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研究生(外文):Chien-Chung Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Export Competitiveness of Machinery Industries —A Comparison among European Union, Japan,Taiwan, Korea, and China
指導教授(外文):Yih-Chaung Chen
中文關鍵詞:出口市場佔有率顯示性比較利益指數歐洲聯盟CE 標誌技術性貿易障礙
外文關鍵詞:Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)CE MarkingRevealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA)European Union(EU)Export Market Share (EMS)
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各區域經濟體為保障其會員國內之人民生命及財產安全,而陸續訂定出了許多安全指令,這些標準與符合性之要求形成進入該區域經濟體之貿易障礙。自1995年1月1日起,銷往歐洲聯盟(European Union ,EU)各會員國之機械設備,必須強制黏貼CE標誌(CE Marking , )始得進入其市場合法銷售。本研究藉由國際競爭力的相關競爭力指標: 包括⑴出口市場佔有率(Export Market Share, EMS)、⑵顯示性比較利益指數(Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, RCA 指數)、及⑶出口市場佔有率級數(Grade of export market share, G.EMS),與⑷顯示性比較利益指數級數(Grade of Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, G.RCA )等指標來探討機械業在歐盟市場的競爭地位。
In order to protect people’s lives and properties, almost every regional economy continuously make safety directives, which turn out to be barriers to trades within the union. For instance, starting from January 1, 1995, machines sold to European Union(EU) are required to have CE Marking ( ) labeled. This paper will probe into the competitiveness of machinery industries in the European market using different international competitiveness indexes, including Export Market Share (EMS), Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA), Grade of Export Market Share (G.EMS), and Grade of Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, (G.RCA).
Under the influence of globalization, machinery industries in Taiwan relies on exports for its own development. Although there is no mega-size enterprise in this industry, the supply chain cluster formed by lots of small companies makes the industry flexible and adaptive, which in turn marks the unique success among global industries.Although the clusters of manufacturers have become mature, we are still making little progress forming the cluster of marketing and sales since how to enter into and profit from the market are crucial factors when selecting target markets.
This research collects the data of exports to the European market and Global market from the mechanic industry of countries including Taiwan, EU members, Japan, Korea and China during the period of 1993 to 2004. We then analyze the market share and competitiveness of the machinery industries from each country in the European market and the tendency of how each performs in the Global market within that twelve year time span.
We found:
A. The EU15 lead the Global and European market with a 49.6% and 69.1% market share but the numbers slightly decrease 1.4% and 6.7% each.
B. Japan immediately follows EU15 with 13.3% and 5.13% market share with a significant decrease of 16.6% and 12.7% each.
C. Taiwan has a minor competitive advantage having a 1.72% and 0.49% market share with a downward or stagnant state.
E. Korea has a minor competitive advantage having a 1.42% and 0.49% market share with an outstanding growth rate of 91.3% and 110% each.
F. China has a minor competitive advantage having a 1.51% and 0.67% market share with a surprising growth rate of 367% and 862% each.

Taiwan had slightly higher mean market share than Korea and China during the period, but in 2004, Taiwan fall behind with a 1.71% share less than 1.97% of Korea and 3.08% of China and this is a downward trend.
In order to counter the deficit, Taiwan should focus on improving the quality of products and creating an environment suitable to develop mechinery industry. Only in this way, we can reduce the pressure brought by the low level products from Korea and China and industry migration.
Furthermore, we should also consolidate industry database and market trend study and seek for technology cooperation or enterprise partnership from Japan so that we can enhance the value of the products and develop toward the field of precision machinery.
第一章 緒論 …………………… 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 …… ……………… 2
第二節 研究對象與範圍 … ………………… 4
第三節 研究流程與步驟 … ………………… 5
第二章 產業背景與文獻探討 ………………… 7
第一節 區域經濟體與世界貿易組織 … ……………… 7
第二節 歐洲聯盟的形成與發展現況 ………………… 11
第三節 貿易障礙與技術性貿易障礙 ………………… 14
第四節 CE標誌之相關規定與指令 ………………… 17
第五節 產業競爭力之意涵 ………………… 19
第三章 研究設計 ……………… 28
第一節 產業競爭力指標的選取 … …………… 28
第二節 資料來源及樣本的選擇 … ……………… 34
第四章 歐盟市場的機械產業 ………………… 40
第一節 機械產業範疇 ………………… 40
第二節 CE標誌對歐盟市場機械產業的影響 ……………… 44
第三節 歐盟市場的機械產業競爭概況 ……………… 47
第四節 歐盟機械產業市場的未來競爭趨勢 ……………… 68
第五章 全球的機械產業市場 … ……………… 75
第一節 居領先者絕對優勢的歐盟15國 ………………… 76
第二節 領先群中逐漸落後的日本 ……………… 81
第三節 朝資源分配與整合發展的台灣 ……………… 86
第四節 穩定緩步成長的韓國 ……………… 91
第五節 急速前進發展的中國 ……………… 95
第六節 全球機械產業市場的未來競爭趨勢 ……………… 100
第六章 結論與建議 … …………… 107
第一節 研究結論 …………… 107
第二節 研究意涵 ……………… 109
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 … …………… 111
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