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研究生(外文):Hsi-Jung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Uniformity improvement of III-V semiconductor backside via hole plating by using electron pulse technique
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Gwo Huang
外文關鍵詞:platingelectron pulsepH valueflow
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The trend of shrinking device size and maintaining feature integrated-functions give the manufacturing process towards more complicated and the accompanied heat dissipation also become a challenge. In common practice gold metal is electro-plated on the backside of high frequency HBT and pHEMT devices to use as ground and heat sink.
The deep-hole plating is one of the competitive techniques in the manufacturing process. It forms the back hole on the wafer by dry etching first. Then, the gold is coated uniformly by sputtering followed by a wet etching step. Because the sputtering process has better uniformity, the gold layer is usually formed by sputtering. And the low cost thick film is deposited by electrical plating with the expense of poor uniformity. Therefore, how to improve the quality of the plating film becomes a critical issue in developing modern advanced devices.
The purpose of this thesis work is to control the deposition rate by pulse time. Because deep-hole plating will be influenced by the density of the solution inside and outside the hole, and thus raise the resistance due to the non-uniformity of the deposition. Precise control of solution, temperature, pH value, acidimeter, flow rate and current density is necessary for optimum plating conditions to achieve high yield and low cost.
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機與目的
1-2 論文大綱
第二章 Ⅲ-Ⅴ晶圓背面(Backside)製程簡介
2-1 背景
2-2 製程分類與介紹
第三章 電鍍原理與製程應用
3-1 電鍍之定義
3-2 電鍍原理
3-3 電鍍基本元件與架構
3-4 電鍍方法
3-4-1 電鍍機台特性
3-5 電鍍基礎
3-6 極化原理
3-7 影響填孔電鍍的因素
第四章 實驗方法與步驟
4-1 實驗流程
4-1-1 電鍍藥水規格
4-1-2 電鍍藥水成份及反應機制
4-1-3 氰化物與非氰化物之電鍍液比較
4-1-4 非氰化物電鍍液金析出機制
4-2 實驗器材及設備
4-3 電鍍範圍
第五章 實驗結果與討論
5-1 實驗方法
5-2 溫度對均勻度之影響
5-3 電鍍液pH值分析
5-4 流場對均勻度之影響
5-5 DC電流分析
5-6 最佳化電子脈衝比
5-7 亮點
第六章 結論與未來展望
6-1 結論
6-2 未來研究目標
6-3 Backside Via Hole金薄膜剝離現象探討
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