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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Liang Yu
論文名稱(外文):Key Jobs of Quality Control for Developing Vehicle Parts -A Case of China Motor Corporation
指導教授(外文):Yi-Chung HuYu-Jing Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Parts DevelopmentQC (Quality Control)AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)CMC
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The present study aims to locate key factors influencing quality control performance of auto parts development in CMC for serving as reference for quality review in order to enhance CMC auto parts quality, through using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), in view of the grounds and the vital tasks for CMC to preserve her competing edges given below: Firstly among the ten exiting vehicle manufacturing businesses in Taiwan to compete fiercely in filling the 450,000 vehicle demand per year only those with proper strategies to address very rapidly changeable external environments can survive. Secondly, from the view of CMC, while various parts of vehicles can be introduced and obtained from different regions or parts of the world once their quality, prices and delivery meet vehicle manufacturers’ specific requirements, how to draw up and evaluate the optimal quality control planning programs for domestically developed parts to answer the increasingly stringent quality demand from the end users and to meet the more strict statutory requirements is vital and of top priority.
The study begins with literature review and thorough discussion with experts sophisticated and well experienced in the vehicle parts development quality control processes in CMC in order to formulate and establish an objective and all-around framework for parts development quality control job evaluation criteria. Next, the study conducts a questionnaire survey with a questionnaire especially designed to cover the framework, over three target groups namely CMC in-house staff - especially Quality Control specialists for parts development for latest vehicle models and engineers for the same, and also supplier specialists; achieves a valid return rate of 80.9% by distributing 21 copies of the questionnaire collecting back 17; and analyzes the weighted value of every factor to find out the emphasis and the differences as well as the similarities of the groups.
The study comes to the conclusions as the follows on the basis of the analysis results:
1. Among all aspects of the study, plan approval and prototype are dominant while trial production and mass production subordinate;
2. “Design FMEA, Development ABCD Plan Scheme, ES-TEST, and Process Mistake/Idle proofing” are the key quality control items in the sub-aspects of CMC parts development;
3. In overall weight the three items, namely “Material Certificate, Parts Sample Submission, and Application for Outsourcing”, ranks as the last first, second and third priorities respectively; the lower priorities in the weight reveal that they catch less emphasis in the analysis of CMC parts development quality control key criteria. However, in terms of practical view, Application for Outsourcing, despite of it should be critical for the manufacturers, appears to be not valued to the results of the analysis in the study. What lies behind is that most of the CMC in-house experts and in-plant engineers believe anyway there are existing penalty provisions disapproving “application for outsourcing” and they as manufacturer’s staff are happy with the existing routines without outsourcing, consequently the CMC in-house experts and in-plant engineers all reckon that the item “Application for Outsourcing” is not really important.
目 錄
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第壹章 緒論.................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機........................ 1
第二節 研究目的.............................. 3
第三節 研究範圍與對象........................ 3
第四節 研究流程.............................. 3
第貳章 文獻探討.............................. 5
第一節 新產品開發的探討...................... 5
第二節 品質的探討............................ 6
第三節 可靠度管理探討........................ 8
第四節 QS-9000品質系統探討................... 9
第五節 ISO/ TS16949制度探討 ..................12
第參章 研究方法.............................. 15
第一節 層級分析法............................ 15
第二節 評估準則權重的決定.................... 18
第三節 共識度(變異係數)分析................ 23
第肆章 實證研究.............................. 24
第一節 資料蒐集與研究對象.................... 24
第二節 建立層級架構與問卷設計................ 27
第三節 資料分析工具.......................... 30
第四節 受訪者基本資料分析.................... 30
第五節 中華汽車零件開發品質管制關鍵工作評估權重之建立 .....................................31
第六節 零件開發品質管制關鍵工作評估受訪者共識度分析 .....................................40
第七節 實證研究發現.......................... 46
第伍章 結論與建議 ............................48
第一節 結論....... ............................48
第二節 實務的涵義............................ 49
第三節 研究限制.............................. 51
第四節 後續研究建議.......................... 51
參考文獻..................................... 52
附錄 .....................................55
附錄一 汽車國產化零件開發品質管制關鍵評估工作問卷 .....................................55
附錄二 受訪者各分群權重與共識度(變異數)統計表
附錄三 零件開發品質管制關鍵評估工作因素平均權重與區域權重統計................................. 80
附錄四 受訪者分權C.I.與C.R.值統計............ 85

表 目 錄
表2-1品質定義表.............................. 6
表2-2品質管制定義與品質活動關係.............. 7
表2-3品質發展過程............................ 7
表2-4 國外汽車廠需取得TS時間表............... 12
表3-1AHP評估尺度意義及說明 ..................19
表3-2 隨機指標表 ...........................23
表4-1 零件開發品質管制關鍵工作評估彙整表(討論前) ....................................24
表4-2中華汽車公司主要沿革事項................ 26
表4-3 零件開發品質管制關鍵工作評估彙整表(討論後) ....................................28
表4-4 問卷受訪專家統計表..................... 31
表4-5廠內專家群體對於各成對比較矩陣之C.I與C.R.值 .....................................31
表4-6 影響汽車零件開發品質管制關鍵工作評估因素之權重 .....................................33
表4-7 主要考慮開發案構面之權重表............. 33
表4-8 主要考慮審核評估準則重要度之權重表..... 35
表4-9 主要考慮影響因素之權重表............... 38
表4-10 受訪者開發構面共識度(變異係數)表...... 40
表4-11 受訪者管制評估準則共識度(變異係數)表.. 41
表4-12 受訪者影響因素共識度(變異係數)表...... 43

圖 目 錄
圖1-1研究流程圖.............................. 4
圖2-1產品品質規劃進度圖...................... 10
圖2-2美國三大汽車廠產品質量策劃圖............ 14
圖3-1 AHP分析流程圖.......................... 18
圖4-1 評估構面與準則層級架構圖............... 28
圖4-2構面權重與變異數關係圖.................. 34
圖4-3 構面各分群權重比較圖................... 34
圖4-4整體審核評估準則權重與變異數分析圖...... 36
圖4-5 各分群群體審查評估準則權重比較圖....... 36
圖4-6 影響因素權重與變異數關係分析圖 .........39
圖4-7 影響因素分群權重比較圖................. 39
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