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研究生(外文):Yi-Chen Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Emotion and Need for Cognition onNegotiation Strategies
指導教授(外文):Chaang-Yung Kung
外文關鍵詞:Negotiation StrategiesNeed for CognitionEmotion
  • 被引用被引用:6
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Negotiation is a thinking process as well as a model of policy decision, which
can solve conflicts, maintain relationship, and establish a structure of cooperation.
When the society is becoming more and more complicated, people are supposed to
achieve their goals by cooperating with others more. The research on negotiation in
the past assumes that the outstanding negotiators are supposed to be clam and
non-emotional. However, this hypothesis is not reasonable, because human beings are
affected by emotions at any time. It’s more obvious especially when they are affected
by emotions in interacting with others.
This research aims to discuss the relationship between emotions and
negotiations, and analyze how to deduce the ordinary policies of a organization from
the research on emotions and strategic decision, which helps focus on the
understanding for the relationship between emotions and negotiations. The
methodology is to adopt an experiment between subjects designed by the way of a
factor at two levels. That is, the testees will be assigned at random to situations
respectively for positive and negative emotions, then required to implement
negotiation, and finally their strategies of negotiation will be examined. The results
show that people will use cooperative strategy in positive emotion and competitive
strategy in negative emotion, and people are interfered by need for cognition. In
addition, the man who low need for cognition will be interfered by emotion, but high
need for cognition will disappear the phenomenon.
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