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研究生(外文):Yu-wen Hong
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Allergic Animal Model and 14-16 kDa of Allergic Protein in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
指導教授(外文):Shun-Cheng Wang
外文關鍵詞:proteinanimal modelallergic
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稻米(Oryza sativa L. )是亞洲國家重要的主食之ㄧ,然稻米胚乳中14-16 kDa的鹽溶性蛋白質,能與有過敏病患之IgE抗體產生交叉反應(cross-reactive),造成食物過敏反應,甚至休克。由於國內對食物過敏之動物模式研究較少,因此,本研究擬利用藥物誘發動物,以建立動物過敏模式。以腹腔注射途徑對Sprague-Dawley (SD)品系大鼠及Balb/c品系小鼠投予50-1000 μg含佐劑的卵白蛋白(ovalbumin, OVA)建立過敏反應的誘發模式,再以已建立Balb/c小鼠動物模式投予30-120 μg台農67號稻米(Tainung 67, TNG 67)的14-16 kDa蛋白及5、25 μg OVA進行安全性評估,經二次誘導後,第14天解剖取得血清進行分析。研究亦對純化的14-16 kDa過敏蛋白與OVA進行人工胃液及腸液的消化穩定性試驗。粗萃取水稻鹽溶性蛋白質後,再經膠體過濾層析管柱 (column)(Sephadex G-50)純化14-16 kDa蛋白,分離出A、B、C、D四區段,以十二烷基磺酸鈉-聚丙烯醯胺膠電泳(SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE)檢測及利用西方墨點法(Western blot)以過敏病患之血清IgE抗體進行活性檢測,並進行蛋白質質譜鑑定。試驗結果顯示,投予50 μg OVA/佐劑無法明顯誘導SD大鼠產生IgE抗體濃度(35.3 ng/ml);而Balb/c小鼠投予50-1000 μg OVA/佐劑皆能誘發動物體產生顯著性的IgE抗體濃度(分別為257.5 ng/ml、254.6 ng/ml及256.8 ng/ml)及特異性IgE抗體力價,而投予30、60及120 μg的14-16 kDa過敏蛋白無法明顯誘導Balb/c小鼠產生IgE抗體濃度(分別為236.8 ng/ml、211.0 ng/ml及189.5 ng/ml),卻可檢測出顯著性的抗原特異性IgE抗體力價。另外,OVA分別可在胃液及腸液中穩定5-60分鐘及2-5分鐘,而稻米14-16 kDa過敏蛋白則是分別在5-15分鐘及0-30秒內,結果顯示稻米14-16 kDa過敏蛋白在胃液及腸液中具穩定。稻米過敏蛋白的研究方面,經SDS-PAGE及Western blot檢測下,B段尖峰具很強烈的活性反應,質譜鑑定下顯示與已知的Rice allergen 16 (RA16)過敏蛋白具相似性。綜合本試驗研究顯示,利用OVA過敏誘導物可成功誘發Balb/c小鼠產生過敏反應,且稻米過敏蛋白14-16 kDa在腹腔途徑投予30-120 μg能明顯產生抗原特異性IgE抗體力價。
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important staple food for Asian. The salt dissolving protein of 14-16 kDa, can react (cross-reactive) with the IgE antibody with allergic patient in the endosperm of rice, cause the allergic response of food, even shock. It is seldom on domestic animal model in evaluating allergic effect to the food. We plan to establish an allergic animal model induced by medicines. The first step, we use SD (Sprague-Dawley) rat and Balb/c mice for allergic animal model test. The allergic effect was induced by injecting 50-1000ug OVA (ovalbumin) on rat and mice. The second step, we assessed the safety of 14-16 kDa protein of Tainung 67 of rice and 5 and 25 μg OVA after challenge in Balb/c mice by exposed. Mice were sacrificed after 14 days treatment through two times drug induction. Serum samples were collected and analyze from mice. The third step, the stability tests of simulated gastric fluid and simulated intestinal fluid to allergic protein of 14-16 kDa of the purification and OVA was investigated. The fraction A, B, C and D from 14-16 kDa allergic protein in rice were separated and collected by gel filtration chromatography column. The protein was pooled separately by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and the allergic activity of rice protein was measured by analyzing the reactivity with the allergic patient’s serum IgE antibody in western blot method. The protein also was analyzed by mass spectrometry. Determination of IgE concentraction (35.3 ng/ml) were not significantly increased after antigen challenge in SD rat exposed to 50 μg OVA with adjuvant. SD rat seems not be caused an allergic response. The IgE concentraction of Balb/c mice were detected in 257.5, 254.6 and 256.8 ng/ml, respectively, after dosing 50-1000ug OVA. The OVA-specific IgE titer was significantly increased as compared with control. Balb/c mice seem to be a suitable allergic animal model. The allergic protein of 14-16 kDa of 30, 60 and 120 ug were all unable to lead the Balb/c mice to produce the IgE antibody concentraction (value is 236.8 ng/ml, 211.0 ng/ml and 189.5 ng/ml respectively), however, food-specific IgE titer were significantly increased after antigen challenge. In addition, OVA was degraded at 5-60 min and 2-5 min respectively among gastric fluid (SGF) and intestinal fluid (SIF), but the rice of 14-16 kDa allergic protein to stable 5-15 minutes and 0-30 second, the result shows that the rice of 14-16 kDa allergic protein have potential anaphylaxis risk to the human health, can stable in gastric fluid and intestinal fluid. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that OVA could induce allergic effect on Balb/c mice. However, 120 μg 14-16 kDa of allergic protein in rice unable to induce IgE antibody significant increased on Balb/c mice by intraperitoneal.

第一章 前言………………………………………………………………….1
第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………………………………….3
第一節 基因改造生物(GMO)之概論……………………………………….3
第二節 稻米的介紹……………………………………………………….6
二、稻米14-16 kDa過敏蛋白的介紹…………………………………..7
第三節 食物過敏的介紹………………………………………………….8
第四節 過敏物質在動物模式的建立近況..……………………….…….10
第三章 材料與方法…………………………………………………………16
第一節 材料………………………………………………………………16
第二節 方法………………………………………………………………20
1. SD品系大鼠過敏陽性對照組之建立……………………………..20
2. Balb/c品系小鼠過敏陽性對照組之建立………………………….22
2.1. IgG抗體濃度測定……………………………………………....22
2.2. IgE抗體濃度測定………………………………………………23
2.3. IL-4細胞激素濃度測定………………………………………...23
2.4. Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA)試驗設計……………......24
四、台農67號水稻14-16 kDa分子量測定...…………………………26
1. SDS-PAGE之操作程序…………………………………………....26
1.1. SDS-PAGE膠片的製作…………………………………………26
1.2. SDS-PAGE蛋白質分子量測定………………………………...26
1.3. 膠片乾燥法……………………………………………………..27
1. 管柱製備……………………………………………………………27 1.1. 管柱清洗與趕氣………………………………………………..27
1.2. 管柱裝填………………………………………………………..28 2. 膠體過濾色層分析(gel filtration chromatography)之純化……….28
八、胃液消化穩定性(simulated gastric fluid, SGF)之檢測……………30
九、腸液消化穩定性(simulated intestinal fluid, SIF)之檢測…………..30
第四章 結果……………………………………………................................32
第一節 動物過敏陽性對照組之建立……………………………………32
第二節 稻米14-16 kDa過敏蛋白的萃取與純化……………………….34
二、台農67號水稻14-16 kDa過敏蛋白的純化……………………...34
第三節 過敏反應活性檢測與鑑定………………………………………35
第四節 過敏蛋白胃液消化穩定反應……………………………………36
第五節 過敏蛋白腸液消化穩定反應……………………………………36
第六節 過敏蛋白之動物安全性評估……………………………………37
第五章 討論…………………………………………………………………39
第六章 結論…………………………………………………........................47


表三、稻米14-16 kDa過敏蛋白部分純化表……………………………….58


圖十三、台農67號水稻粗蛋白經Sephadex G-50純化後之電泳圖………69
圖十六、胃液消化穩定性(simulated gastric fluid, SGF)之檢測…………72
圖十七、腸液消化穩定性(simulated intestinal fluid, SIF)之檢測…….……73

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