38
第五章 討論……………………….….. 57
第六章 結論………………………………….….. 62
參考文獻……………………………………………… 64
附錄…………………………………………………… 68
英文摘要……………………………………………… 69
謝辭…………………………………………………… 71
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