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研究生(外文):Sheng-Chi Lee
論文名稱(外文):The research of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for the ”Yi-Zong-Jin- Jian, Zheng-Gu-Xin-Fa-Yao-Zhi“
外文關鍵詞:Yi-Zong-Jin-JianZheng-Gu-Xin-Fa-Yao-ZhiIntegrated traditional Chinese and western medicine
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Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in history could be traced back since the end of the 16th century, while the west medicine first had been introduced to the east. The concept of " integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine" in the mid- 17th century had be en made, until the mid- 19th century, the traditional Chinese and western medicine is gathered together. By the mid- 20th century , with the development of modern medical science , and the improvement of understanding to Chinese and Western medicine for researches, China proposes strengthening unity in traditional Chinese and western medicine clearly, learns from each other, by learning from other''s strong points to offset one''s weaknesses, promotes the Chinese people''s medical treatment , hygiene , health care task. In practice the value of integrated Chinese and Western had been approved. It is particularly apparent to the treatments of the orthopedics by integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. Though the improved clinical reports that integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine is comparatively superior to the ones of the traditional medicine or modern west medicine bring a large amount of clinically practical value, but the new life of the traditional ancient medical books and records that must entrust to integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine is really rare.
So, the purpose of this study lies in being used in the traditional medical ancient book and offers modernized possibility, makes instance discussion, and the step of the document selected that comments through all the ancient books is to choose for draw materials, and via internet, with traditional ancient books and records of the bone traumatology "Yi-Zong-Jin-Jian " regarding as original version, added explanatory notes by reference books such as dictionary, and the linking the synonym of disease in integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, and combined summaries and incorporation for the treatment of the modern scientific textbook of modern orthopedic surgery with the evidence-based medicine.
The appearing of this kind of result, because it has possessed the spirit of the characteristic of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine, can just make the ancient book get new ideas, obtain the brand-new appearance. Extensive material collection and high credibility of materials, through modern method, can certainly produce high-quality piecework.
Finally, we prove in accordance with the appearing of new book whether the existence of the traditional ancient books and records of the department can be merged in a new way of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. Depending on the conclusion of this research, we can also popularize the modernization of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine to various kinds of Chinese medicine ancient books and records.
目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 V
中文摘要 VIII
第一章 前言
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 文獻收集 5
第二節 文獻選評 9
第三章 材料與方法
第一節 材料收集 13
第二節 材料選取 14
第三節 方法設計 16
第四章 研究結果
第一節 結果呈現 18
第二節 結果特色 19
第五章 研究討論
第一節 研究結果與文獻探討 20
第二節 研究結果與實證醫學 24
第三節 研究結果與中西醫結合 27
第四節 研究結果與現代醫學 32
第六章 研究結論
第一節 研究結論正面價值 35
第二節 研究結論待改善空間 36
參考文獻 37
附錄 45
英文摘要 49
謝辭 105
1. 賴正均:中西醫結合治病將成為未來醫療發展的趨勢 刊名資料: 北市中醫會刊 卷期╱年月: 4:2=12 民87.06 頁58-63。北市中醫會刊.
2. 李政育、林寶華、蘇英福、羅仕榮、林揚南、葉慶釧:常見免疫系統、結締組織、關節炎的中西醫結合療法初探 刊名資料: 傳統醫學雜誌 卷期╱年月: 16 民94.04 頁114-125。傳統醫學雜誌.
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 30. 王振鵠:資訊功能與圖書管理 刊名資料: 縮影研究 卷期╱年月: 2:1 民73.03 頁8-9。縮影研究.
2. 27. 張新智:四庫全書子部術數類圖書著錄之評議 刊名資料: 弘光醫專學報 卷期╱年月: 29 民86.04 頁417-425。弘光醫專學報.
3. 26. 林君諭:四庫全書醫家類提要分析 刊名資料: 書府 卷期╱年月: 25/26 民94.11 頁66-81。書府.
4. 15. 孟和、席大民:中國骨科工作者的現代使命--骨科中西醫結合的科學與文化考察 刊名資料: 中醫骨傷科醫學雜誌 卷期╱年月: 1 民91.12 頁46-50。中醫骨傷科醫學雜誌.
5. 13. 孟和:中西醫結合骨科復位固定器療法的產生-現狀-展望。中醫藥雜誌.
6. 14. 孟和、席大民:骨科中西醫結合歷程的認識思考 刊名資料: 中醫骨傷科醫學雜誌 卷期╱年月: 1 民91.12 頁51-56。中醫骨傷科醫學雜誌.
7. 9. 李經緯:中西醫結合與中醫國際化趨勢。中醫藥雜誌.
8. 8. 侯燦:從科學方法論看中西醫結合 刊名資料: 中華生命科學 卷期╱年月: 1:1 民85.09 頁1-8。中華生命科學.
9. 7. 李經緯:東西方醫學交流與中西醫結合。中醫藥雜誌.
10. 6. 張永賢:世界衛生組織(WHO)及美國對傳統醫學的態度及工作 刊名資料: 中華針灸醫學會雜誌 卷期╱年月: 民87.11 頁107-113。中華針灸醫學會雜誌.
11. 5. 尚天裕:中西醫結合治療骨折新療法。中醫藥雜誌.
12. 3. 李經緯、李春興:從中醫外傳史看中西醫結合的前景。中醫藥雜誌.
13. 2. 李政育、林寶華、蘇英福、羅仕榮、林揚南、葉慶釧:常見免疫系統、結締組織、關節炎的中西醫結合療法初探 刊名資料: 傳統醫學雜誌 卷期╱年月: 16 民94.04 頁114-125。傳統醫學雜誌.
14. 1. 賴正均:中西醫結合治病將成為未來醫療發展的趨勢 刊名資料: 北市中醫會刊 卷期╱年月: 4:2=12 民87.06 頁58-63。北市中醫會刊.