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研究生(外文):Jyun Cong
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Stability of Emulsion Cosmetics
指導教授(外文):Wei Jing Hung
外文關鍵詞:RheologyParticle size distributionCosmeticsShelf-livesAgingUltraviolet ray
  • 被引用被引用:12
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本研究中所使用的方法,即將十種市售乳化產品及一種實驗室研製之乳化產品,經以加速產品老化的方法,其方法選用以高低溫度循環(50℃g0℃g37℃)方式,與連續紫外線照射(7.54x106J/m²g52.78x106J/m²) 等老化環境條件,分別於老化一天與七天後,藉由測其老化前後之色澤、粒徑分佈大小、流變性及其他物理與化學特性結果,取得快速判斷安定性的量化依據,建立一套乳化產品的安定性篩選系統。
(1) 當粒徑分佈變化維持10µm以下,代表乳化產品能得到較高的安定性,(2)當乳化上層與下層粒徑差異約在10μm以上,乳化產品均出現上層粒徑大於下層粒徑的不安定現象,顯示分散相比重較小的乳滴會有上浮傾向,(3)當乳化上層與下層油水比例差異約在4%以上,乳化產品均出現下層的水含量明顯大於上層的不安定現象,顯示O/W型的不安定現象會造成分散相上浮的傾向,可能導致相分離情況產生,(4)當老化前後pH值差異約在0.5以上,可能伴隨著乳化粒徑趨大及黏度降黏等不安定現象發生。
Cosmetics usually are in accordance with preserve terms by accelerate-aging test method to insure the shelf-lives of the cosmetics, The method used not only takes a lot of time but also lacks of complete quantification of system, so this research studies on the stability of emulsion cosmetic.
This research choose ten kinds of emulsion products and one kind of emulsion product developed from laboratory through the accelerate-aging method that the temperature circulation method(50℃→0℃→37℃) and strengthen (7.54x106J/m²→52.78x106J/m²) with the continuous ultraviolet ray under two different aging environment conditions, observing for one day and seven day respectively. By measuring the color、particle distribution size、rheology and other physics and chemical characteristic, Set up a set of assessment systems that can obtain speedily recognizable stability of quantification of system.
The study shows that this method can get two kinds of better emulsion products and four kinds of products which cause phase separation by observing physics and chemical characteristic in one day, and receive four conclusions appraising the stability of emulsion by comparing the difference before and after aging, It shows as follows:
(1)When the particle distribution variation keep under 10µm, representing the emulsion products can get higher stability, (2)When the particle size difference between upper and lower layer is larger than 10µm, the unstable emulsion products appear upper particle distribution is greater than the lower, The result shows the droplet which have smaller density of dispersion phase will float up, (3)When the oil-water ratio difference between upper and lower layer are more than 4%, the water content of upper layer of unstable emulsion products will greater than lower, The result shows the unstable phenomenon of the O/W type will cause phase separation, It may result in separating the phase, (4)pH value difference above 0.5 before and after aging may cause unstable phenomenon that emulsion particle become larger and viscosity become lower.
Set up a set of assessment systems can judge within one day whether the products must carry on the stability test procedure in order to deal with the development of a large number of products, economize the stable evaluation time, and offer emulsion products guarantee for improving competitiveness, From the result of stability of emulsion products can also offer the important basis judgment while measuring the emulsion products of cosmetics industry.
授權書 Ⅰ
審定書 Ⅱ
中文摘要 Ⅲ
英文摘要致謝 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅸ
表目錄 Ⅹ
第一章 緒論
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機 2
1-3研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 化粧品的乳化技術 3
2-2界面活性劑在化粧品的應用 3
2-3乳化產品的製備 6
2-4影響乳化安定性因素 6
2-4-1布朗運動 7
2-4-2 Stoke運動 8
2-4-3立體障礙效應 9
2-4-4 Zeta電位 11
2-4-5流變學 12
2-5乳化的不安定性現象 14
2-6乳化化粧品安定性測試法 16
2-6-1溫度測試法 16
2-6-2光照測試法 18
2-6-3離心測試法 19
2-7安定性檢測原理 20
2-7-1粒徑分佈檢測 20
2-7-2錐板流變儀檢測黏度 21
2-7-3色澤計的色差定量 22
第三章 研究材料、儀器設備及方法
3-1研究材料 25
3-2儀器設備 25
3-3實驗方法 26
3-3-1紫外線對溫度的影響 26
3-3-2加速安定性環境試驗 27
3-3-3離心試驗 28
3-4測試方法與步驟 29
3-4-1乳化粒徑分佈檢測 29
3-4-2流變性及黏度檢測 29
3-4-3油水含量檢測 30
3-4-4酸鹼值檢測 30
3-4-5色澤檢測 30
第四章 結果
4-1乳化產品的安定性篩選 31
4-1-1乳化產品的色差變化 31
4-1-2乳化產品的粒徑分佈 32
4-2乳化產品的油水分佈 34
4-3乳化產品的酸鹼值變化 35
4-4乳化產品的流變特性 36
第五章 討論
5-1乳化產品的安定性篩選 42
5-1-1乳化產品的色差變化 42
5-1-2乳化產品的粒徑變化 44
5-1-3流變曲線下的黏度變化 47
5-2乳化產品在不同老化階段的差異比較 51
5-2-1乳化粒徑分佈差異比較 51
5-2-2乳化上層與下層差異比較 53
5-3乳化產品的酸鹼值變化 56
5-4乳化產品的流變特性 58
第六章 總結 61
第七章 文獻參考 63
圖目錄 67
表目錄 86
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