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研究生(外文):Hsin-Wei Hung
論文名稱(外文):The influence of femoral neck offset and extent of distal fixation of femoral stem on the stability of postoperative femur in THA revision
指導教授(外文):Weng-Pin Chen
外文關鍵詞:Finite element methoddistal fixationrevision THA
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本研究目的為使用有限元素法分析對於骨柄直徑、緊配程度、緊配接觸長度、摩擦係數以及骨頸偏移距離參數做評估比較其對再置換手術術後穩定度的影響,爲了探討方便,分為簡單模型及真實模型。於簡單模型結果可得影響程度依序為:緊配程度>緊配接觸長度>股骨柄直徑>摩擦係數,真實模型為:緊配接觸長度>骨頸偏移距離。 根據分析所設定的限制條件及得到的結果,列出幾點臨床建議:(1)在股骨柄直徑為固定的情況下,緊配接觸長度越長(在本研究為4cm),術後穩定度越好。(2)於股骨柄直徑大或小均能達到相同的緊配接觸長度的條件下,選擇較小直徑的骨柄(在本研究中為15mm),可達到較好的穩定度,且可保存骨存量。(3)增加緊配程度,術後穩定度越高。
The goals of revision total hip arthroplasty (revion THA) include reconstruction of the anatomy and reparation of normal biomechanics, and preserve as much bone quality as possible. It probably lead to bone deficiency during the process of removing the loosened femoral stem so that it’s hard to reconstruction. Clinically, the use of distal fixation is good for these patients to reach the initial stability, and many previous studies revealed that such a distal fixation really got up to good stability.

The objective of the current study is to use finite element method to analyze the diameter of the femoral stem, undersized extent, distal fit length, friction coefficient and femoral stem offset, these parameters above were evaluated in effect of revision THA on post-operative stability. The finite element models were separated into simplified and real models. The results of simplified model showed that the undersized extent had the high priority in these affective factors, and other were distal fit length, the diameter of the femoral stem and the friction coefficient in sequence. The results of real model revealed that the distal fit length was priority over the femoral stem offset.

A few clinical suggestions based on our results were listed below:
(1) The longer the distal fit length (the current study is 4 cm) the better the stability on the premise that the diameter of femoral stem is invariable.

(2) The use of the smaller femoral stem (the current study is 15 mm) could reach the better stability and preserve bone quality so much on premise that the equivalent distal fit length were reached whether the larger femoral stem or not.

(3) The larger undersized extent the better the stability.
摘要............................................................................................................. I
Abstract ......................................................................................................II
總目錄...................................................................................................... IV
第一章 緒論...............................................................................................1
1.1 前言......................................................................................................1
1.2 髖關節構造及人工髖關節再置換術.................................................3
1.3 研究背景..............................................................................................8
1.4 研究目的............................................................................................16
第二章 材料與方法................................................................................17
2.1 研究流程............................................................................................17
2.2 簡單模型探討...................................................................................18
2.3 真實模型探討...................................................................................25
2.4 模型收斂測試...................................................................................34
第三章 結果.............................................................................................37
3.1 簡單模型探討結果...........................................................................37
  CosmosWorks 與Marc 結果驗證.......................................37
3.2 實際模型結果...................................................................................48
  Micromotion 的比較............................................................53
第四章 討論.............................................................................................55
4.1 簡單模型- CosmosWorks 與Marc 結果驗證..................................55
4.2 簡單模型-不同緊配程度下骨頭的蒙麥斯應力..............................57
4.3 簡單模型-轉動位移文獻比較..........................................................59
4.4 簡單模型-摩擦係數的影響..............................................................61
4.5 簡單模型-骨柄直徑與緊配接觸長度比較......................................62
4.6 真實模型-股骨上的高應力..............................................................64
4.7 真實模型與簡單模型比較...............................................................67
4.8 真實模型-offset 的影響....................................................................68
4.9 研究假設與實際情形的差異...........................................................71
第五章 結論.............................................................................................72

【圖1.9】股骨頭損壞分類 (a) Type I (b) Type II (c) Type Ⅲ (d) Type
術後18 個月(c)術後5 年。[26] .............................................................12
【圖1.11】Meneghini 等人實驗裝置[27] .............................................13
【圖2.2】Meneghini 等學者實驗裝置圖[27] .......................................18
【圖2.4】在undereamed 0.2mm 之下,選用骨柄直徑為18mm 的模型。
(a) 遠端接觸長度4cm (b) 遠端接觸長度3cm (c) 遠端接觸長度2cm
【圖2.5】於Marc 及CosmosWorks 軟體中負載及邊界設定............22
【圖2.6】人造股骨CT 影像.................................................................25
【圖2.8】ZMR 尺寸參考.......................................................................27
【圖2.9】ZMR 細部尺寸參考...............................................................27
【圖2.10】股骨柄CAD 模型................................................................28
【圖2.14】四面體10 節點網格模型(a)海綿骨(b)皮質骨(c)股骨柄(d)
【圖2.15】不同元素邊長的實體網格模型(a)4mm (b)5mm (c)6mm
【圖3.1】Cosmos 軟體圓柱座標參考示意圖......................................37
【圖3.2】CosmosWorks 與Marc 結果驗證-骨柄上的蒙麥斯應力比較
【圖3.3】Cosmos 與Marc 結果驗證-骨頭上的蒙麥斯應力比較......39
【圖3.4】Cosmos 與Marc 結果驗證-骨柄徑向方向位移量..............39
【圖3.5】Cosmos 與Marc 結果驗證-骨頭徑向方向位移量..............40
【圖3.6】緊配的變形放大示意圖(a)CosmosWorks (b) Marc .............41
【圖3.7】CosmosWorks 結果:相同骨柄直徑及接觸長度下,不同
undersize 之蒙麥斯應力及變形情形......................................................41
【圖3.8】Marc 結果:相同骨柄直徑及接觸長度下,不同undersize
【圖3.9】CosmosWorks 結果剖面視圖:相同骨柄直徑及接觸長度下,
不同undersize 之蒙麥斯應力及變形情形.............................................43
【圖3.10】Marc 結果剖面視圖:相同骨柄直徑及接觸長度下,不同
undersize 之蒙麥斯應力及變形情形......................................................43
【圖3.13】不同摩擦係數骨柄轉動位移比較 (a)緊配接觸4 cm (b)緊
配接觸3 cm..............................................................................................46
【圖3.14】undersized 0.2mm 之下,不同骨柄直徑及接觸長度的骨柄
【圖3.15】undersized 0.5mm 之下,不同骨柄直徑及接觸長度的骨柄
【圖3.16】40mm 股骨頸偏移距離下於不同緊配接觸長度下之股骨內
側應力分佈(a)2 cm (b)3 cm (c)4 cm .......................................................48
【圖3.17】45mm 股骨頸偏移距離下於不同緊配接觸長度下之股骨內
側應力分佈(a)2 cm (b)3 cm (c)4 cm .......................................................49
【圖3.19】40mm 股骨頸偏移距離下於不同緊配接觸長度下之股骨內
【圖3.20】45mm 股骨頸偏移距離下於不同緊配接觸長度下之股骨內
【圖3.22】40mm 股骨頸偏移距離下於不同緊配接觸長度下之髓內腔
【圖3.23】45mm 股骨頸偏移距離下於不同緊配接觸長度下之髓內腔
【圖3.25】股骨柄末端於不同offset 及緊配接觸下之平均合位移...53
【圖3.26】Micromotion 的比較............................................................54
【圖4.2】CosmosWorks 圓柱座標示意圖............................................62
【圖4.3】undersized 0.2 mm 下不同骨柄直徑於不同接觸長度的轉動
【圖4.4】undersized 0.5 mm 下不同骨柄直徑於不同接觸長度的轉動
【圖4.5】股骨內側於不同offset 及緊配長度之蒙麥斯最大應力.....65
【圖4.8】不同offset 與緊配接觸長度下之micromotion ...................68

【表1.1】Meneghini 實驗組數..............................................................13
【表2.3】Meneghini 等人實驗之結果[27] ...........................................23
【表4.1】不同offset 下micromotion 的影響百分比..........................69
【表4.2】不同緊配程度下,micromotion 的影響百分比..................69
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