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研究生(外文):Chih-Fung Wu
論文名稱(外文):The perspective of management and nursing in veterans’ consultative policy – the cases of Taoyuan District
指導教授(外文):Lung-Far Hsieh
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摘 要
一、 對資深獨居老榮民是否給予足夠的生活輔導照顧。
二、 對大陸新娘主動下嫁老榮民之輔導問題。
三、 老榮民婚後之狀況曾否給予有效追蹤輔導照顧。
The studies of single-resided elderly people regarding their living conditions and requirements have been comprehensive. However, researches on single-resided elderly veterans are very few, especially taking into account that more than 600,000 veterans retreated to Taiwan after the Nationalist (Kuomintang) government was defeated during the Chinese Civil War. As time fades away, so did some of those veterans. The remaining number is now estimated at 290,000. Although the Taiwanese government has set up a specialized organization, Veterans Affairs Commission (VAC), to take care of the veterans, there still exist some problems due to limited manpower. These problems, mainly stemming from inadequate or irrelevant policies and regulations, require in-depth research and study.
The purposes of this study include:
1. Are single-resided elderly veterans receiving adequate consultation and care?
2. In the case of females from the mainland seeking to marry elderly veterans, are consultation and assistance appropriately offered to these veterans?
3. Are follow-on consultation and assistance in place for the veterans after their marriages?
This study investigates the actual situation of single-resided elderly veterans in Taoyuan area, with an attempt to discover the implementation and effects of government policies in terms of caring, consultation, and management. In particular, this study aims to find out whether such policies have met the current need of elderly veterans. Besides, surveys are conducted and comparative studies are made in order to provide feasible suggestions for future reference. Such suggestions could be used in improving the caring system for single-resided veterans, helping government formulate policies, and protecting the rights of elderly veterans.
The research methods are: questionnaire survey, case study and interview, and literature review. The information and data collected for this study consist of four categories, i.e., publications, journals, information/data from the Internet, and academic dissertations. This study puts emphasis on official documents so as to fully comprehend the consideration and position of the government. Consequently, this study often refers to the VAC’s website and official publications and uses these data as the basis for discussion and study.
The main points of this study are:
1. Conduct research and review on the current policies of veteran services, using the analytical methods of public policies and sociology.
2. Carry out questionnaire surveys on area veterans. Select those interviewees who give low marks to elderly care services, especially marriage consultation and veteran services. The results of these interviews are consequently used as the basis for case studies, where several cases are chosen for in-depth study. In this manner, we may be able to find the solutions to existing problems.
During the process of case studies, the study discovers that our veteran services are still following old regulations , and fail to meet the need of elderly veterans regarding their everyday care and marriages. Current policies and caring system need to be improved in order to provide consultation and assistance in the following situations: paralyzed veterans getting married, veterans’ saving stolen by their mainland spouse, unreasonable claiming or inheritance cases, caring problems for veterans residing in nursing homes, etc. This research offer some useful suggestions to VAC, local Social Affair Bureaus, and charity groups so as to improve the veterans’ benefit and rights.
目 錄

第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究動機3
第三節 研究目的6
第四節 研究範圍7
第五節 研究成效評估8

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 台灣地區榮民概況10
第二節 榮民照顧權責單位與照顧政策14
第三節 國外榮民照顧概況18
第四節 大陸地區退伍軍人之安置轉業照顧概況19
第五節 政府現行榮民照護政策之檢討與分析21
第六節 小結25

第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究方法27
第二節 研究架構28
第三節 研究對象29
第四節 研究工具32
第五節 研究流程34

第四章 問卷調查研究結果
第一節 老榮民的基本屬性36
第二節 老榮民的婚姻狀況及滿意度情形38
第三節 老榮民自覺健康情形42
第四節 老榮民自覺生活品質情形44
第六節 對榮民對榮服照顧政策之滿意度量測47
第七節 研究結果50

第五章 訪談個案研究分析結果
第一節 大陸配偶來台定居後之管理輔導問題54
第二節 對癱瘓老榮民婚姻之輔導管理55
第三節 大陸配偶盜領老榮民積蓄潛返大陸後,未能有效處理之問題55
第四節 老榮民之遺款及權益,有被未曾履行同居及照顧義務之大陸
第五節 本省客家籍女士下嫁老榮民之輔導處理57
第六節 對住安養中心老榮民之照顧處理原則58
第七節 對遭遇特殊事故老榮民之關懷處理58
第八節 對具特殊功勳榮民之持續照顧問題59
第九節 個案綜合分析60
第十節 研究之限制62

第六章 結論及建議
第一節 結論65
第二節 建議67


附錄一 榮民之家「公費」及「自費安養中心」安置標準76
附錄二 問卷調查內容79
附錄三 老榮民個案(計8員)事蹟內容簡述85

表 目 錄
表1-1 榮民人數之變動-按退伍階級分3
表2-1 榮民分佈地區調查表10
表2-2 榮民安置照顧概況(民國80-93年)16
表2-3 現有榮民、榮眷人數(依各榮服處列管照顧人數區分)21
表3-1 現有單身及有眷榮民狀況(按年齡、退伍階級別分)30
表4-1 老榮民之基本屬性分佈36
表4-2 老榮民婚姻狀況屬性之分佈39
表4-3 老榮民自覺健康情形屬性之分佈42
表4-4 老榮民自覺生活品質情形屬性之分佈45
表4-5 老榮民對榮服照顧政策的滿意度量測之分佈48
表5-1 八個案基本資料概況分析63

圖 目 錄
圖2-1 榮民人數變動圖12
圖2-2 國內榮民之家分佈圖17
圖3-1 研究架構圖29
圖4-1 研究之作業流程圖35

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