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研究生(外文):Chin-Chung Lo
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Efficiency Using Constructed Wetland Inside a Ditch in City---A Example of Banboo Creek of Tainan
指導教授(外文):Shuh-Ren Jing
外文關鍵詞:Wastewater TreatmentBanboo Creekconstructed wetland
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竹溪流域集水區位於台南市人口密集的東區,現階段主要弁鈰筋偃ㄔ城炾鴝呇瓣藾P雨水的主要排水渠道,排水區面積約7.44平方公里,總長度約10公里,直接流入台灣海峽。晴天時主要承受家庭污水,水質屬嚴重性污染,日平均排水流量約 23,000~44,000 m3/d。溪岸採混泥土施工,溪底坡度緩和,河深與水流速度單一化,加上水質惡化,因此水域環境之生態景觀條件相當貧乏。竹溪示範性人工溼地系統完成於2004年8月,由環保署提供經費,台南市政府執行建造。濕地系統建構於竹溪現有河岸之水泥河階地,進流部分的竹溪排水,主要設置目標為探討溼地生態工法現地淨化污染性都市排水的可行性及增進都市河川生態多樣性及景觀美化的弁遄A並由試驗結果提出竹溪污染整治的可行性與完整性的生態工法構想。竹溪濕地系統由三個單元串聯所組成,第一單元為表面下流動濕地(SSF,subsurface flow system,長50m,寬4m,200 m2),第二單元為表面流動式系統(FWS,free water surface system,長150m,寬4m,600 m2),第三單元為SSF濕地(長50m,寬4m,200 m2)。濕地植物選擇兼具污染淨化及景觀美化的種類,如莎草、香浦、培地茅、風車草、美人焦。溼地進流水以沉浸式抽水機從竹溪取水,啟動階段(2004年8月至2005年3月)濕地系統進流流量平均控制於76 m3/day,水力負荷為0.076 m3/m2/day,水力停留時間平均為3.81天;之後(2005年3月至2006年3月)進流量提高到平均106 m3/day進行穩定操作階段的操作,此時水力負荷為0.106 m3/m2/day,水力停留時間約為2.69天。
啟動階段人工溼地系統對進流水主要污染物的平均去除效能分別為:總懸浮固體物(TSS) 71% ( 1.69 g/m2/day)、生化需氧量(BOD5) 77% ( 3.12 g/m2/day)、化學需氧量(COD) 58% ( 4.48g /m2/day)、總氮(TN) 20% ( 0.45 g/m2/day)、總磷(TP) -3%( -0.0011 g/m2/day)。穩定操作階段的污染物的平均去除效能分別為:TSS 81% (2.75 g/m2/day)、BOD5 80% ( 4.28 g/m2/day)、COD 51% (4.94 g/m2/day)、TN 31% (1.46g/m2/day)、TP 28%(0.09 g/m2/day)。此結果顯示,人工溼地生態系統需經過一段適應期才能逐漸提升並表現穩定的污染物淨化效能,尤其針對氮磷營養物的去除需更長的適應期。由一階柱塞流反應器模式(first order plug-flow reactor model)估算人工溼地系統啟動階段及穩定操作階段的BOD5去除速率常數平均分別為0.50 1/day(24℃)及0.76 1/day(24℃),相當於或甚至高於一般河川水質自淨模式中的BOD5脫氧速率常數的0.232 1/day(20℃)。此結果顯示人工溼地生態系統的天然淨化弁鄍i能高於河川的自淨弁遄A未來若將竹溪的水泥河階地全面性構築成人工溼地,並均散地分佈溪排水使流經溼地環境,將可有效的提昇竹溪的自淨弁遄A達到全面性水質淨化的目標。
Bamboo Creek, a typical urban river, is originated from the East District of Tainan City and offers an important function as a main drainage for both sewage and storm water runoff from urban areas. Its flow ends at Kun-Shen Bay, having a total length of about 10 km and drainage area of about 7.44 km2. Creek water is seriously polluted by the receiving sewage with a flow rate ranging from 23,000 to 44,000 m3/d when sunny days. The bank and bed of Bamboo Creek are mostly made of concrete; the slope of the creek bed is gentle, thus causing an unchanged water depth and velocity of water flow. Accordingly, ecological diversity and landscape esthetics along the creek are poor. The pilot-scale Bamboo Creek constructed wetland system was built in August 2004 by Tainan City Government under a project financially supported by Environmental Protection Administration. The treatment wetland system was constructed on the concrete bank of the creek and received part of the polluted creek water for purification. The goals of the wetland constructing project are to (1) investigate the performance of the pilot-scale constructed wetland for purification of the Bamboo Creek water, (2) examine the benefit of enhancement of biological diversity and landscape esthetics due to wetland construction, (3) propose feasible approaches for improvement in water quality of the whole Bamboo Creek. The Bamboo Creek wetland system has a channel configuration, which consists of a subsurface flow (SSF) unit (4 m × 50 m), a free water surface flow (FWS) unit (4 m × 150 m), and an SSF unit (4 m × 50 m) connecting in series. Macrophytes with functions of pollutants purification and landscape values, such as cattail, cyperus, vetiver grass, reed, and canna, were planted in wetlands. Creek water was pumped into the front part of the first wetland unit and then flowed through the system by gravity. The flow rate of influent was operated at 76 m3/day in average during the start-up phase from August 2004 to March 2005, and then increased to 106 m3/day in average afterward for a stable phase operation. This hydraulic condition represented an average hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the whole wetland system being 3.81 and 2.69 day for the start-up phase and the stable phase, respectively.
The monitoring results of influent-effluent water quality show that major pollutants in influent were significantly reduced by 71% (1.69 g/m2/day) for total suspended solid (TSS), 77% (3.12 g/m2/day) for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), 58% (4.48 g/m2/day) for chemical oxygen demand (COD), and 20% for total nitrogen (TN) in the start-up phase; but, total phosphorous (TP) removal was insignificant. In the stable phase, pollutants removal of the wetland system increased to be 81% (2.75 g/m2/day) for TSS, 80% (4.28 g/m2/day) for BOD5, 51% (4.94 g/m2/day) for COD, 31% (1.46 g/m2/day) for TN, 28%(0.09 g/m2/day) for TP. This founding suggests that constructed wetlands need an adaptation period, approximately 8 months in this study, to achieve a stable treatment performance particularly for nutrient removal. Using first order plug-flow reactor model, BOD5 removal rate constants of the whole wetland system were estimated to be 0.50 1/day (at 24℃) and 0.76 1/day (at 24℃) in the start-up and stable phase, respectively. These values were comparable to or even higher than the value of deoxygenation rate constant, 0.23 1/day (at 20℃), that is normally used in the river water-quality model. This may indicate that a constructed wetland potentially provides higher performance in water quality improvement than a river does. Creation of more wetland zones using the existed creek bank areas is proposed to improve water quality of the whole Bamboo Creek. A cost-effective method to construct wetlands and distribute the creek water in wetlands by gravity is also proposed.
第一章 前言…………………………………………………………...………1
1.1 研究背景…………………………………………………...……..1
1.2 研究動機……………………………………………………...…..3
1.3 研究目的……………………………………………………….....3
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………...4
2.1 溼地……………………………………………………………….4
2.1.1 溼地的定義與分類………………………………………….4
2.1.2 溼地的貢獻………………………………………………….8
2.1.3 溼地的價值………………………………………………...13
2.2 溼地的構造……………………………………………………...15
2.2.1 概述………………………………………………………...15
2.2.2 溼地水文…………………………………………………...15
2.2.3 溼地植物…………………………………………………...17
2.3 人工溼地概述…………………………………………………...19
2.3.1 人工溼地的種類…………………………………………...19
2.3.2 人工溼地的發展沿革與應用……………………………...21
2.3.3 人工溼地的淨化機制與弁遄K…………………………...24
2.4 營養鹽在人工溼地的宿命……………………………………...31
2.4.1 營養鹽的分布……………………………………………...31
2.4.2 氮循環……………………………………………………...31
2.4.3 鄰循環……………………………………………………...34
2.5 人工溼地中污染物去除模式…………………………………...35
2.5.1 柱塞流反應模式…………………………………………...36
2.5.2 溫度變化對去除速率的影響……………………………...39
2.6 在槽式人工溼地可行性………………………………………...40
第三章 實驗設施與方法……………………………….................................42
3.1 人工溼地系統….……………………..........................................42
3.1.1 竹溪人工溼地基本架構…………………………………...43
3.1.2 竹溪人工溼地建置………………………………………...44
3.2 操作方法………………………………………………………...54
3.3 水樣採集與水質監測分析...........................................................54
3.3.1 水樣採集...............................................................................54
3.3.2 水質監測與分析...................................................................55
3.3.3 現場監測分析.......................................................................56
3.3.4 水樣分析…………………………………………………...56
第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………………….59
4.1 竹溪人工溼地水質變化………………………………………...59
4.2 竹溪人工溼地水質淨化效能…………………………………...62
4.3 竹溪人工溼地特性……………………………………………...80
4.3.1 竹溪人工溼地水質特性…………………………………...80
4.3.2 竹溪人工溼地植物………………………………………...83
4.4 竹溪人工溼地其它效能評估…………………………………...85
4.4.1 去除速率常數……………………………………………...85
4.4.2 污染負荷與出流濃度、去除速率的關係………………….91
第五章 結論………………………………………………………...............105
第六章 建議………………………………………………………………...108
第七章 參考文獻…………………………………………………………...116

表1.1 竹溪水質現況……………………………………………………………2
表2.1 溼地的定義………………………………………………………………5
表2.2 溼地的種類………………………………………………………………7
表2.3 溼地的價值弁遄K……………………………………………………..14
表2.4 國外人工溼地系統的發展沿革………………………………………..22
表2.5 人工溼地的淨化機制與弁遄K………………………………………..26
表2.6 人工溼地的去除機制…………………………………………………..27
表3.1 竹溪人工溼地操作條件………………………………………………..54
表3.2 分析項目及方法………………………………………………………..55
表4.1 在A、B試程中各污染物平均濃度……….……………………………60
表4.2 人工溼地中主要汙染物參數………………………………………….64
表4.3 竹溪人工溼地淹水日程表…………………………………………….82
表4.4 BOD去除速率常數…………………………………………………….85

圖2.1 溼地水生植物的根區圖………………………………………………..18
圖2.2 自由表面流系統…..................................................................................20
圖2.3 表面下流動系統………………………………………………………..21
圖2.4 人工溼地處理廢水的循環過程………………………………………..31
圖2.5 溼地中氮的循環………………………………………………………..32
圖2.6 溼地中的磷循環………………………………………………………..34
圖3.1 竹溪人工溼地處理系統位置圖………………………………………..42
圖3.2 竹溪人工溼地處理系統流程圖………………………………………..43
圖3.3 竹溪人工溼地處理系統建構前原貌(前半部)………………………...46
圖3.4 竹溪人工溼地處理系統建構前原貌(後半部)………………………...46
圖3.5 現場整地情況………………………………………………………….47
圖3.6 紐澤西護欄設立情況………………………………………………….47
圖3.7 不透水布鋪設情況…………………………………………………….48
圖3.8 SSF系統 蚵殼鋪設情況….....................................................................48
圖3.9 SSF系統 礫石鋪設情況……………………………………………….49
圖3.10 FWS系統 土壤鋪設情況……………………………………………..49
圖3.11 系統進流配管及流量計裝設…………………………………………50
圖3.12 系統間配管……………………………………………………………50
圖3.13 抽水泵浦設置…………………………………………………………51
圖3.13 抽水泵浦設置…………………………………………………………51
圖3.15 電力系統配置…………………………………………………………52
圖3.16 系統植栽………………………………………………………………52
圖4.1 A、B試程,停留時間對總懸浮固體物關係圖…………………….65
圖4.2 A、B試程,時間對總懸浮固體物關係圖………………………….65
圖4.3 A、B試程,停留時間對生化需氧量關係圖…………………………..68
圖4.4 A、B試程,時間對生化需氧量關係圖………………………………..68
圖4.5 A、B試程,停留時間對化學需氧量關係圖…………………………..71
圖4.6 A、B試程,時間對化學需氧量關係圖………………………………..71
圖4.7 A、B試程,停留時間對總磷關係圖…………………………………..74
圖4.8 A、B試程,時間對總磷關係圖………………………………………..74
圖4.9 A、B試程,停留時間對總氮關係圖…………………………………..78
圖4.10 A、B試程,時間對總氮關係圖………………………………………78
圖4.11 A試程中SSF I,BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖……………………….86
圖4.12 A試程中FWS,BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖………………………86
圖4.13 A試程中SSF II,BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖…...…………………87
圖4.14 A試程BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖…………………………………87
圖4.15 B試程中SSF I,BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖………………………89
圖4.16 B試程中FWS,BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖………………………..89
圖4.17 B試程中SSF II,BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖………………………90
圖4.18 B試程,BOD5溫度校正係數關係圖………………………………..90
圖4.19 A試程,TSS污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖…………………………95
圖4.20 B試程,TSS污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖…………………………95
圖4.21 A試程,BOD5污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖………………………96
圖4.22 B試程,BOD5污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖………………………96
圖4.23 A試程,COD污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖.………………………97
圖4.24 B試程,COD污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖………………………97
圖4.25 A試程,TP污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖….......................................98
圖4.26 B試程,TP污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖…………………………...98
圖4.27 A試程,TN污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖…………………………..99
圖4.28 B試程,TN污染負荷與出流濃度關係圖…………………………...99
圖4.29 A試程,TSS污染負荷與去除速率關係圖………………………100
圖4.30 B試程,TSS污染負荷與去除速率關係圖………………………100
圖4.31 A試程,BOD5污染負荷與去除速率關係圖………………………101
圖4.32 B試程,BOD5污染負荷與去除速率關係圖………………………101
圖4.33 A試程,COD污染負荷與去除速率關係圖……………………….102
圖4.34 B試程,COD污染負荷與去除速率關係圖……………………….102
圖4.35 A試程,TP污染負荷與去除速率關係圖………………………….103
圖4.36 B試程,TP污染負荷與去除速率關係圖………………………….103
圖4.37 A試程,TN污染負荷與去除速率關係圖…………………………104
圖4.38 B試程,TN污染負荷與去除速率關係圖………………………….104
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