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研究生(外文):Ying-Hao Peng
論文名稱(外文):A SCORM-compliant Heterogeneous Learning Management System for e-Learning Grid
指導教授(外文):Ching-Jung Liao
外文關鍵詞:Grid ServicesWSRFSCORMe-Learning Grid
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目前絕大多數的數位學習教材均遵循共享教材物件參考模型(Sharable Content Object Reference Model, SCORM)標準,但要達到各個數位學習平台上的教材共享與協同合作,在跨平台的整合上仍然缺乏一個有效的解決方案。因此利用格網服務的技術與格網架構找出一個跨數位學習平台的整合方案。

本研究提出一個符合SCORM標準異質學習管理系統之數位學習格網(A SCORM-compliant Heterogeneous Learning Management System for e-Learning Grid, SCLG),藉此來解決各個異質學習管理系統學習資源整合的問題,在該環境中使用者可以透過一個統一的Web介面提出數位學習的需求,動態創建一個符合使用者需求的服務、呈現學習成果以及提供一個安全的執行環境。

我們使用可製作符合SCORM標準教材的工具來產生及取得學習理系統(Learning Management System, LMS)中既有之符合SCORM標準之學習物件的方式,再利用格網服務來整合異質性系統環境下的學習物件和管理格網內的所有可使用資源。當使用者透過統一的介面提出需求時,系統能夠委派分佈於各地的資源來構成一個數位學習格網,提供給使用者一個安全的使用環境。此外,基於格網服務是採用公開的協定與標準,因此將能有效整合分佈各地的異質平台的資源。

Currently, most of the e-Learning contents were Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)-compliant. It still lacked of an efficient solution to integrate with sharable and collaboration contents of each heterogeneous e-Learning platform, so that an integration solution was proposed to solve the problem for across the e-Learning platforms by using grid service technology and grid architecture.

In this study, a SCORM-compliant Heterogeneous Learning Management System for e-Learning Grid (SCLG) was proposed to solve the problem in learning resources integration on each heterogeneous learning management system. Users could send an e-Learning request via a unified Web interface, create a service dynamically, learning content presentation, and a safety run-time environment was provided.

SCORM-compliant authoring tools were used to generate and access the learning objects of LMSs. Grid services were used to integrate the learning objects among the heterogeneous systems and manage the available resources in the grid environment. When users proposed a request, system can delegate distributed resources to build a safe e-Learning grid environment. In addition, grid services were open protocols and standards based, so that the distributed heterogeneous resources could be integrated efficiently.

For the system implementation, GT4 was used as the grid engine for registration, publishing, and deployment of the learning objects. The same resource could be accessed by different grid services at the same time, so that the distributed e-Learning resources integration and dynamically access can be implemented to achieve the content sharable and synchronization cooperation in learning platform. Eight sets of grid environment architecture based on Linux were established, and setting up LMSs with three different systems, Windows, FreeBSD, and Linux. The purpose was to prove the feasibility of proposed prototype by the characteristics of grid services. Experimental results show that the learning objects could be deployed on the nodes by using grid services and supporting binding to reach heterogeneous learning management systems integration. In the future, semantic aspects can be attached to SCLG to achieve human-centered and ubiquitous learning.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 簡介 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 待答問題 2
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 研究限制 3
1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 共享教材物件參考模型 6
2.2 格網概述 8
2.3 Globus Toolkit 9
2.4 數位學習格網 10
第三章 研究方法 12
3.1 設計理念 12
3.2 研究架構與流程 15
3.3 系統建置方法 16
第四章 系統架構與實驗模擬 17
4.1 系統設計 17
4.2 系統環境 18
4.3 實驗模擬 19
第五章 實作結果與討論 24
5.1 實作結果 24
5.2 研究成果與討論 40
第六章 結論與未來發展 42
6.1 結論 42
6.2 未來發展 42
參考文獻 43
作者簡歷 46
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