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研究生(外文):Jiunn-Jyh Shyong
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Internet-based Image Surveillance Systems
指導教授(外文):Chi-Sheng Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Remote SurveillanceMotion DetectionMPEG-Ⅳ
  • 被引用被引用:1
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本研究使用動態影像偵測與MPEG-Ⅳ影像壓縮技術製作一套網路式遠端影像監控系統。此系統包含:監控主機之伺服模組與系統管理主機之遠端監控模組;伺服模組之功能為影像動態偵測與影像壓縮,遠端操作模組之功能為遠端操作、即時監看與記錄查詢。在完成影像監控系統的設計後,以個人電腦和USB攝影機在MS Windows作業環境下採用程式語言MontiVision和Visual Basic6.0進行系統實作。此系統經測試,錄影所得之壓縮比為1:40,能有效降低影像資料量與系統資源。遠端監控模組亦可監看即時畫面與查詢過往紀錄。
The object of this thesis is to develop a network-based image surveillance system based on the technology of image detection and MPEG-Ⅳ image compression. The developed system consists of server module for monitoring and client module for system management. The functions of server module are image motion detection and image compression. The functions of client module are remote operation, real-time monitoring and searching records. After system design, the system will be implemented in personal computer and usb camera with Monti Vision and Visual Basic 6.0 on MS Windows. The system is tested and the performances show that, the image compression ratio is 1:40, It is effective to reduce size of file and system resources. The client module can monitor real-time image and search records.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
圖目錄 Ⅵ
表目錄 Ⅷ

第一章 緒論 .1
1-1研究背景及動機 .1
1-2研究目的 .2
1-3論文章節架構 .2

第二章 影像監控系統 .4
2-1影像監控系統簡介與基本架構 .4
2-1.1 傳統影像監控系統 .5
2-1.2 數位影像監控系統 .6
2-2數位資料壓縮 .9
2-3 視訊壓縮 10
2-4 資料庫系統 12
2-4.1 SQL SEVER 2000 14
2-4.2 ActiveX 14
2-5 國內外有關計畫之發展情況 16

第三章 系統規劃與設計 18
3-1系統架構 18
3-2伺服模組 19
3-2.1動態影像偵測 20
3-2.2 MPEG-Ⅳ壓縮 22
3-2.3 資料存取 24
3-3遠端監控模組 27
3-3.1即時監看 28
3-3.2遠端監控 34

第四章 系統實作與測試 36
4-1系統實作 36
4-2系統測試 37

第五章 結論與未來展望 43
5-1結論 43
5-1未來展望 43
參考文獻 45
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