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研究生(外文):Char-Chin Lin
論文名稱(外文):An Efficient Multicast Routing Scheme in Mobile IP Networks
指導教授(外文):Shin-Hsiung Twu
外文關鍵詞:Mobile IPmulticast
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在本論文中,我們考慮在MOBILE IP 網路中提供行動主機群播服務的問題並且提出一個新的群播路由機制以改善在Mobile IP網路上的群播效率。在我們的機制中避免一些群播在Mobile IP上的問題,例如群播樹的重建和封包遺失…等。
(1) 利用群播代理人的階層式網路結構可以隔絕行動主
(2) 藉著利用虛擬區域,我們可以獲得快速換手的效果
(3) 此建議機制也可以限制群播樹的重建頻率以及減少
In this thesis, we consider the problem of
providing multicast to mobile hosts using mobile IP for network routing support and propose a new multicast routing scheme to improve multicast
efficiency in mobile IP networks. The proposal also can avoid some problems of multicast over mobile IP, such as reconstruction of multicast delivery tree and packet loss due to handoff, etc.
In our proposal, at first we introduce a hierarchical mobility management approach and adopt the multicast agent which is a multicast router by using the Core Based Tree protocol (CBT) in each multicast group to shield mobility within foreign domain. Then, we organize adjacent cells where mobile host visits the foreign network into virtual domain. By informing the adjacent base stations to subscribe to the same multicast group before a handoff occurs, we can get better efficiency and overcome some problems that mobile hosts cross foreign networks.
The contributions of our research are as
(1) The hierarchical mobility architecture using
the multicast agent can isolate the mobility
of the mobile hosts from the main multicast
(2) By employing the virtual domain, we can
achieve fast handoff performance so as to
reduce disruption to multicast reception.
(3) It also limits the reconstruction frequency
of multicast delivery tree due to the
handoff and eliminates multicast group join
and graft latencies.
With comparison of the proposed scheme and some existing schemes, we can find that our proposal have better efficiency.
Abstract I
List of Figures III
List of Tables IV
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivations 1
1.2 The Proposed Scheme and Main Results 5
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 6
Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 7
2.1 Overview of Mobile IP and IP Multicast 7
2.1.1 The IETF Mobile IP 7
2.1.2 The Internet Group Management Protocol 11
2.1.3 Multicast Routing Protocols 14
2.2 Tradition Multicast Scheme in Mobile IP 22
2.2.1 The Remote Subscription Scheme 22
2.2.2 The Bi-directional Tunneling Scheme 23
2.2.3 The MoM Scheme and The Other Schemes 26
Chapter 3 The Proposed Multicast Routing Scheme in Mobile IP 29
3.1 The Proposed Mobility Architecture 29
3.2 The Operation of The Proposed Multicast Routing Scheme 35
3.3 Comparison 43
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Further Works 45
4.1 Conclusions 45
4.2 Further Works 45
References 46

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Mobile IP entities and their inter-relationships 9
Figure 2.2 IGMP for group membership 13
Figure 2.3 PIM-SM domain and RP 18
Figure 2.4 The construction of multicast delivery tree in the CBT 20
Figure 2.5 The Bi-directional Tunneling scheme 23
Figure 2.6 Multicast data duplication problem in bi-direction tunneling
scheme 24
Figure 2.7 Tunnel Convergence problem 25
Figure 2.8 DMSP selection in MoM scheme 27
Figure 3.1 Mobile IP hierarchical architecture 30
Figure 3.2 The proposed hierarchical mobility management approach 31
Figure 3.3 The virtual domain 33
Figure 3.4 Message exchange of multicast group subscription 35
Figure 3.5 Before the handoff of MH 37
Figure 3.6 Message exchange when a handoff occurs 38
Figure 3.7 After the handoff of the MH from BS2 to BS3 41
Figure 3.8 Message exchange during a handoff when MH is a multicast sender42

List of Tables
Table 3.1 Comparison of mobile multicast approaches 44
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