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研究生(外文):Chi-Hung Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Investigation of Process-structure-property Relationship of Plasma Deposited Fluorocarbon Films Using Design of Experiment and Plasma Diagnostics
指導教授(外文):Ta-Chin Wei
外文關鍵詞:super-hydrophobicfluorocarbon filmF/C ratioplasma depositiondesign of experimentalemitting materialplasma diagnosticelectronegativity
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藉由電漿性質量測與膜材特性分析結果的交叉比較,發現隨電漿功率上升其電漿密度隨之增加亦進而提升沉積速率;隨著CF4含量(CH2F2/CF4 Plasma)提升因H原子來源相對降低,而造成沉積速率因而下降,但其薄膜氟碳比則隨CF4增加呈現上升趨勢。於氟碳電漿其它電漿性質分析中發現,低電漿功率與高操作壓力製程下具有較高的陰電性,且CH2F2亦屬高陰電性之氣體。
以L-shape反應器(單體為C7F8)製備含芳香環結構之電漿聚合氟碳膜之研究顯示,單體由後輝光區導入之downstream製程的成膜速率較單體由電漿區上游導入之upstream製程為快;然而,於upstream製程中可獲得低折射率與高氟碳比之氟碳膜。於FTIR及XPS數據中,downstream製程條件下之膜材仍可保有原單體官能基(即aromatic ring structure);此外,在光學性質測試發現,downstream製程下獲得的氟碳膜具有發藍光特性,且製程中產生的氟碳球具有超疏水性質(接觸角達153o)。
Fluorinated amorphous carbon (a-C:F) films have attracted much attention in the last several decades due to their chemical stability, low surface energy, low refractive index, good electrical and thermal insulation. Plasma polymerization is one of the most popular techniques for obtaining a-C:F film with several favorable advantages such as a dry process and controlled thickness. The properties of plasma deposited a-C:F film are strongly affected by its chemical structure, which in turn, is strongly dependent on the plasma characteristics. However, few literatures reported the plasma characteristics and process-structure-property relationships of a-C:F film at the same time. In this study, the plasma diagnostics and experimental design methodology were used to characterize the plasma and elucidate the process-structure-property relationships of a-C:F film deposited in 13.56 MHz RF plasma reactor. The dissertator can be divided into four subjects and the results are summarized below.
Firstly, the experimental design methodology was used to investigate the influence of process parameters on the characteristics of fluorocarbon films deposited in CH2F2/CF4 plasma. It was found that the CF4 flow rate and substrate temperature were the most significant factors that affect the deposition rate and refractive index of the deposited film. A higher deposition rate was obtained in films deposited under moderate CF4 feed; lower substrate temperature and higher RF power conditions. The lower refractive index was obtained under higher CF4 feed; lower substrate temperature and moderate RF power conditions. It was also found that the fluorocarbon film with a higher F/C ratio was less cross-linked with a lower refractive index and less thermal stability. Potential reactions were proposed to explain the effect of process parameters on the film characteristics.
Secondly, the plasma diagnostics tools (including OES, Langmuir probe and QMS) were used to investigate the influences of operating parameters on the inductive-coupled CH2F2/CF4 plasma. It was found that CH2F2/CF4 plasma is highly electro-negative. The electron density increases with the increase of RF power, resulting in the enhancement of deposition rate. The dominant ion is CHF2+ for pure CH2F2 plasmas at low RF powers. As the input power is increased, abundant high-carbon ions are produced, C3H3F2+, C3H2F3+ and C3HF4+ ions being the dominant ones. Since the F/C atomic ratio is lower in C3 ions than in CHF2+, the F/C ratio of a-C:F film decreases as the power is increased. When 15% CF4 is added to CH2F2 plasmas, the dominant ionic species shifts to CF3+, and the most abundant C3 ions changes from C3H3F2+ to C3HF4+, which correlates to the experimental results that higher F/C ratio was found in films deposited in CH2F2 plasma with CF4 addition. Although the plasma density is not changed with increasing the CF4 flow rate, the dominant charged species become all perfluorocarbon ions when the feed contains 40% CF4, with the order of CF3+>C3F5+>C4F7+, which results in the decrease of deposition rate.
Thirdly, the aromatic C7F8, cyclic C7F14 and linear C7F16 monomers with Ar or H2 additive gas were used to deposit a-C:F film in a 13.56 MHz RF parallel plate plasma reactor. It was found that the deposition rate decreased with substrate temperature. The monomer contains unsaturated bonds had the highest deposition rate, especially the a-C:F film with F/C ratio higher than 0.8 could be obtained by C7F8/Ar plasma at 400℃ with a deposition rate of 35 nm/min. As the flow rate of hydrogen additive increased, the deposition rate increased at first, reached a maximum and then decreased in C7Fx/H2 process. But too much H2 addition dilutes the concentration of C7Fx monomers. The F/C ratio and refractive index were only slightly influenced by substrate temperature in C7Fx/Ar plasma polymer; however, they were significantly affected by substrate temperature in C7Fx/H2 plasma-deposited film. According to the FTIR and XPS spectra, the film possessed the aromatic-ring structure or the lower F/C ratio had the higher thermal stability. In addition, the TGA data indicated the thermal stability up to a temperature of 450℃ from the film deposited by C7F8 plasma at 400℃.
Finally, the aromatic C7F8 monomer was used to deposit a-C:F film in an RF plasma reactor. While keeping the argon gas inlet position fixed, the inlet position effect of the C7F8 monomer on the deposited a-C:F film characteristics was investigated. It was found that, when C7F8 entered upstream of the plasma, the deposited film possessed no aromatic structure and the deposition rate was low. The F/C ratio of the film was higher than 1.4, and the surface was smooth. For film deposited as the C7F8 entered in the afterglow (the so-called ‘downstream’ process), the deposition rate was quite high and copious amount of the aromatic structure were preserved. The F/C ratio of the film was lower than 1.0, and the surface was rough.

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
總目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XIII
符號說明 XX

第 一 章 前言
1-1. 研究緣起 1
1-2. 研究目標與論文架構 5
參考文獻 8
第 二 章 文獻回顧
2-1. 電漿技術及基本原理 15
2-1.1 電漿生成及基本反應 17
2-1.2 電漿sheath特性 22
2-1.3 電漿鍍膜製程 28
2-2. 電漿氟碳膜相關研究文獻 34
2-2.1 電漿氟碳膜於低介電材料上之應用 34
2-2.2 電漿診斷技術於氟碳膜製備之應用 39
2-2.3 具功能性電漿氟碳膜之製備 42
參考文獻 45
第 三 章 實驗方法與分析儀器及其原理
3-1. 實驗流程與設計方法 52
3-1.1 實驗材料 52
3-1.2 論文架構與各章節之實驗架構 55
3-1.3 電漿鍍膜設備介紹 60
3-1.4 回應曲面實驗設計法之簡介 65
3-2. 分析儀器與原理 69
3-2.1 膜材特性分析 69
3-2.2 膜表面性質分析 76
3-2.3 電漿診斷系統 78
參考文獻 101
第 四 章 以實驗設計法探討電漿參數對其製備氟碳膜性質之影響
本章摘要 105
4-1. 簡介 106
4-2. 實驗方法 108
4-2.1 沉積系統 108
4-2.2 實驗設計法 108
4-2.3 膜材性質分析 111
4-3. 結果與討論 112
4-3.1 實驗數據分析 112
4-3.2 膜結構之分析 128
4-4. 結論 137
參考文獻 138
第 五 章 以電漿診斷法探討電漿沉積氟碳膜之膜材特性與其電漿性質之研究
本章摘要 143
5-1. 簡介 144
5-2. 實驗方法 145
5-2.1 鍍膜系統 145
5-2.2 膜材性質分析 148
5-2.3 電漿診斷系統 148
5-3. 結果與討論 154
5-3.1 鍍膜製程與膜結構分析 154
5-3.2 電漿性質量測 158
5-3.3 陰電性電漿特性分析 175
5-3.4 離子能量分佈特性分析 180
5-4. 結論 183
5-5. 後記:電漿反應器型式對沉積氟碳膜製程之影響 184
參考文獻 186
第 六 章 探討電漿沉積氟碳膜成膜先驅物鍵結型態對膜材性質之影響
本章摘要 191
6-1. 簡介 192
6-2. 實驗步驟 193
6-2.1 鍍膜系統 193
6-2.2 膜材性質分析 195
6-3. 結果與討論 195
6-3.1 鍍膜製程與膜結構分析 196
6-3.2 膜材特性分析 205
6-4. 結論 213
參考文獻 214
第 七 章 以Ar/C7F8電漿製備氟碳膜之研究
本章摘要 218
7-1. 簡介 219
7-2. 實驗方法 222
7-2.1 沉積系統 222
7-2.2 膜材性質分析 224
7-3. 結果與討論 225
7-3.1 沉積製程與膜結構分析 225
7-3.2 膜材特性分析 232
7-3.3 電漿氟碳膜應用測試 241
7-4. 結論 246
7-5. 後記:電漿反應器型式對沉積氟碳膜之結構差異 247
參考文獻 250
第 八 章 結論與建議 254

附錄A 鍍膜系統再現性製程 257
附錄B 液態單體流量校正與其FTIR頻譜圖 259
附錄C 電漿鍍膜系統均勻度測試 262
附錄D 四極質譜儀偵測器對離子質量敏感性校正 265
附錄E 電漿氟碳膜於感測器應用測試 267

作者簡述 269


Table 1-1 Paper review on plasma deposition a-C:F film---3
Table 2-1 Comparison of plasma polymerization with conventional polymerization---28
Table 2-2 Paper review on a-C:F film by PECVD---37
Table 3-1 FTIR absorption bands for a-C:F films---71
Table 3-2 Comparison of AFM operation modes---77
Table 4-1 Deposition conditions and responses of a-C:F films from the DOE---109
Table 4-2 Definitions and levels of factors in the DOE---110
Table 4-3 The t-value and probability for the main factors and interaction effects in the deposition rate discussion---113
Table 4-4 The t-value and probability for the main factors and interaction effects in the refractive index discussion---114
Table 4-5 Potential reactions in CH2F2/CF4 plasma---121
Table 5-1 Deposition conditions and characteristics of a-C:F films---147
Table 5-2 Diagnostic conditions and results of probe diagnostics---149
Table 5-3 Mass spectra of positive ions collected in CH2F2 plasmas under various CH2F2/CF4 ratios---174
Table 6-1 Deposition conditions and results of a-C:F films---194
Table 6-2 Comparison of C1s XPS spectra of the filmat various precursors---204
Table 6-3 Adhesion test results---209
Table 7-1 Film structure of a-C:F film deposited in upstream and downstream processes under various positions by FTIR analysis (Condition: C7F8/Ar=10/2.5, 36 W, 200 mTorr)---231
Table 7-2 Elemental composition, refractive index and contact angle of a-C:F film at various positions---233
Table 7-3 Percentage of integrated peak areas for deconvoluted C1s XPS spectra (Condition: C7F8/Ar=10/2.5, 36 W, 200 mTorr)---237
Table 7-4 Comparion of the film structure by the FTIR analysis---248


Figure 2-1 Schematic diagram of reactions occurred in a
plasma reactor. 21
Figure 2-2 Characteristics of sheath and presheath in contact
with a wall. 24
Figure 2-3 Boundary between polymerizing and etching condition
as a function of F/C ratio of the monomer. 30
Figure 2-4 Schematic representation of step growth mechanism
of plasma polymerization. 32
Figure 2-5 Overall mechanism of plasma polymerization. 33
Figure 3-1 Main experimental flow chart. 55
Figure 3-2 Experimental flow chart of chapter 4. 56
Figure 3-3 Experimental flow chart of chapter 5. 57
Figure 3-4 Experimental flow chart of chapter 6. 58
Figure 3-5 Experimental flow chart of chapter 7. 59
Figure 3-6 Schematic diagram of CCP-CVD system. 60
Figure 3-7 Flow rate of C7F8 as a function of scale of metering valve. 62
Figure 3-8 Schematic diagram of ICP-CVD system. 63
Figure 3-9 Schematic diagram of L-shape reactor. 64
Figure 3-10 The MIS(Al/a-C:F/Si wafer)structure. 70
Figure 3-11 Example of the C1s XPS spectra of a-C:F film. 73
Figure 3-12 Example of contact angle result. 76
Figure 3-13 Schematic diagram of OES system. 78
Figure 3-14 Energy levels of nitrogen plasma. 79
Figure 3-15 Schematic diagram of Langmuir probe system. 81
Figure 3-16 Typical I-V characteristic for a Langmuir probe. 84
Figure 3-17 Sheah thickness of thin sheath theory. 85
Figure 3-18 Sheah thickness of thick sheath theory. 89
Figure 3-19 Step by step analysis of probe I-V curve. 92
Figure 3-20 Electron energy probability functions of the CH2F2 plasma. 93
Figure 3-21 Schematic view of the quadrupole mass spectrometer. 94
Figure 3-22 Schematic view of the quadrupole mass filter. 96
Figure 3-23 Schematic diagram secondary electron multiplier. 97
Figure 3-24 Schematic view of the ion energy analyzer. 98
Figure 4-1 Prediction profiles of the deposition rate for
a-C:F films as a function of the process parameters. 116
Figure 4-2 Comparison of the experimentally observed
deposition rate with the rate predicted using Eq. 4-3. 117
Figure 4-3 Response surface contours for the deposition rate as
a function of two factors at a time. (a) CF4 flow rate and
substrate temperature, RF power = 0, pressure = 0; (b) RF power
and substrate temperature, CF4 flow rate = 0, pressure = 0. 119
Figure 4-4 Prediction profiles of the refractive index for
a-C:F films as a function of the process parameters. 124
Figure 4-5 Comparison of experimentally observed refractive index
with the refractive index predicted using Eq. 4-4. 125
Figure 4-6 Response surface contours for refractive index as
a function of two factors at a time. (a) CF4 flow rate and RF power,
pressure = 0, substrate temperature = 0; (b) CF4 flow rate and
substrate temperature, RF power = 0, pressure = 0. 127
Figure 4-7 FTIR spectra of a-C:F film under various conditions. 131
Figure 4-8 The C1s XPS spectra of a-C:F film under various conditions;
(a), (b), (c) and (d) show the effect of CF4 flow rate, RF power,
pressure and substrate temperature, respectively. 133
Figure 4-9 The refractive index and shrinkage in a-C:F film as
a function of the film’s F/C ratio. Shrinkage (%) = (b-a)/b×100,
where b and a are the film thickness before and after the annealing
process, respectively. Symbols (a) to (g) represent the deposition
conditions listed in Fig. 4-7. 135
Figure 4-10 The F/C ratio and contact angle of as-deposited film
versus normalized CFx vibrations FTIR intensity. 136
Figure 5-1 Schematic diagram of ICP-CVD system. 146
Figure 5-2 OES spectra of the CF4, CH2F2 and
CH2F2/40%CF4 plasmas. 150
Figure 5-3 Mass spectra of positive ions collected
in pure CH2F2 plasma. 151
Figure 5-4 Variation of deposition rate and film structure
of a-C:F films under various input powers. 155

Figure 5-5 Variation of deposition rate and film structure
of a-C:F films under various pressures. 156
Figure 5-6 Variation of deposition rate and film structure
of a-C:F films with CF4 feed percentages. 157
Figure 5-7 Electron density and temperature in CH2F2 plasma
as a function of ICP power. 158
Figure 5-8 Effect of discharge parameter ((a) Power,
(b) Pressure, (c) CH2F2/CF4 ratio) on the EEPF in the CH2F2 plasma. 160
Figure 5-9 Relative intensity of CH, C2, H and F
under various powers. 161
Figure 5-10 Mass spectra of positive ions collected
in CH2F2 plasmas under various powers. 163
Figure 5-11 Relative ion concentration in CH2F2 plasmas
under various powers. (C3M5+:C3H3F2+、C3H2F3+、C3HF4+
and C3F5+; C4M7+:C4H2F5+、C4HF6+ and C4F7+) 164
Figure 5-12 Electron density and temperature in CH2F2 plasma
as a function of the pressure. 165
Figure 5-13 Relative ion concentration in CH2F2 plasmas
under various pressures. (C3M5+:C3H3F2+、C3H2F3+、C3HF4+
and C3F5+; C4M7+:C4H2F5+、C4HF6+ and C4F7+) 166
Figure 5-14 Mass spectra of positive ions collected
in CH2F2 plasmas under various pressures. 167
Figure 5-15 Relative intensity of CH, C2, H and F
under various pressures. 168

Figure 5-16 Electron density and temperature in CH2F2/CF4 plasma
as a function of the CF4 feed percentage. 169
Figure 5-17 Relative intensity of CH, C2, H and F
under various CH2F2/CF4 ratios. 171
Figure 5-18 Mass spectra of positive ions collected
in CH2F2/CF4 plasmas. 173
Figure 5-19 Electron density and temperature in Ar plasma
as a function of the power. 176
Figure 5-20 Positive ion density and electronegativity in CH2F2
plasma as a function of the discharge parameter.
(a) Power, (b) Pressure. 177
Figure 5-21 Positive ion density and electronegativity
in CH2F2/CF4 plasma as a function of the CF4 feed percentage. 178
Figure 5-22 Sheath voltage drop in CH2F2 plasma as a function
of the discharge parameters. (a) Power, (b) Pressure,
(c) CH2F2/CF4 ratio. 179
Figure 5-23 Ion energy distributions in CH2F2 plasma as a function
of the discharge parameter. (a) Power, (b) Pressure. 182
Figure 6-1 Effect of precursor F/C ratio on the resultant F/C ratio
in the film. 196
Figure 6-2 Variation of the film deposition rate with
substrate temperature at various precursors. 198
Figure 6-3 Variation of the film deposition rate
with hydrogen flow rate. 201
Figure 6-4 FTIR spectra of the film at various precursors. 202
Figure 6-5 The C1s XPS spectra of the film at various precursors. 203
Figure 6-6 Variation of the film refractive index with
substrate temperature at various precursors. 205
Figure 6-7 Refractive index as a function of
as-deposit film’s F/C ratio. 207
Figure 6-8 Shrinkage as a function of as-deposit film F/C ratio. 210
Figure 6-9 The cross-linking degree and F/C ratio in a-C:F film
as a function of hydrogen flow rate. 211
Figure 6-10 Thermo-gravimetric analytic data of a-C:F film
deposited at various conditions. 212
Figure 7-1 Schematic diagram of L-shape reactor. 223
Figure 7-2 Deposition rate of a-C:F film as a function
of relative position to RF electrode. 226
Figure 7-3 FTIR spectra of a-C:F film at various positions.
(a) upstream process; (b) downstream process. 230
Figure 7-4 XPS spectra of a-C:F film at various positions. 235
Figure 7-5 The C1s XPS spectra of a-C:F film under
various processes at position a. (Condition: C7F8/Ar=10/2.5,
36 W, 200 mTorr.) 236
Figure 7-6 SEM images of a-C:F film at various positions. 239
Figure 7-7 AFM images of a-C:F film at various positions. 240
Figure 7-8 PL spectra from the a-C:F film deposited at both processes. 242
Figure 7-9 SEM images of a-C:F powder at downstream process. 243
Figure 7-10 Contact angle test of a-C:F film at downstream process. 244
Figure 7-11 TEM image from the a-C:F powder deposited
at downstream process. 244
Figure 7-12 FTIR spectra of a-C:F film at various powers. 249
Figure A-1 Cleanness of the probe tip on the I-V characteristic
for CH2F2 plasma. 258
Figure B-1 Flow rate of C7F8 as a function of scale of metering valve. 259
Figure B-2 Flow rate of C7F14 as a function of scale of metering valve. 260
Figure B-3 Flow rate of C7F16 as a function of scale of metering valve. 260
Figure B-4 FTIR spectra under various conditions. 261
Figure C-1 The uniformity test of CCP-CVD system.
(a) CH2F2/CF4=8/2, 150 W, 300 mTorr, Tsub.=150℃,
(b) deposition time=10 min; (b) C7F8/Ar=10/5, 150 W, 300 mTorr,
(c) Tsub.=150℃, deposition time=5 min. 262
Figure C-2 The uniformity test of ICP-CVD system. (CH2F2=20,
200 W, 9 mTorr, Tsub.=50℃, deposition time=12 min) 263
Figure C-3 ICP-CVD system uniformity test by the probe. 264
Figure D-1 Detector sensitivity of QMS as a function of the ion mass. 266
Figure E-1 The alcohol sensor test of a-C:F film.
(a) Response time; (b) Repeatability. 268
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