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研究生(外文):Jeng-Lin Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Self-Oscillating Circuit
指導教授(外文):Yung Ting
外文關鍵詞:synchronous demodulation circuit.differential amplifier circuitautomatic gain control circuitself-excited driving circuit
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In this thesis, designing a driving and sensing circuitry for gyroscope is the primary goal. Self-excited mode is used for designing the driving circuit. The operating frequency is assigned based on the desired resonant frequency of the gyroscope. In association with the feedback circuit, the gyroscope is able to generate appropriate oscillation. Auto gain control circuit is also included to stabilize the amplitude of the driving signal in order to increase its accuracy and provide a steady synchronous signal for the sensing circuitry. Differential amplifier circuit is used to remove the invalid driving signal involved in the sensing signal and then to amplify such clean signal. Synchronous demodulation circuit is also employed to carry out demodulation of the synchronous signal with the sensing signal, thus the voltage signal with respect to the rotation rate is finally obtained. Functioning test is completed in experiment to show its performance of a good resolution and a linear relationship between the rotation speed and the sensing voltage.
目 錄


第一章 緒論.....................................1
1.1 前言.................................1
1.2 文獻回顧.............................4
1.3 論文架構.............................9

第二章 壓電感測與陀螺儀簡介....................10
2.1 壓電效應............................10
2.2 各式壓電振動陀螺儀之介紹............13
2.3 壓電圓柱型陀螺儀工作原理............20
2.3.1 圓柱型陀螺儀結構..............20
2.3.2 陀螺儀之感測原理..............21
2.3.3 陀螺儀之等效電路..............24
2.3.4 陀螺儀之模擬分析..............27

第三章 驅動與信號析出電路模組之設計............30
3.1 驅動電路模組........................31
3.1.1 自激式振盪原理................33
3.1.2 自激振盪電路設計考量..........36
3.1.3 自動增益控制(AGC)電路.........45
3.1.4 相位補償電路..................48
3.2 感測信號析出電路模組................51
3.2.1 差動放大器....................52
3.2.2 同步解調器....................57

第四章 特性實驗與結果..........................60
4.1 陀螺儀共振頻率及電氣參數量測........61
4.1.1 共振頻率量測實驗..............61
4.1.2 等效電路參數量測實驗..........66
4.2 驅動電路模組實驗....................67
4.2.1 驅動及感測信號測試............69
4.2.2 自動增益控制電路..............72
4.2.3 相位補償電路..................74
4.2.4 自激驅動電路實現..............77
4.3 感測信號析出電路模組實驗............78
4.3.1 差動放大電路測試..............78
4.3.2 同步解調電路測試..............82
4.3.3 感測信號析出模組實現..........85
4.4 旋轉特性實驗........................87

第五章 結論與未來展望..........................90
5.1 結論................................90
5.2 未來展望............................92

附錄A 儀器規格.................................100
附錄B 訊號擷取程式.............................102

圖 目 錄

圖2.1 壓電效應................................11
圖2.2 方樑型陀螺儀結構示意圖..................13
圖2.3 三角樑型陀螺儀結構示意圖................15
圖2.4 音叉型陀螺儀結構示意圖..................16
圖2.5 圓柱管型陀螺儀結構示意圖................18
圖2.6 圓柱型陀螺儀結構圖......................20
圖2.7 圓柱型陀螺儀感測示意圖..................21
圖2.8 陀螺儀內部感測效應圖....................22
圖2.9 振動模態示意圖..........................22
圖2.10 驅動之感測端信號情形....................23
圖2.11 旋轉時感測端信號產生情形................23
圖2.12 模態與角速度關係圖......................24
圖2.13 基本等效電路圖..........................25
圖2.14 圓柱型振動陀螺儀之等效電路圖............26
圖2.15 陀螺儀結構..............................28
圖2.16 頻率為31571Hz之模態.....................28
圖2.17 驅動方向之頻率響應圖....................29
圖3.1 驅動及感測信號析出電路架構圖............30
圖3.2 振盪頻率與穩定度之關係..................31
圖3.3 自激共振電路正回授系統..................33
圖3.4 回授型振盪器............................36
圖3.5 回授型電晶體振盪器......................37
圖3.6 Colpitts振盪器等效電路..................38
圖3.7 水晶或陶瓷振盪子之等效電路圖............39
圖3.8 晶體電抗對頻率之關係圖..................40
圖3.9 晶體之等效電抗圖........................41
圖3.10 晶體電阻電抗與頻率之關係圖..............41
圖3.11 振盪狀態之晶體振動子等效電路............42
圖3.12 利用陀螺儀電感性之Colpitts電路..........43
圖3.13 自激驅動電路之設計架構..................44
圖3.14 自動增益控制(AGC)之功能方塊圖...........46
圖3.15 AGC電路設計架構.........................47
圖3.16 RC落後相移電路..........................48
圖3.17 相位補償電路架構........................49
圖3.18 差動放大器架構圖........................52
圖3.19 差動放大器之差動輸入示意圖..............55
圖3.20 差動放大器之共模輸入示意圖..............55
圖3.21 感測信號與差動運算波形..................56
圖3.22 同步解調系統............................57
圖3.23 同步檢波信號示意圖......................59
圖4.1 陀螺儀架設之實體圖......................61
圖4.2 陀螺儀驅動方向(DR1)阻抗與頻率關係圖.....62
圖4.3 陀螺儀感測方向(PU2)阻抗與頻率關係圖.....63
圖4.4 陀螺儀感測方向(PU3)阻抗與頻率關係圖.....64
圖4.5 陀螺儀驅動及感測方向阻抗與頻率關係圖....65
圖4.6 驅動電路模組架構........................67
圖4.7 驅動信號2VP-P時,DR1、PU2及PU3信號波形..69
圖4.8 驅動信號5VP-P時,DR1、PU2及PU3信號波形..70
圖4.9 驅動信號2VP-P時, PU2及PU3信號波形......71
圖4.10 驅動信號5VP-P時, PU2及PU3信號波形......71
圖4.11 基準電壓為-0.64V之驅動信號輸出..........72
圖4.12 基準電壓為-1.68V之驅動信號輸出..........73
圖4.13 輸出訊號經由AGC電路後之相移.............74
圖4.14 相位補償後相差90度之波形................75
圖4.15 相位補償後相差0度之波形.................75
圖4.16 陀螺儀驅動端(DR1)之信號量測結果.........77
圖4.17 感測信號析出電路模組....................78
圖4.18 陀螺儀未旋轉之感測信號及差動輸出........79
圖4.19 陀螺儀順時針旋轉之感測信號及差動輸出....80
圖4.20 陀螺儀逆時針旋轉之感測信號及差動輸出....80
圖4.21 輸入於同步解調電路之感測信號............83
圖4.22 同步信號................................83
圖4.23 陀螺儀順時針旋轉之解調電路輸出信號......84
圖4.24 陀螺儀逆時針旋轉之解調電路輸出信號......84
圖4.25 陀螺儀於靜止時之感測電壓信號............85
圖4.26 陀螺儀順時針旋轉之感測電壓信號..........86
圖4.27 陀螺儀逆時針旋轉之感測電壓信號..........86
圖4.28 陀螺儀感測電路..........................87
圖4.29 轉速與感測電壓關係圖....................89

表 目 錄

表4.1 轉速對感測電壓之關係表..................88
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