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研究生(外文):Zong-Xion Lee
論文名稱(外文):tudy on Durability Test and Life Evaluation of a Gear Speed Reducer Used for Auto-washing Machine of Automobile
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Kuo Lee
外文關鍵詞:Gear reducerwarm pinionwarm gearaluminum bronzewear corrosion
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The experimental is divided into two major parts including; (1) short term test: using a self-design apparatus with various loads of 16%, 20%, and 42% full given output loading, (2) long term test: using a actual washing machine system that also set up by ourselves, the testing time is nearly up to about four months. Both parts of experimental measure the output current of motor with respect to testing time, from which can deduce the actual loading of reducer. The useful life of reducer can be calculated by substituting the varied loadings, rotation speeds, and rotation cycles into the equations derived from machine design theory. Finally, the failure surface of warm pinion and gear in reducer is observed by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The experimental results indicated that in short term test, the measuring output current increases with increasing loads, the deduced loading from output current also can evidence that the actual load in long term test is about 97% full given output load. The useful life calculation of reducer in short term test showed that the washing number of cars decrease with increasing loads, especially decreasing one order of washing car number at the loading of 42% full given output loading. In long term test the number of washing car reduced to 28.9×103, and under the condition of washing 250 cars per day the available washing days decrease with increasing time of washing car per each time. Furthermore, as the washing time is increased to above 2.8 hours, the available washing days are reduced to about 366 days. In short term test the failure surface of warm pinion showed small and large quantities of wear corrosion pits, whereas the warm gear surface revealed only plastic deformation of wear due to the well corrosion resistance of aluminum bronze. In long term test warm pinion showed serious wear corrosion failure characteristics of deep and large wearing cracks, in contrast the warm gear surface indicated relative weak failure of wear corrosion characteristic.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
符號說明 xi
第 一 章 緒論 1
1. 1 前言 1
第 二 章 文獻回顧 2
2. 1 齒輪減速機設計與製造 3
2. 2 齒輪減速機之種類與名稱 5
2.2. 1 螺旋齒輪減速機 5
2.2. 2 蝸輪減速機 6
2.2. 3 傘齒輪減速機 6
2.2. 4 擺線滾子減速機 7
2.2. 5 諧和式減速機 7
2.2. 6 行星式齒輪減速機 8
2. 3 蝸桿蝸輪的材料選用 9
2. 4 破壞分析 16
2. 5 磨耗原理 16
2. 6 磨耗腐蝕原理 16
2. 7 研究目的 17
第 三 章 實驗方法 19
3. 1 實驗程序分為二部份: 19
3.1. 1 短時間運轉試驗 19
3.1. 2 長時間實際喷水運轉 19
3.1. 3 運轉測試減速機之規格 19
3. 2 磁滯式測功試驗 19
3. 3 推算實際減速機之負荷 20
3. 4 壽命評估計算 20
3. 5 表面破壞觀察 21
3.5.1 SEM表面形態觀察 21
3. 6 磨耗試驗 22
3. 7 腐蝕磨耗試驗 23
3. 8 蝸桿蝸輪材料 23
第 四 章 結果與討論 25
4. 1 短時間運轉試驗 25
4. 2 長時間實際噴水運轉試驗 27
4. 3 壽命計算結果 31
4. 4 SEM表面破壞觀察 31
4. 5 乾磨耗試驗 41
4. 6 磨耗腐蝕試驗 46
第 五 章 結論 55
參考文獻 56
附錄一 馬達輸出電流與功率關係表 58
簡 歷 61
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