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研究生(外文):Chin-Yuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):Earnings management and asset impairments
指導教授(外文):Wei-Heng Lin
外文關鍵詞:earnings management thresholdasset impairmentavoi
  • 被引用被引用:4
  • 點閱點閱:153
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This paper investigates whether firms that pre-managed earnings doesn't meet the threshold (0 or the prior year's earnings) use asset impairment strategy to influence adoption and amount of asset impairment in order 1) to avoid reporting a loss, and 2) to avoid reporting a decrease in earnings. We use cash flows from operating activities as the proxy of pre-managed earnings. As expected, firms that have small positive earnings or slightly larger reported earnings than the prior year when pre-managed earnings are below the earnings threshold (zero for the first hypothesis and the prior year's earnings for the second hypothesis) have lower adoption possibility and amounts of asset impairment.
The results are mixed as to the possibility of recognition impairment losses. The regression results show that whether pre-managed earnings met threshold of avoiding losses or not has no influence to adopt asset impairment possibility and amounts. Thus, there is no evidence that firms with small positive earnings and with pre-managed losses have lower early adoption possibility and amounts of asset impairment than have positive pre-managed earnings. Small positive firms are shown to have less strategic consideration for adopt possibility and amounts of asset impairment. However, it is shown that early adopters are more likely to be small positive earnings firms in terms of percentage of early adopters. The decisions to early adopt accounting standards are discretionary. It seems that threshold effects on the adoption of accounting standards exist in the early adopters.
We have stronger evidence that firms with pre-managed earnings below the prior year's earnings are less likely to report asset impairment or report less amount of impairment in order to avoid reporting a decrease in earnings. Our second hypothesis is supported.
We also find that small positive earnings or slightly larger reported earnings samples are more likely to report subsequent impairments. Subsequent impairment amount is higher than the initial recorded amount for slight earnings increase firm.
摘要 I
誌謝辭 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 盈餘門檻 4
第二節 減損與盈餘管理 6
第三章 研究設計 8
第一節 研究假說 8
第二節 實證模型與變數衡量 10
第三節 樣本選取與資料來源 15
第四章 實證結果 17
第一節敘述性統計 17
第二節 實證結果 26
第三節 敏感性分析 31
第五章 結論與建議 34
第一節 研究結論 34
第二節 研究限制與建議 36
參考文獻 37
附錄 40


表一 樣本選取 16
表二 小獲利樣本,操縱前盈餘之分配_研究區間(0-0.01) 17
表三 盈餘小額增加樣本,操縱前盈餘之分配_研究區間(0- 0.005) 18
表四 小獲利樣本H1之敘述性統計-研究區間(0-0.01) 20
表五 盈餘小額增加樣本H2之敘述性統計-研究區間(0-0.005) 21
表六PANEL A H1A 相關係數矩陣-研究區間(0-0.01) 22
表六PANEL B H1B相關係數矩陣-研究區間(0-0.01) 23
表七PANEL A H2A相關係數矩陣-研究區間(0-0.005) 24
表七PANEL B H2B相關係數矩陣-研究區間(0-0.005) 25
表八PANEL A H1A實證結果-研究區間(0-0.01) 27
表八PANEL B H1B實證結果-研究區間(0-0.01) 28
表九PANEL A H2A實證結果-研究區間(0-0.005) 29
表九PANEL B H2B實證結果-研究區間(0-0.005) 30
表十PANEL A H1A實證結果-研究區間(0-0.02) 40
表十PANEL B H1B實證結果-研究區間(0-0.02) 41
表十一PANEL A H2A實證結果-研究區間(0-0.01) 42
表十一PANEL B H2B實證結果-研究區間(0-0.01) 43
表十二PANEL A H1A實證結果- WCA之方法_未控制績效 44
表十二PANEL B H1A實證結果- WCA之方法_控制績效後 45
表十二PANEL C H1B實證結果- WCA之方法_未控制績效 46
表十二PANEL D H1B實證結果- WCA之方法_控制績效後 47
表十三PANEL A H2A實證結果- WCA之方法_未控制績效 48
表十三PANEL B H2A實證結果- WCA之方法_控制績效後 49
表十三PANEL C H2B實證結果- WCA之方法_未控制績效 50
表十三PANEL D H2B實證結果-WCA之方法_控制績效後 51

吳清在和謝宛庭,2005,認列資產減損時點與金額之決定因素及其市場反應, 2005會計理論與實務研討會(地點:台灣大學,主辦單位:中華會計教育學會)。

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