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研究生(外文):Yen-Ni Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Factors of Adopting e-Procurement based on the Perspective of Innovation Adoption
指導教授(外文):Shih-Ming Pi
外文關鍵詞:Innovation AdoptionInnovation Diffusion Theorye-Procurement
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對企業而言,產品或服務採購金額佔企業收入30%以上,因此採購活動向來是企業重視的營運功能(Segv and Gebauer,2001)。企業電子化採購為供應鏈整合的主幹,在供應鏈中佔有相當的重要地位,企業導入電子化採購能提升企業競爭力及降低生產成本,然而電子化採購的採用情況,根據經濟部2004年調查顯示,國內製造業在線上採購、與供應商使用電子文件交換的普及程度明顯低落。因此,探討影響企業採用電子化採購之因素,將有助於瞭解電子化採購之適用情境以及提供企業用採用評估之參考。
The maturity of IT and popularity of internet environment drives up various business activities to be in more electronic ways. Further more, that also change the market demand, market structure, trading methods and business operations. Business within the varied competitive environment, so called “micro profit era”, need to utilize their IT and e-commerce tools to integrate both suppliers and customers within their supply chain body which could rapidly and flexibly response to the market demand. Currently, both government and civil institutions positively encourage business enterprise to setup their B2B e-commerce model. The remarkable benefits not only reducing of operation cost, but also improve operation efficiency and extension of business operation more easily, to generate more business opportunities.
As for business daily operation, purchasing of product or service is account for 30% or even more within business revenue (Segv and Gebauer,2001). Therefore purchasing activities (procurement) were the major operation function for business to spot on. Business electronic-procurement is the main force for supply chain integration and act as a major role in supply chain deployment. To implement e-procurement could increase business competitive capability and reduce operation costs. According to the investigation of Department of Economic in 2004; the usage of online-procurement and electronic data exchange with suppliers for domestic manufacturing industry were very low compares to other country. Hence, research to discuss the impact of business to deploy e-procurement will help to understand the suitable circumstance for deploying e-procurement and provide a reference while in survey stage.
In this research, the research target will be focus on manufacture industry, via questionnaire to discuss the e-procurement adoption statues, willingness to adopt e-procurement and impact factors. The research model in this research was summarized from “Innovation Diffusion Theory – The research on innovation acceptance” related study, and develop “Comparative advantage”, “Compatibility”, “Observable”…etc, thirteen variables and differentiate between Three phases “Characteristics of innovation recognition”, “Characteristics of organization”, and “External environment” to analyze the reason of impact on e-procurement adoption. The result had found out, generally business has high willingness on adoption of e-procurement. On the other hand, among thirteen variables across three phases, result shows “Comparative advantage”, “Compatibility”, “Observable”, “IT experience”, “Support from high-level superior”, “Industry stress”, “Environmental uncertainty” and “Competition status” occurs tremendous impact.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
致謝辭 IV
目 錄 V
圖 目 錄 VIII
表 目 錄 IX
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 5
1.3 研究範圍與對象 6
1.4 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 電子化採購之探討 9
2.1 1 電子化採購之定義 9
2.1.2 電子化採購之演進與分類 10
2.1.3 電子化採購系統 18
2.1.4 國內實行AB計畫概況 21
2.1.5 電子化採購的效益 24
2.2 創新擴散理論 27
2.2.1 創新之定義 27
2.2.2 創新擴散之定義 31
2.2.3 組織的創新決策與創新採用 36
第三章 研究方法 42
3.1 研究架構 42
3.2 研究變數與假說 44
3.2.1 創新認知特性構面 44
3.2.2 組織特性構面 46
3.2.3 外部環境構面 48
3.3 樣本與問卷設計 51
3.3.1 樣本選取與問卷回收 51
3.3.2 研究變數之定義及問卷設計 52
3.4 資料分析方法 53
3.4.1 敘述性統計 54
3.4.2 信效度分析 54
3.4.3 迴歸分析 54
第四章 資料分析 55
4.1 問卷回收 55
4.2 基本資料敍述統計 56
4.3 信度與效度分析 61
4.4 相關分析 65
4.5 迴歸分析 67
4.6 假設檢定結果 69
第五章 結論與建議 73
5.1 研究結論 73
5.2 研究建議 75
5.3 研究限制 77
參考文獻 78
中文部份 78
英文部份 79
附錄一 問卷 84

圖 目 錄
圖1.1 AB計畫內容示意圖........................................................................2
圖1.2 2004 年製造業進行線上採購之分佈............................................3
圖1.3 研究流程圖......................................................................................8
圖2.1 B2B 電子商務三大分類示意圖....................................................9
圖2.2 採用電子化採購的三階段............................................................13
圖2.3 不同電子採購技術間之關聯性示意圖........................................14
圖2.4 電子商務支援不同型式的供應商關係........................................16
圖2.5 供應商層級架構與電子商務技術應用之關聯圖........................17
圖2.6 電子採購鏈管理............................................................................18
圖2.7 市場參與者與資訊整合程度下之電子化採購應用類型............21
圖2.8 不同類型的採用者........................................................................30
圖2.9 Rogers的創新擴散模型................................................................33
圖2.10 IT建置六階段模式.........................................................................35
圖2.11 組織採用創新過程的五個階段.....................................................37
圖3.1 本研究之研究架構圖....................................................................42
圖4.1 樣本廠商產業大類統計..................................................................56
圖4.2 未採用廠商之採用意願統計..........................................................59

表 目 錄
表1.1 2004 年製造業線上採購金額之分佈.............................................3
表1.2 從不同觀點採討採用電子化採購因素之研究文獻......................4
表2.1 採購角色的轉變............................................................................11
表2.2 傳統採購與電子化採購之比較分析............................................12
表2.3 直接採購與間接採購之比較表....................................................13
表2.4 電子化採購營運模式分類............................................................14
表2.5 電子化採購營運模式....................................................................17
表2.6 電子採購系統的主要功能模組....................................................19
表2.7 電子化採購三種連線方式比較......................................................19
表2.8 AB 計畫實施功能........................................................................22
表2.9 AB計畫參與廠商..........................................................................23
表2.10 AB計畫中心廠電子化範圍........................................................23
表2.11 各階段採用者的特色..................................................................30
表2.12 Rogers 的創新採用模型............................................................33
表2.13 創新決策五階段..........................................................................34
表2.14 創新採用相關文獻與變數彙整....................................................39
表3.1 本研究變數對應文獻來源表..........................................................43
表3.2 研究假說彙整表..............................................................................51
表3.2 研究變數、操作型定義、問卷參考來源及對應題項彙整理......53
表4.1 問卷回收狀況..................................................................................55
表4.2 樣本廠商之產業別..........................................................................57
表4.3 樣本廠商之員工人數......................................................................57
表4.4 樣本廠商之資本額...........................................................................58
表4.5 樣本廠商之營業額..........................................................................58
表4.6 樣本廠商電子化採購採用現況......................................................59
表4.7 未採用廠商之採用意願統計...........................................................60
表4.8 各構面變數統計量..........................................................................60
表4.9 各變數題組因素分析結果..............................................................63
表4.10 本研究信度分析............................................................................65
表4.11 變數間相關矩陣(Pearson 相關) ................................................66
表4.12 創新認知對於電子化採購意願為的迴歸分析表........................67
表4.13 組織特性對於電子化採購意願為的迴歸分析表........................68
表4.14 外部環境特性對於電子化採購意願為的迴歸分析表................69
表4.15 假說之檢定結果彙整....................................................................69
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