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研究生(外文):Chung-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Real-time Face Detection Systems
指導教授(外文):Chi-Sheng Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Skin-colorFace detectionLookup tableFace features
  • 被引用被引用:4
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本論文目的為發展以膚色分離與降低環境亮度影響為核心技術之即時人臉偵測系統,此系統主要分為:「影像擷取與處理」和「人臉影像偵測」模組。影像擷取與處理模組係利用動態偵測來判斷是否有移動物體進入攝影機之攝像範圍以啟動人臉偵測系統外,也可同步利用查詢表(Lookup table)進行自然環境的亮度修正,並且擷取移動物體之影像。而人臉影像偵測模組其功能是利用膚色分離與條件判斷,將所擷取影像中之人臉區域偵測出來。本系統經測試後,在3到5公尺的範圍中已能將人臉正確地加以偵測出來,隨著目標物的緩慢逼近,也能將臉部的特徵如眼睛及嘴巴等正確地框取出來。
The object of this thesis is to develop a real-time face detection system base on the technology of skin-color separation and lowering the influence of circumstance-brightness. The developed system mainly consists of ‘image capture and process’ and ‘face image detection’ two modules. The first module is used to capture the image from camera when system detected moving object as well as correct the effect on environment brightness by using lookup table. The second module is to detect the face area from the image captured in the front module by way of skin-color separation and conditions judgment. The system is tested and the performances show that it can successfully detect the face area in the detection distance from 3 to 5 meters, and frame the face feature such as eyes and mouth when the face is approaching to the camera.
圖目錄....................................................... ⅵ
第一章 緒論....................................................1
1-1 研究背景及目的.........................................1
1-2 論文架構...............................................3
第二章 人臉偵測相關研究探討....................................4
2-1 色彩空間...............................................4
2-1-1 HSL..............................................6
2-1-2 HSV..............................................6
2-1-3 YCbCr............................................7
2-2 人臉偵測相關技術.......................................8
2-3 綜合討論............................................14
第三章 即時人臉偵測系統設計...................................15
3-1 人臉偵測系統架構......................................15
3-2 影像擷取與處理模組....................................17
3-2-1 明暗度修正......................................17
3-2-2 移動偵測........................................20
3-3 人臉偵測模組..........................................21
3-3-1 高斯濾波........................................22
3-3-2 色彩空間轉換....................................24
3-3-3 影像二值化處理..................................27
3-3-4 邊緣檢測........................................30
第四章 系統測試與討論.........................................35
4-1 系統實作..............................................35
4-2 系統測試..............................................36
4-2-1 於複雜度低之測試環境............................37
4-3 測試結果與討論........................................40
第五章 結論與未來展望.........................................42
5-1 結論..................................................42
5-2 未來展望..............................................42
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