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研究生(外文):Ming-Hui Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Building Virtual Environments with Object-oriented Approach
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Ming Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Structuralized ModelingStandard Operation ProcedureDesign PatternWorkflow Patterns
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有鑒於此,本研究提出以物件導向塑模技術來輔助建構虛擬環境之流程腳本(Script),並以欲模擬之實體事物運作情境來推演出塑模程序之片段及其連結,而使塑模之流程結構化且自動化。其目的除了可省去虛擬實境應用者之軟體學習時程、減少編輯錯誤、並精簡流程內容外,尚可有助增進虛擬模擬之正確性。於是,研究方法將採以下三大階段進行之:(1) 使用有限狀態機(Finite-state Machine)推理實境議題之內涵,以斷定事理之主角、動作、及關連。(2) 使用統一塑模語言(UML)之物件導向技術將前項事理各細節作一具體之描述。(3) 歸納前項之動作流程而製作出相容於虛擬環境塑模腳本之各型樣板,以供樣板之套用及重複使用。實作部份,將採用虛擬實境軟體Virtools做為應用平台來產生樣板及腳本,並以虛擬工廠之實作案例驗證本研究方法。
Virtual reality (VR) is getting popular in many areas of applications because of the advancements of modern technologies in computer hardware and software. A successful implementation of VR requires thorough comprehension in modeling concepts and techniques, which could be a burden to whomever new to VR and wish to employ VR as a simulator. The complexity of how the digital replica can mimic the substantial may hamper the users from building an elaborate virtual model.
This research utilizes the structuralized modeling procedure from object-oriented modeling techniques to construct scripts for a VR engine. The activities inside the virtual environment will be derived by parsing the substantial scenario into linked fragments, where each fragment is a legal script statement, and thus, automate the virtual modeling process. The proposed method may shorten the learning process when editing scripts, eliminate inappropriate script structures, and streamline script workflows. Most of all, the rationality of the virtual simulation will be held. Therefore, the method has three major steps: (1) Parsing scenario into linked activities via a finite-state machine; (2) Describing activity details with Unified Modeling Language (UML); and (3) Developing script compatible workflow patterns from the activities. In the implementation, Virtools is employed as the VR platform for developing script patterns. A virtual factory is created using the proposed method to evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology.
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機...............................1
1.2 研究目的.....................................2
1.3 研究範圍與限制...............................3
1.4 研究步驟與流程...............................3
1.5 論文架構.....................................4
第二章 文獻探討...........................................5
2.1 虛擬實境的應用...............................5
2.1.1 虛擬實境簡介......................5
2.1.2 虛擬實境建構流程簡介..............6
2.2 塑模技術.....................................8
2.2.1 樣板(Pattern)塑模技術.............8
2.2.2 物件導向塑模技術..................9
2.5 文獻總結....................................11
第三章 研究方法..........................................12
3.1 問題描述與定義..............................12
3.2 研究方法之模組規劃..........................14
3.3 塑模設計分析................................18
3.3.1 有限狀態機(Finite-state Machine).18
3.3.2 UML模式的套用....................22
3.5 樣板產生.............................................29
第四章 實作範例..........................................34
4.1 定義虛擬實境內容............................34
4.2 分析虛擬實境................................35
4.2.1 情境類別分析.....................35
4.2.2 UML分析..........................37
4.2.3 樣板配對.........................38
4.3 建立塑模流程................................41
4.4 案例分析....................................45
第五章 結論與建議........................................46
5.1 結論........................................46
5.2 論文貢獻....................................46
5.3 未來研究....................................47
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