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研究生(外文):Ya-ping Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Exploration of Discrepancy in Overseas Purchase Decisions of Participants for Tour Study Through Consumer Innovativeness:Shopping Goods taken as an Example
指導教授(外文):Chung-li Chou
外文關鍵詞:Sensory InnovativenessInnovativenessCognitive InnovativenessConsumer InnovativenessConsumer BehaviorFocus GroupTour StudyPurchase Decision
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Due to the prevalence of English education and stronger purchasing power of nationals, more and more students in Taiwan go abroad for tour study on their vacation. Besides, understanding consumer behavior and “knowing customers” is never simple. (Kotler, 2003). Accordingly, the purposes of this research are firstly to develop a model of purchase decisions by scholars, and secondly to explore what the effects of participants’ cognitive and sensory innovativeness on overseas purchase decisions are and how they affect each step of their overseas purchase decisions based on shopping goods.

The data collection derives from relevant literature review, questionnaire, and interview. Data analysis for questionnaire is conducted by reliability, validity, factor analysis, and cluster analysis for selecting intentionally appropriate six cognitive innovators and six sensory innovators for focus groups, from which the information gathered will be analyzed carefully by coding and content analysis. An exploratory result presents that there is an obvious discrepancy in overseas purchase decisions of participants for tour study through their cognitive and sensory innovativeness. Eventually, here come several propositions as follows.

During the tour study, cognitive innovators tend to buy practical, functional and useful products, some of who read newspaper and magazines to access to sufficient information. They take it into their consideration that public praise should be quite good and famous locally, which makes them feel confident in the local brand to contribute to their positive purchase intentions. Further, cognitive innovators prefer to go shopping together with tour guide and friends in the same group from home and enjoy browsing in shops with familiar partners, especially those in the same condition to provide more suitable and useful suggestions.

Quite the other way, sensory innovators tend to buy something enjoyable and interesting, most of who search relevant information without reading newspaper and magazines. Sensory innovators would like to buy the product in a great quantity if their local friends recommend it, even though they are not sure whether the flavor or taste is favorable for them. They do not take it into their consideration whether the public praise is good and famous locally. Novelty of owning new special foods generates good feeling, which contributes to their positive purchase intentions. Further, sensory innovators prefer to go shopping together with roommates or classmates from other countries and host family, and enjoy going shopping with foreigners for what is special, novel and interesting.
Table of Contents
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motives 1
1.3 Research Objectives 2
1.4 Research Project 3
1.5 The Structure of This Study 4
2.1 Models of Purchase Decision 5
2.1.1 Kolter’s Model of Buyer Behavior 5
2.1.2 Howard’s Consumer Decision Model 8
2.1.3 EKB Model 9
2.1.4 Summary of Purchase Decision Models 12
2.2 Meaning of Cognitive Style 14
2.3 Consumer Innovativeness 14
2.3.1 Definition of Innovativeness 15
2.3.2 Innate Innovativeness 16
2.3.3 Cognitive and Sensory Innovativeness 19
2.3.4 Summary of Cognitive and Sensory Innovativeness 21
3.1 Definition of Tour Study 23
3.2 Methodology 23
3.2.1 Overview of Focus Group Methodology 23
3.2.2 Data Collection 24 Sampling Strategy 24 Interview Design 27
3.3 The Conceptual Model of This Study 29
3.4 Rigor of Research 29
4.1 Data Analysis of Questionnaire 31
4.1.1 Reliability 32
4.1.2 Validity 35 Content Validity 35 Criterion-Related Validity 36 Construct Validity 36
4.1.3 Factor Analysis 36
4.1.4 Cluster Analysis 38 Distinction Between Innovators and Non-Innovators 39 Distinction Between Cognitive Innovators and Sensory Innovators 40
4.2 Process of Data Analysis from Focus Group 43
4.3 Coding and Content Analysis 45
4.4 Results 46
4.4.1 Analysis of Cognitive Innovators’ Overseas Purchase Decisions 46
4.4.2 Analysis of Sensory Innovators’ Overseas Purchase Decisions 49
4.4.3 Summary for Overseas Purchase Decisions of Sensory and Cognitive Innovators 52
4.5 Propositions 54
5.1 Future Research Directions 61
問卷(中文) 69
訪談問題 (中文) 73

Table 4-1 Personal Information for Thirty Participants 31
Table 4-2 Initial Reliability Coefficients of Innovativeness 33
Table 4-3 Amended Reliability Coefficients of Innovativeness 34
Table 4-4 Final Reliability Coefficients of Innovativeness 35
Table 4-5 Factor Analysis of Innovativeness 37
Table 4-6 Dendrogram Using Average Linkage (Between Groups) 38
Table 4-7 Results of Data Analysis 39
Table 4-8 Mean for Distinguishing Between Cognitive Innovators and Sensory Innovators 41
Table 4-9 Analysis Process from Focus group (Crinson, 2001) 44
Table 4-10 Discrepancy in Overseas Purchase Decisions of Cognitive and Sensory Innovators 52

Figure 1-1 The Flow Chart of This Research Project 4
Figure 2-1 Model of Consumer Behavior (Kotler and Keller, 2006) 6
Figure 2-2 Five-Stage Model of the Consumer Buying Process (Kotler and Keller, 2006) 7
Figure 2-3 Steps Between Evaluation of Alternatives and a Purchase Decision (Kotler and Keller, 2006) 8
Figure 2-4 Consumer Decision Model (Howard, 1994) 9
Figure 2-5 Decision Process Stages of EKB Model (Engel et al., 1978) 10
Figure 2-6 Consumer Decision Process (CDP) Model (Engel et al., 2001) 12
Figure 2-7 A Conceptual Model of Purchase Decision by This Study 14
Figure 3-1 The Conceptual Model of This Study 30
Figure 4-1 Steps of Conceptual Model of This Research 55
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