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研究生(外文):Yu-Ching Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Developing RDF-based Semantic Annotations for Image Resources Management
指導教授(外文):Yu-Liang Chi
外文關鍵詞:Knowledge representationOntologyAnnotation modelSemantic retrievalResource Description Framework
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本研究探討如何發展以本體技術為核心的註記機制,應用於圖像資源的管理,在發展知識架構時,納入使用者的認知問題作為本體設計的考量,縮短其與資訊檢索間的落差。有鑑於非文字性資料(如圖像資料),因本身不具文字特性,需藉由外部的描述機制,使其具有類似文字性資料的特性可供檢索,以協助資訊檢索系統的運作,然而現階段的註記,由於僅概略地針對資料作說明,且較不具知識表達的能力,而仍處於資料的層級。在註記的框架及內容方面,則多是以該領域專家的知識及經驗為主,若使用者對該領域的認知不足,易造成使用者在檢索上的障礙,故本研究引用感性工學(Kansei Engineering)中語意差異法(Semantic Difference)的概念,擷取出使用者對查詢標的物的認知,發展使用者導向的本體,應用於圖像的註記及檢索上,並採用資源描述架構(Resource Description Framework)做為資訊物件的描述格式,RDF為本體語言之一,用以改良詮釋資料的定義方式,協助提供知識表達型的圖像註記,並改善現有圖像的註記機制,使註記的資料格式由單純的資料層級,提升為具知識表達能力的語意層級。本研究最後以國立自然科學博物館的「維管束植物圖片」為例,擷取一般大眾對植物外觀描述上的認知,發展植物註記本體,並建立「知識化圖像註記模型」,提供使用者以「認知」為導向的語意檢索方式,作為有價值的實證應用。
At the present day, the technology of in the field of digital media generates huge amounts of non-textual information such as images. The potential for exchange and retrieval is vast and daunting. This type of information needs to add textual descriptions to promote information retrieval. Traditional information retrieval used a keyword-based or full-text search engine to extract useful information of textual contents. And what is more employs to exploring non-textual information by creating metadata models and annotations, but it still stay on data level. Words may not appropriate representations for their meanings and retrieve all the relevant information. Due to these annotations without ability of knowledge representation, cause it not much more to help users find the desired information. Most of ontology developers adopt export’s knowledge and experience. When users lose cognitive ability about background of domain, even database have lots of multimedia data but always find out. Because the gap between users and information retrieval. Therefore this paper imports method from Semantic Difference (SD) of Kansei Engineering to develop a consumer-orientated ontology that applies to semantic annotation and retrieval for images. In addition, we improve annotation of images by knowledge way that utilizes Resource Description Framework (RDF) for describing information object, and promote to semantic level. Finally, we employ vascular plant images and related digital archives as test samples for our annotation model from the national museum of nature science (NMNS). We acquire descriptive cognition about vascular plants on surface by users, for the purpose of developing consumer-orientated ontology. To create knowledge-based annotation model, and provides semantic retrieval for users by their cognition. This paper presents a guidance that can be facilitated to manage image resources in a knowledge way.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝辭 III
目  錄 IV
圖 目 錄 VI
表 目 錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 研究問題 2
1.3 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1.1 以概念為基礎的知識表達方式 7
2.1.2本體表達語言 9
2.2註記 13
2.2.1 一般描述型註記 14
2.2.2 知識表達型註記 15
2.3 圖像檢索 16
2.3.1以關鍵字為基礎 16
2.3.2以樣本為基礎 17
2.3.3以語意為基礎 17
第三章 研究設計 19
3.1 系統設計 19
3.2 知識化註記模型 20
3.3 語意檢索方式 26
第四章 系統實作 29
4.1 問卷設計 29
4.2 建置使用者導向之註記本體 34
4.3 本體編輯及實作 41
4.4 以本體表達知識註記 44
4.5 查詢引擎 47
4.6 檢索情境 49
第五章 分析與討論 52
第六章 結論 54
6.1 研究結論 54
6.2 研究貢獻 55
6.3 未來研究建議 56
參考文獻 57

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 資料類型與對應的資料檢索...........................................................................1
圖1-2 使用者認知與領域專家知識的鴻溝...............................................................3
圖1-3 使用者導向的註記方式...................................................................................4
圖2-1 多媒體註記的層級.........................................................................................11
圖2-2 資料層級的註記.............................................................................................14
圖2-3 語意層級的註記.............................................................................................16
圖3-1 系統架構圖.....................................................................................................20
圖3-2 知識化註記模型.............................................................................................21
圖3-3 本體建置程序圖.............................................................................................23
圖3-4 知識註記的形成.............................................................................................26
圖3-5 語意檢索方式.................................................................................................27
圖3-6 本體部份架構之推理關係圖.........................................................................28
圖4-1 問卷設計.........................................................................................................30
圖4-2 萃取出的代表性詞彙( 43對).........................................................................32
圖4-3 未萃取的形容詞詞彙( 41對).........................................................................33
圖4-4 註記本體架構.................................................................................................41
圖4-5 使用PROTÉGÉ建構本體的類別(CLASS)及屬性(SLOT)...........................42
圖4-6 定義屬性的範圍及限制.................................................................................42
圖4-7 註記本體的RDF SCHEMA檔........................................................................44
圖4-8 花的註記實例.................................................................................................44
圖4-9 樹木註記的實例.............................................................................................45
圖4-10 已註記的RDF檔...........................................................................................46
圖4-11 SPARQL查詢方式.........................................................................................47
圖4-12 RDF推理的例子............................................................................................49
圖4-13 檢索情境.......................................................................................................49
圖4-14 檢索系統介面...............................................................................................50
圖4-15 SPARQL查詢.................................................................................................51
圖4-16 檢索結果.......................................................................................................51

表 目 錄
表2-1 知識表達的四種形式.......................................................................................7
表2-2 本體定義...........................................................................................................7
表2-3 本體方法相關規範...........................................................................................9
表2-4 註記的目的.....................................................................................................13
表2-5 以多媒體為主的後設資料標準簡介.............................................................15
表4-1 本研究之本體的領域與範圍.........................................................................34
表4-2 DUBLIN CORE元素集................................................................................35
表4-3 具體植物子類別的定義.................................................................................36
表4-4 整體的描述詞彙列表.....................................................................................37
表4-5 花的描述詞彙列表.........................................................................................37
表4-6 果的描述詞彙列表.........................................................................................38
表4-7 葉的描述詞彙列表.........................................................................................38
表4-8 屬性限制.........................................................................................................39
表4-9 註記資料的格式.............................................................................................40
表5-1 註記的比較.....................................................................................................53
表5-2 檢索的比較.....................................................................................................53
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[4]後設資料工作組,「參考規範-後設資料標準簡介」2005, Online Available at: http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~metadata/standard/standardCP.html
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