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論文名稱(外文):Design and Simulation of a New Stewart platform
外文關鍵詞:Negative Poisson’s RatioStewart platform
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The systematic miniaturization and precise demand makes a reservation increase day by day to endure the device development of the nano industry. The research uses double-layer flexure enlarge hinge that the negative passion’s ratio structure to design 6 axle stage with asymmetry enlarge mechanical structure design mainly of micro stewart platform. This stage reach the high accuracy and the demand relatively small-scale in volume.
The appearance size of base plate and moving plate is 70mm and 10mm respectively, and the height is only 20mm. The integrated chain design without mechanical backlash and wear has the results the more accuracy. And dispel the assembling, have omitted the difficult work among the components of small scale. This enlarge structure with the concept of designing by single layer, double layers and asymmetry of negative passion ratio is used the simulation of the computer. The finite element software is applied to analysis the stress, strain , displacement and the enlarged relation of the structure. The characteristic of the 6 degree of freedom stage has high accuracy and micro-displacement with relative small volume. The double-layer asymmetry enlarging structure is enlarged by 6 timesfor the piezoelectric ceramic actuator. The six axle stawert stage has the horizontal displacement 50μm, the vertical displacement is 50μm and rotate angle 0.5 degree.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 Stewart Platform發展史 7
1.3 模擬分析流程 8
1.4 研究目的 9
1.5 本文章節提要 11
第二章 盤型史都華六軸平台機構設計 12
2.1壓電陶瓷致動器 12
2.2負波桑比結構 14
2.3撓性鉸鍊 19
2.4.撓性鉸鍊模擬分析 21
2.4.1Rectangle Cross Section撓性鉸鍊模擬分析 21
2.4.2 Circular Notch Hinge撓性鉸鍊模擬分析 27
2.4.3 Corner-filleted撓性鉸鍊模擬分析 33
2.4.4 新式撓性鉸鍊模擬分析 39
2.5壓電放大機構設計 47
2.5.1單層壓電放大機構設計 47
2.5.2單軸雙層壓電放大機構設計 48
2.5.3單層非對稱壓電放大機構設計 48
2.6六軸史都華平台基本簡介 49
2.7六軸平台演算 50
2.8新式盤型史都華六軸平台設計 52
第三章 盤型史都華六軸平台模擬分析 54
3.1元素模型的建立 54
3.2單層放大機構分析 54
3.3單軸雙層放大機構分析 59
3.3單層非對稱壓電放大機構分析 63
3.4六軸平台模擬分析 68
第四章 實驗結果與分析 71
4.1單軸單層放大機構實測 74
4.2單軸雙層放大機構實測 76
4.3非對稱單軸放大機構實測 78
第五章 結論 80
5.1 研究成果 80
5.2 未來研究方向 81
參考文獻 82
簡歷 85
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