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研究生(外文):Ying-Chieh Wang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Hot Embossing Characteristics in Micro-channel for Biochip
指導教授(外文):Shia-Chung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Micro hot embossingMicro-channelBiochip
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本研究中,設計出具有深與寬分別為30μm與100 μm之生物晶片,與具1/2、1、5/3與10/3之不同深寬比微流道,利用UV光將微流道圖案定義在SU-8光阻上,再以電鑄技術製作出具有高強度之鎳鈷合金母模。而後以厚度為1mm和直徑分別為70㎜與45㎜之PMMA與PC圓形薄板為基板配合3D顯微鏡量測,來探討微熱壓成型時壓印溫度、壓印力與壓印時間三項參數對微流道成型之影響。並針對不同深寬比之微流道成型作做一有系統之研究。
Polymers have a great potential to be used for BioMEMS applications because many polymers are low cost, can be processed easily, and possess a broad range of physical and chemical properties.
In this study, the micro-channel array with 30μm in depth, 100μm in width and 50μm in pitch had designed. And another pattern with different aspect ratio had also designed. The UV light was used to transfer the pattern on SU-8 photoresist, and the Ni-Co based stamp was made by electroforming. PMMA and PC sheet of 70 ㎜ and 45㎜in diameter and 1 mm in thickness was utilized as molding substrate. 3D laser microscope was used to measure the width, depth and sidewall draft angle of the micro-channels.
The processing conditions studied include embossing force, embossing temperature, and embossing time. It was found that embossing force and embossing temperature are two key parameters affecting the molding accuracy significantly. Increasing embossing temperature will make the melt more soften and lower the viscosity of melt to reach good accuracy of imprint depth and width, but the cycle time also increased. All the accuracies of the imprint depth, width and draft angle increase with the applied embossing force until the associated dimensions reach saturated values. Increase of embossing time would increase the replication accuracy. Different aspect ratio micro-channels molding experimental shows that small channel is easily molding.
From this study, it will lead to a better understanding on the molding characteristics of hot embossing for the fabrication of micro-channels within a polymer substrate. The study also provides research worker a molding guideline for molded biochip devices.
中文摘要 ................................................................Ⅰ
英文摘要 ................................................................Ⅱ
第一章 序論.............................................................1
1-1 前言..................................................................1
1-2 微機電系統與LIGA技術..................................................2
1-2-1 微機電系統簡介......................................................2
1-2-2 LIGA技術簡介........................................................3
1-3 微熱壓成型技術........................................................6
1-4 生物晶片..............................................................7
1-5 文獻回顧..............................................................8
1-6 研究動機與目的.......................................................18
1-7 本文架構.............................................................20
第二章 微熱壓成型實驗設備與方法........................................24
2-1 實驗設備.............................................................24
2-2 實驗材料.............................................................26
2-3 實驗方法.............................................................28
第三章 模具製作與微熱壓成型實驗........................................40
3-1 生物晶片微流道模具製作...............................................40
3-2 實驗設計與成型檢測方法...............................................42
3-3 微熱壓成型實驗.......................................................44
3-3-1 微熱壓成型實驗-壓印溫度實驗........................................44
3-3-2 微熱壓成型實驗-壓印力實驗..........................................45
3-3-3 微熱壓成型實驗-壓印時間實驗........................................45
3-3-4 不同深寬比微流道成型實驗...........................................45
第四章 實驗結果與討論..................................................55
4-1 微熱壓成型實驗-壓印溫度實驗結果......................................55
4-2 微熱壓成型實驗-壓印力實驗結果........................................56
4-3 微熱壓成型實驗-壓印時間實驗結果......................................58
4-4 不同深寬比微流道成型實驗結果.........................................60
4-5 微熱壓成型實驗結果討論...............................................62
第五章 結論與未來展望..................................................85
5-1 結論.................................................................85
5-2 未來展望.............................................................86

表1-1 三種微成型技術優缺點比較表........................................22
表3-1 生物晶片鎳鈷模具上的微流道尺寸....................................46
表3-2 不同深寬比鎳鈷模具上的微流道尺寸..................................46
表3-3 生物晶片微流道微熱壓成型參數表....................................46
表3-4 不同深寬比微流道微熱壓成型參數表..................................47

圖1-1 使用MEMS技術將質譜儀微小化........................................23
圖1-2 微熱壓成型示意圖..................................................23
圖2-1 EVG 520微熱壓成型機...............................................32
圖2-2 真空幫浦..........................................................32
圖2-3 冰水機冷卻系統....................................................33
圖2-4 上模加熱線圈......................................................33
圖2-5 加熱燈組..........................................................34
圖2-6 鈦合金模板........................................................34
圖2-7 空氣壓縮幫浦......................................................35
圖2-8 光阻旋塗機(MSC-300D) .............................................35
圖2-9 電熱板(YSC) ......................................................36
圖2-10 曝光機(SUSS) .....................................................36
圖2-11 微電鑄機(EFM-301) ................................................37
圖2-12 彩色雷射3D顯微鏡..................................................37
圖2-13 LIGA-like製程示意圖..............................................38
圖2-14 不同深寬比微流道設計..............................................38
圖2-15 生物晶片微流道系統................................................39
圖3-1 生物晶片微流道之光罩..............................................47
圖3-2 不同深寬比微流道之光罩............................................48
圖3-3 鎳鈷合金之生物晶片微流道金屬模具..................................48
圖3-4 鎳鈷合金不同深寬比微流道金屬模具..................................49
圖3-5 生物晶片微流道量測點A、B、C之位置.................................49
圖3-6 不同深寬比微流道量測點之位置......................................50
圖3-7 微流道的寬度、深度與側壁脫模角度定義..............................50
圖3-8 生物晶片微流道鎳鈷模具雷射3D顯微鏡檢測圖..........................51
圖3-9 不同深寬比微流道鎳鈷模具雷射3D顯微鏡檢測圖........................52
圖3-10 典型的微熱壓成型製程示意圖........................................53
圖3-11 成型基材與模具(左:上模板,右:下模板)..............................53
圖3-12 微熱壓成型自動化電腦參數設定畫面..................................54
圖4-1 微熱壓成型之生物晶片微流道系統....................................65
圖4-2 裁切後之微熱壓成型生物晶片微流道系統..............................65
圖4-3 微熱壓成型之不同深寬比微流道系統..................................66
圖4-4 壓印溫度對於微流道成型寬度的影響..................................66
圖4-5 壓印溫度對於微流道成型深度的影響..................................67
圖4-6 壓印溫度對於微流道側壁脫模角度的影響..............................67
圖4-7 壓印溫度高與壓印溫度低的成型比較..................................68
圖4-8 左邊成型產品薄化且面積變大,右邊為正常之成型產品..................69
圖4-9 壓印力對於微流道成型寬度的影響....................................69
圖4-10 壓印力對於微流道成型深度的影響....................................70
圖4-11 壓印力對於微流道側壁脫模角度的影響................................70
圖4-12 壓印力大與壓印力小的成型比較......................................71
圖4-13 壓印時間對於微流道成型寬度的影響..................................72
圖4-14 壓印時間對於微流道成型深度的影響..................................72
圖4-15 壓印時間對於微流道脫模角度的影響..................................73
圖4-16 壓印時間長與壓印時間短的成型比較..................................74
圖4-17 壓印力4kN時不同成型溫度對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響...............75
圖4-18 壓印力5kN時不同成型溫度對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響...............75
圖4-19 壓印力6kN時不同成型溫度對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響...............76
圖4-20 壓印力7kN時不同成型溫度對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響...............76
圖4-21 壓印力8kN時不同成型溫度對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響...............77
圖4-22 左邊成型產品薄化且面積變大,右邊為正常之成型產品..................77
圖4-23 成型溫度160℃時不同成型壓印力對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響.........78
圖4-24 成型溫度170℃時不同成型壓印力對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響.........78
圖4-25 成型溫度180℃時不同成型壓印力對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響.........79
圖4-26 成型溫度190℃時不同成型壓印力對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響.........79
圖4-27 成型溫度200℃時不同成型壓印力對不同深寬比之微流道成型影響.........80
圖4-28 成型時壓印溫度過低而無法完全將模具押入材料中來成型................80
圖4-29 成型時因壓印力太小而無法迫使融膠流動到角落來成型..................81
圖4-30 壓印時間對於成型的影響............................................82
圖4-31 微熱壓成型時壓印時間不足而導致成型不完全..........................83
圖4-32 成型條件不足與成型條件足夠之比較..................................84
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