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研究生(外文):Chen Po-Tai
論文名稱(外文):Curriculum-Assign-System Analysis by Using Fuzzy Theory
指導教授:紀 慶 嘉
指導教授(外文):Ji Ching-China
外文關鍵詞:fuzzy theoryCurriculum assign system
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This study applies the fuzzy theory to solve the curriculum assign problems in consideration of teachers’ specialties, wishes, basic working hours and the needs of grade teachers to teach their respective classes, so as to applicably let all the teachers teach related courses and hope to build up a fair principle of the curriculum assign to diminish the influences of uncareful consideration and excessive subjectiveness caused by artificial curriculum assign.
Traditionally, the curriculum assign policymaker should make applicable decisions based on factors such as the content of education plans, total curriculum hours, teachers’ teaching experiences and willingness to teach. In addition to this, more sufficient interaction between a grade teacher and his class will enable the teaching relationship to get closer and will also improve students’ learning efficiency. For this reason, it is also considered an important factor that the grade teacher should teach his own class. From the above factors concerned with curriculum assign policy making, we can learn that: for the complexity of the artificial curriculum assign, it is hard to handle every interrelationship of these factors to efficiently make decisions out of correctness and fairness, and also hard to set up a standard mathematics model to perform calculations. The main purpose of this article is to applied the fuzzy theory by its characteristics of adept in inaccuracy and complexity, and establish the fuzzy- curriculum-assign-system (FCAS) in consideration of the above factors.
This study takes the daytime curriculum 2005 of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Ching Yun University as an illustration. By analyzing and comparing the results of both FCAS and artificial curriculum assign, it shows that FCAS not only objectively builds up a policy making principle of curriculum assign but also more efficiently reduces the manpower, material resources and the time spent on coordination meetings. The analyzing result also demonstrates that FCAS is capable of assigning every course applicably to teachers who is willing to teach and consequently prevent the subjectiveness and unfairness caused by artificial curriculum assign.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究背景 1
1.3 論文架構 1
第二章 模糊系統理論之基本觀念 2
2.1 模糊理論之源起 2
2.2 模糊理論之發展 2
2.3 模糊理論 3
2.3.1 模糊集合 3
2.3.2 歸屬函數 4
2.3.3 模糊集合的運算 6
2.3.4 模糊關係 7
3.3. 模糊推論 8
第三章 教師排課模糊推論系統 14
3.1 教師排課系統建立所面臨之問題 14
3.2 教師排課模糊推論系統之建立 15
3.2.1 教師排課模糊推論系統架構 15
第四章 實證研究 25
4.1 問題描述與參數設定 25
4.2 基本資料之建立 25
4.3 模糊推論演算與課程指定: 39
4.4 驗證結果與分析: 39
第五章 結論與建議 53
參考文獻 54
附錄 55
簡 歷 76
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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