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研究生(外文):Chuan-Kai Lin
論文名稱(外文):A CAL Methodology that Helps Novices Develop the "Good" Habit of Writing Comments in Code.
指導教授(外文):Yen-Teh Hsia
外文關鍵詞:computer-assisted learningcommentssocial learningbehaviorism
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Most people would agree that "comments in code" can help program understanding. We think that the students are supposed to acquire this idea in the academic curriculum. However, we discovered that it is not easy to foster this idea in the minds of the students. From our past experience, the use of "the instructor teacher, and the students listen" has not been an effective teaching method.

Comments and Chinese are different. There are no standard for "writing comments in code". Comment not only brings advantages that are invisible, but also could not influence program execution. For these reasons, it can be difficult to help students develop the habit of writing comments in code.

We hope to discover a method that helps students develop the habit of writing comments in code. We designed such a method. In this thesis, we will discuss this method.

Our method uses a networked computer-assisted learning system, and is, in some way, based on behaviorism and social learning theory. First, we gave some good examples and arranged things in such a way that the students must watch and understand these examples. Then, it was hoped that the students could imitate the code given in these examples. Second, we wrote comments in the example code and hoped students would read them and use them in designing their own code. If the students can develop the habit of writing comments in code, they may improve the ways they use cognitively in developing their code.

The experimental group consists of the novices. They are freshmen who took as an elective the computer science curriculum in Chung Yuan University. There were 109 of them. The comparison group consists of sophomores and juniors of the same department (the department of Information and Computer Engineering). We will compare the proportion of comments in the student's code.

The result was that them was a significant difference between the "scores" of the experimental group and that of the control group. Though we also wanted to make the comparison on the quality of comments, we did not succeed in doing that.
目錄 V
圖表目錄 VI
第一章 序論 1
1-1.問題陳述 1
1-2.研究目的 2
1-3.章節描述 2
第二章 理論與相關文獻探討 4
2-1.認知理論 4
2-1.1 何謂基模(schema) 4
2-1.2 同化(assimilation)與調適(accommodation) 4
2-2.行為主義 5
2-2.1連結主義 5
2-2.2工具制約學說理論 5
2-3.社會學習理論 6
2-4.建構主義 7
2-5.相關文獻探討 8
第三章 實驗理念、設計與進行 11
3-1.良好註解習慣的定義 11
3-2.實驗理念 12
3-3.實驗方法 13
3-3.1 實驗目的 13
3-3.2 實驗對象 13
3-2.3 實驗方法 14
第四章 實驗結果與分析 17
4-1.註解的分析 17
4-2.實驗結果 21
4-2.1 註解習慣度的定義 21
4-2.2 註解習慣度的結果 22
4-3.結果分析 25
第五章 討論與展望 27
5-1.實驗評估 27
5-2.討論 27
5-3.未來展望 28
參考文獻: 29

圖2.2 JON SACHS的註解範例 9
圖4.1 程式作業教師要求的功能 17
圖4.2 學生利用教師給的註解 17
圖4.3 幫助看但無實質意義的註解之一 18
圖4.4 幫助看但無實質意義的註解之二 18
圖4.5 解釋程式的註解之一 19
圖4.6 解釋程式的註解之二 20
圖4.7 測試用的註解 20
圖4.8 無意義的註解 21
圖4.9 去除的註解說明 22
圖4.10 實驗組與對照組1之註解度比較 23
圖4.11 實驗組與對照組2之註解度比較 23
圖4.12 實驗組與對照組3之註解度比較 24
圖4.13 實驗組與對照組4之註解度比較 24
圖4.14 對照組2與對照組4之註解度比較 25
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