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研究生(外文):Tsan Li Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of Integration of Existing Open Source Software for Achieving CMMI Level 2 Requirement Management
指導教授(外文):Che Wun Chiou
外文關鍵詞:CMMIRequirement ManagementSoftware DevelopmentContinue IntegrationConfiguration Management
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本論文研製之目的是以手持裝置軟體開發為例來探討CMMI Level 2 需求管理流程領域,由於通訊的世代交替,功能性需求的增加,以及硬體元件的單晶片模組化,使得有效率的軟體開發成為重要的課題,軟體開發之首要為需求管理,了解需求並確保需求變更的正確追蹤,需要適當的需求管理工具的輔助,雖然商務的需求管理工具已相當成熟,但是卻價格昂貴、缺乏客製化和維護成本高;因此,本研究著重於從需求管理出發,提出一個適當的方法來增進軟體開發的效率,並克服上述之缺點。
The purpose of this thesis is base on the software development of handheld devices to study CMMI Maturity Level 2 Requirement Management. Due to the upcoming generation of communication, the functionalities of needs are dramatically increasing and hardware components are being packaged in single IC. Software development has become an important topic. Requirement management is the critical portion of software development. Therefore, to realize the requirement and keep track of requirement change are the topics to attract our attention. The demand of adequate requirement management tool is thus very high. Although commercial products are quite mature, they are very expensive, short of customization, and high maintain cost. To overcome these problems, this study will provide suitable methods to increase the effectiveness of software developing.
The activities of software developing will compose of requirement analysis, design, practice, testing and so on. Related work products include requirement specification, design specification, source code and so on. These activities, resource and output should be managed. Meanwhile, the communication between team members requires the support of work flow and automatic tool.
In order to fulfill the needs of software developing and management of artifacts, this paper will offer the research structure on integration of open software tools. This structure will demonstrate the feasibility of integration within requirement management, traceability maintenance, version control and auto build. Also, this study will satisfy the requirement of configuration management in CMMI Level 2. By using cell phone software as a real case can support this study and provide an example for software organization to enhance the efficiency and management. To fully utilize this method can further introduce the improvement of CMMI process.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 簡介 1
1.2 研究背景 1
1.3 研究動機與目標 2
1.4 文獻探討 3
1.5 研究方法 3
1.6 章節導讀 4
第2章 背景知識 5
2.1 軟體開發之生命週期 6
2.2 需求與需求管理 7
2.3 需求的問題 8
2.4 需求分析與系統設計方法 10
2.5 需求分類 13
2.6 需求追溯 15
2.7 能力成熟度整合模式 16
2.7.1 能力成熟度整合模式簡介 16
2.7.2 表述方式 17
2.7.3 模式組件 21
2.7.4 流程領域 23
2.7.5 國內 CMMI 推動情形 26
2.7.6 需求管理流程領域 28
2.8 與需求有關之國際標準 29
2.9 商用需求工具 29
2.10 手持裝置軟體的特性-以手機為例 33
第3章 需求管理之架構設計與說明 35
3.1 軟體開發角色工作與流程 35
3.2 輔助工具的需求與設計 38
3.2.1 需求管理工具-Excel 38
3.2.2 需求議題追蹤系統-Scarab 39
3.2.3 版本控管系統-CVS 40
3.2.4 缺陷議題追蹤系統-Scarab 45
3.2.5 資料庫系統 46
3.3 自動化整合運作環境 47
3.3.1 自動化機制 48
3.3.2 建構流程定義與特性 52
3.3.3 系統架構 53
3.3.4 工作流程 53
3.3.5 自動化整合的益處 54
3.4 功能需求流程架構 55
3.4.1 需求狀態流程 55
3.4.2 需求工作狀態流程 57
3.4.3 需求議題欄位屬性之建置 60
3.5 SCARAB重要操作界面 63
3.6 需求議題與驗證測試 65
第4章 研究分析與實例探討 66
4.1 與CMMI流程領域特定執行方法之要求比較 66
4.2 與四大商務需求管理工具比較 66
4.3 實例探討 69
第5章 結論與未來發展 72
參考文獻 73
附錄 76
簡歷 77
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