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研究生(外文):Chung-Feng Dai
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Property Studies of Epoxy Resin Nanocomposite Materials and Epoxy Resin Porous Materials
指導教授(外文):Jui-Ming Yeh
外文關鍵詞:CorrosionFlame resistanceThermal conductivivty.Epoxy resinClayNanocompositeDielectric propertyPorous materialThermal property
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在本論文中,主要著重於環氧樹脂在奈米複合材料的應用探討,以及環氧樹脂在孔洞性材料領域的發展與性質研究。 並分為下面兩個部份︰
第一部分,研究兩種改質型黏土在環氧樹脂基材中造成插層或脫層分散效果的不同。 材料製備是採用三個環氧官能基的環氧樹脂與T-403進行典型的開環加成反應,而改質型黏土則是採用原位 (in-situ) 聚合方式均勻分散在基材中,形成環氧樹脂/蒙脫土奈米複合材料並做一系列的防腐蝕能力、氣體阻隔特性、熱穩定性、耐燃性質和機械強度等測試。 由於Φ3P+-C12改質型黏土在環氧樹脂基材中具有好的分散性,相對於Me3N+-C16改質型黏土而言,可以提高環氧樹脂複合材料的氣體阻隔特性 (例如︰水氣與氧氣),進一步提升TECP系列(環氧樹脂與Φ3P+-C12改質型黏土奈米複合材料)的防腐蝕能力、阻隔特性、熱穩定性、耐燃性質和機械強度。
第二部份,針對環氧樹脂發展成為孔洞材料的研究。 雖然環氧樹脂具有非常高的功能性且在阻隔材料的應用性上扮演重要的角色,但高介電值 (3.8〜4.5) 的缺點為環氧樹脂所擁有,這是高效能塑膠材料必須克服的。 根據文獻指出,具有孔洞性材料可以降低材料的介電常數,因為基材中的空穴存在著介電常數1的空氣。 本研究概念源自於「溶劑鑄造鹽洗法」與「分子模印技術」,利用模板分子poly(ethyl glycol), PEG添加於環氧樹脂中,當環氧樹脂進行開環聚合後再將PEG運用萃取方式取出而得到具有孔洞性的環氧樹脂。 由介電測試得知,其介電常數隨著孔洞數目增加而降幅從4.11至2.89,此外,介電損失也因孔洞出現下降到0.03,這現象似乎說明此孔洞材料擁有「絕電」的能力。 另一方面,“阻隔”是一種特性,可以用來解釋物質 (例如光、電、熱…等) 穿透行為受到隔絕的程度。 先從材料外觀來看,由一透明塊材歷經萃取後轉變為光線無法通過的基材,利用反射式UV結果了解,當孔洞存在於材料中可以降低其透光度,因此在隔絕光線是不錯的應用。 在熱傳導測試數據可以分析,熱傳導與熱擴散特性同樣隨著孔洞數目增加而減弱,這項特質將把孔洞性環氧樹脂發展成為一個好的隔熱材料。
Epoxy resin is widely used as matrix materials for fabrication of the advanced composites in the electrical/electronic industry, owning to their high tensile strength and modulus, good adhesive properties, good chemical and corrosion resistance, low shrinkage in cure, and excellent thermal and dimensional stability. As we known, it is one of the most-used synthetic resins today. In this research, we will focus on preparation and property of epoxy resin (Triphenylolmethane triglycidyl ether, TGTPM) nanocomposite materials and epoxy resin porous materials. This essay is divided into two parts.
In the first part, epoxy resin nanocomposite materials studies on two types of intercalated or/and exfoliated silicate platelets were allowed to disperse in tri-functional epoxy matrix cured tri-functional amine hardener (T-403) followed by a typical ring opening polymerization. The different dispersing forms of these silicate platelets by in situ along with the PCN materials may alter their gas barrier, thermal stability, mechanical strength, and fire retardant properties. The Φ3P+-C12-modified clay PCN materials showed superior corrosion protection compared to Me3N+-C16-modified when tested for performance in series of electrochemical measurements of corrosion protection, polarization resistance, corrosion current and impedance spectroscopy. At the same time, molecular (e.g. O2 and H2O) permeability results also support the products of electrochemical measurements. Heat-distortion, and dynamic mechanical properties were also investigated the difference between both PCN materials (TECP system and TECN system). The results of TECP system owns high glass transition temperature and mechanical behavior were found by DSC, DMA. Moreover, thermal stability and flame retardant properties were evaluated, and TECP system exhibits high results. The TGA, and LOI shall identity, respectively.
The second part, epoxy resin porous materials will be researched. High performance epoxy resin plays an important role as insulating materials in manufacturing components. In order to increase the application of epoxy resin, some drawbacks associated with epoxy networks like high dielectric constant values (3.8-4.5) must overcome. And a porous structure can make it. In this case, the epoxy resin of micro- / macro- voids were formed in poly(ethyl glycol), PEG, which was according to “solvent-casting particulate leaching” and “molecularly imprinting polymer”. The cavitation is later established, when PEG is extracting, leaving behind empty pores. As a result, a reduction in dielectric constant from 4.11 to 2.89 is realized simply by replacing the polymer with air which has a dielectric constant of 1. At the same time, the value of dielectric loss decreased to 0.03. The phenomenon shows that epoxy resin porous material has an ability of “electrical/electronic damping” indistinctly. Furthermore, permeability is a property which defines the resistance to the penetration of aggressive substance, such as light, electron, heat…etc. The first difference on appearance transfers from clear to opaque. The epoxy resin with its pores structure, showed a high R% and low permeability values which are measured by UV-vis of R%. This result means the porous material can stop the sunlight, and might be a well divided material. On the other hand, a lowering of thermal transport properties (e.g. thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity) which investigates by transient plane source (TPS) technique. The report also shows obviously a reduction in thermal transport properties of porous epoxy resin, that attributed to the incorporation of air exists into matrix. Effects of those abilities on porous epoxy resin were done an excellent adiabatic material.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 VI
圖索引 X
表索引 XV
第一章 緒論
1-1 前言 1
1-2 漫談奈米科技 3
1-2-1 奈米科技的定義 3
1-2-2 奈米科技的操控 4
1-2-3 奈米材料的種類與應用 5
1-3 論述環氧樹脂 7
1-3-1 環氧樹脂定義與發展歷史 7
1-3-2 環氧樹脂官能基含量的表示法 8
1-3-3 環氧樹脂的分類 10
1-3-4 硬化劑的分類與開環反應機制 11
1-3-5 環氧樹脂的功能性與應用性 14
1-4 研究動機與目的 17
第二章 熱固性環氧樹脂在奈米複合材料領域的應用與性質探討
2-1 簡介 19
2-1-1 有機/無機奈米複合材料簡介 19
2-1-2 無機層狀材料的簡介 27
2-2 研究目的 34
2-3 藥品試劑與儀器 37
2-3-1 藥品部分 37
2-3-2 氣體部份 39
2-3-3 實驗儀器規格 39
2-3-4 輔助儀器規格 41
2-4 儀器分析原理與分析條件 46
2-5 環氧樹脂/蒙脫土奈米級複合材料的製備 57
2-5-1 親油性改質型黏土之製備 57
2-5-2 環氧樹脂硬化反應 58
2-5-3 In-situ方法製備環氧樹脂/蒙脫土複合材料 59
2-5-4 防腐蝕測試之試片製作 60
2-6 結果與討論 65
2-6-1 結構形貌鑑定 65
2-6-2 塗層材料電化學性質分析 73
2-6-3 阻隔性質分析與探討 84
2-6-4 熱穩定性質的探討 87
2-6-5 耐燃特性的探討 91
2-7 結論 95
第三章 熱固性環氧樹脂在孔洞性材料領域的應用發展與特性分析
3-1 簡介 97
3-1-1 多孔性材料的介紹 97
3-1-2 高分子多孔性材料的歷史發展 98
3-1-3 高分子多孔性材料的製備方式 102
3-1-3-1 孔洞性高分子發泡技術 103
3-1-3-2 組織工程用多孔性材料技術 104
3-1-3-3 孔洞性材料分子模印技術 106
3-1-4 高分子多孔性材料的應用 108
3-2 研究動機與實驗概念 109
3-3 藥品試劑與儀器 113
3-3-1 藥品部分 113
3-3-2 實驗儀器規格 113
3-4 儀器分析原理與分析條件 115
3-5 環氧樹脂有機孔洞材料的製備 127
3-5-1 有機環氧樹脂塊材之製備 127
3-5-2 有機環氧樹脂孔洞塊材之製備 127
3-6 結果與討論 129
3-6-1 結構形貌鑑定 129
3-6-2 電性特質的分析 137
3-6-3 孔隙性材料光學性質分析 140
3-6-4 熱性質分析 143
3-7 結論 155
第四章 總結與未來展望 156
第五章 參考文獻 159

Fig. 1-1 環氧樹脂與胺類硬化反應機制 14
Fig. 2-1 有機高分子/無機層狀材料複合物的種類 22
Fig. 2-2 嵌入插層反應機制 25
Fig. 2-3 聚合體插層法之傳統複合材料示意圖 25
Fig. 2-4 單體插層後聚合法示意圖 25
Fig. 2-5 Smectite Clay理論結構 29
Fig. 2-6 (a) 四級銨鹽離子C19H42N+與四級磷鹽離子C30H40P+在矽酸黏土層狀結構進行陽離子交換 (b) 環氧樹脂在兩種有機化矽酸黏土層間以In situ 聚合方法形成網狀交聯結構 36
Fig. 2-7 氣體穿透分析裝置圖 42
Fig. 2-8 水氣穿透分析裝置圖 44
Fig. 2-9 耐燃測試LOI裝置圖 45
Fig. 2-10 差式溫度記錄圖顯示聚合物所產生的變化類型 53
Fig. 2-11 損失模數與儲存模數示意圖 55
Fig. 2-12 改質型親油性蒙脫土製備過程流程圖 61
Fig. 2-13 為環氧樹脂進行開環硬化交聯過程的機制 62
Fig. 2-14 環氧樹脂/蒙脫土奈米複合材料製備的流程圖 63
Fig. 2-15 工作電極裝置簡圖 64
Fig. 2-16 電化學反應槽裝置圖 64
Fig. 2-17 Representative FT-IR spectra of (a) pure epoxy resin, (b) Me3N+-C16-modified clay, (c) TECN1%, (d) TECN7%, (e) Φ3P+-C12-modified clay, (f) TECP1%, and (g) TECP7% 67
Fig. 2-18 Wide-angle powder X-ray diffraction patterns ranging between 2θ= 2�a and 2θ= 10�a of (a) PK 802, (b) Me3N+-C16-modified clay, and (c) Φ3P+-C12-modified clay 69
Fig. 2-19 Wide-angle powder X-ray diffraction patterns ranging between 2θ = 2�a and 2θ = 10�a of (a) pure epoxy resin, (b) TECN1%, (c) TECN7%, (d) TECP1%, and (e) TECP7% 71
Fig. 2-20 The cartoon presented to a situation for intercalation agents exchanged MMT clay (a) alkylphosphonium ions swelled into gallery by the vertical orientation of organophilic clay and (b) alkylammonium ions with a lateral shape intercalated into gallery 71
Fig. 2-21 TEM pattern of TECN7% (a) ㄧ萬倍, (b) 五萬倍, and TECP7% (c) ㄧ萬倍, (d) 五萬倍 73
Fig. 2-22 循環伏安計裝置圖 74
Fig. 2-23 The Tafel plots for (a) bare, (b) pure epoxy resin, (c) TECN1%, (d) TECP1%, (e) TECN7%, and (f) TECP7% measured in 5 wt. % NaCl aqueous solution 75
Fig. 2-24 氧氣與水氣擴散路徑的示意圖 (a) 於環氧樹脂/黏土奈米複合材料中 (b) 於一般高分子基材中 78
Fig. 2-25 交流電壓與電流的變化示意圖 80
Fig. 2-26 複數平面之阻抗示意圖 80
Fig. 2-27 電極之等效電路圖 81
Fig. 2-28 奈奎斯特圖 (Nyquist Plot) 公式推導示意圖 82
Fig. 2-29 Nyquist plots of ESI for (a) bare, (b) pure epoxy resin, (c) TECN1%, (d) TECP1%, (e) TECN7%, and (f) TECP7% measured in 5 wt. % NaCl aqueous solution 83
Fig. 2-30 Bode plots for (a) bare, (b) pure epoxy resin, (c) TECN1%, (d) TECP1%, (e) TECN7%, and (f) TECP7% measured in 5 wt. % NaCl aqueous solution 84
Fig. 2-31 Permeability of water vapor (��������) and gas permeability of Oxygen (――) as a function with the organophilic MMT clay content in the epoxy resin-clay nanocomposite materials for (a) ���魽�����, (c) —△— are TECP system and (b) ���魽�����, (d) —□— are TECN system 86
Fig. 2-32 Differential scanning calorimetry plots for (a) pure epoxy resin, (b) TECN1%, (c) TECP1%, (d) TECN7%, and (e) TECP7% 88
Fig. 2-33 Dynamic mechanical property of storage modulus (E′) and tangent δ plots for (a) pure epoxy resin, (b) TECN %, (c) TECP1%, (d) TECN7%, and (e) TECP7% 90
Fig. 2-34 Thermogravimetric analysis plots for (a) pure epoxy resin, (b) TECN1%, (c) TECP1%, (d) TECN7%, and (e) TECP7% 94
Fig. 3-1 環氧樹脂有機孔洞材料Self-assembly system製備概念示意圖 112
Fig. 3-2 ATR反應裝置簡圖 115
Fig. 3-3 材料的四個極化機制示意圖 120
Fig. 3-4 極化機制與頻率之間的關係圖 122
Fig. 3-5 環氧樹脂有機孔洞材料製備流程圖 128
Fig. 3-6 環氧樹脂孔洞材料全反射光譜分析圖 (a) PEG Mw1500, (b) TEP0, (c) TEP20未經過水洗, (d) TEP20W經過水洗 131
Fig. 3-7 環氧樹脂孔洞材料掃描式電子顯微鏡分析圖 (a) TEP0 ×1k, (b) TEP0 ×5k, (c) TEP10W ×1k, (d) TEP10W ×3k, (e) TEP20W ×1k, (f) TEP20W ×3k 133
Fig. 3-8 環氧樹脂孔洞材料之水銀測孔儀分析圖譜 (a) TEP0〈black line〉, (b) TEP10W〈red line〉, and (c) TEP20W〈blue line〉 135
Fig. 3-9 環氧樹脂孔洞材料密度分佈曲線圖 137
Fig. 3-10 不同頻率下環氧樹脂孔洞材料的介電常數 139
Fig. 3-11 不同頻率下環氧樹脂孔洞材料的介電損失 139
Fig. 3-12 環氧樹脂塊材照片(a) TEP0, (b) TEP20 , (c) TEP20W 142
Fig. 3-13 UV-Vis反射式R%光譜圖 (a) TEP0 (b) TEP5W (c) TEP10W (d) TEP15W (e) TEP20W 142
Fig. 3-14環氧樹脂孔洞材料不同含量PEG的熱傳導與熱擴散曲線圖 145
Fig. 3-15 環氧樹脂熱傳導示意圖 (a)無孔洞存在, (b)有孔洞存在 147
Fig. 3-16 環氧樹脂孔洞材料機械性質與tan Delta (a) TEP0, (b) TEP5W, (c) TEP10W, (d) TEP15W, and (e) TEP20W 153
Fig. 3-17 環氧樹脂孔洞材料熱行為分析 (a) TEP0, (b) TEP5W, (c) TEP10W, (d) TEP15W, and (e) TEP20W 154

Table 1-1 環氧樹脂分類與代號 11
Table 2-1 常見的黏土種類分類 30
Table 2-2 極限氧指數與燃燒性的關係 56
Table 2-3 Band assignments and detail data of epoxy resin & organophilic clay 67
Table 2-4 Relations of Epoxy and organophilic clay nanocomposite materials with the Ecorr, Rp, Icorr, and Rcorr measured from electrochemical methodsa 77
Table 2-5 Relations of Epoxy and organophilic clay nanocomposite materials with gas and water vapor permeability by barrier analysis 86
Table 2-6 Thermal properties of the epoxy resin-clay nanocomposite materials measured by DSC, and DMA 91
Table 2-7 Thermal properties of the epoxy resin-clay nanocomposite materials measured by TGA, and LOI 94
Table 3-1 ATR Band assignments and detail data of epoxy resin & PEG 131
Table 3-2 環氧樹脂孔洞材料密度、介電常數與介電損失數據 140
Table 3-3 環氧樹脂孔洞材料熱傳導、熱擴散與比熱數據 146
Table 3-4 環氧樹脂孔洞材料熱行為分析DMA與DSC 152
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