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研究生(外文):Shu-Hua Jung
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Relationship among the Attitude、Willing and Recognition on Selling Insurance Products at the Bank Employee
指導教授(外文):Pen-Tui Lai
  • 被引用被引用:11
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The financial industry is about to enter into a new era. As a result of competitions from (foreign) international financial institutions in Taiwan, the Financial Holding Company Act was issued by Taiwan authority in November 2001, to permit the consolidation and merger of banks, insurance companies, and securities brokerage firms. The new consolidated or merged financial institutions will be able to provide comprehensive financial services to consumers; the concept of “one-stop-shopping” for consumers soon popularized. The major transformation in the financial sector has also introduced unpredictable variables to the insurance industry, which sequentially revolutionized the marketing strategies of insurance products.

In recent year, the concept of multiple sales channels for insurance products has popularized. Besides contacting the traditional insurance company sales reps, consumers can go to insurance agents or brokers, even via non-traditional channels such as Internet, banks, securities brokerage firms, direct mail (DM), credit card companies, and telemarketing companies, etc.

The banking industry is the most proactive industry among the competitions, which generated high revenues in insurance premiums. In observing the overall market, the trend of consumers purchasing insurance products from banks is unstoppable. The success story of European and American banks in offering insurance products and the considerable amount of revenues generated, accelerated the movement for Taiwanese banks in offering insurance products to their consumers.

Currently, the customer base in the banking industry far exceeds that of the insurance industry. Insurance companies yearn to utilize the customer base in the banking industry to expand their existing dynamic sales channels. Beside the fact that bank sales reps have easier access and better understanding of the financial condition of their customers, the customers are likely not to reject the kind recommendations from the sales reps due to a higher level of trust and confidence. As a general consensus in the society, bank sales reps are more highly regarded in comparison with the insurance sales reps.

Consumers believe bank sales reps possess a higher degree of knowledge in financial management and related topics. Consumers are also more interested in learning about financial management, rather than insurance products, thus the reason why it is easier for bank sales reps to employ the concept of “Financial Management” when promoting insurance products to consumers.

The bank sales reps are engaged in an important role during this uncertain time. They are unfamiliar with the insurance industry, yet due to the restructure of the financial institutions, they need to be in the frontline battling against the insurance sales reps. What are their mindsets and needs? What level of impact will they bring to the current insurance environment? These causes and effects facilitated my motivations in writing this research topic.

The following are the conclusions drawn from my survey:

1. The interview survey results with bank employees (sales rep) indicates that 61.5% approve and accept bank offering insurance products, 38.5% against and think it is unacceptable.

2. Understand their attitude
a. Base on the face- to- face interview survey results, bank employees have positive attitude toward their basic job functions and have negative attitude toward the added responsibility to sell insurance products.
b. Base on the questionnaire survey results, majority of the participants feel that added job responsibility to sell insurance products creates stress. They sell insurance products to meet the job requirements not the desire to make it challenge as a part of their career.
c. Interviews prefer not to include selling insurance products as a part of a job requirement or to be appraised as part of their performance.
d. They also believe that setting a goal/quota for them will affect their job performance and create stress.

3. Psychological satisfaction
a. Banks selling insurance products, by using psychological challenge method to improve employee’s productivity.

b. Banks can set up a monitoring system or make it a part of appraisal performance review, this will encourage employees work harder to achieve higher performance standards and increase their productivity.
c. Monetary incentive can also increase employee’s productivity.

4. Environmental factor
a. Create a sense of job security and accomplishment among bank employees to improve their willingness to selling insurance products.
b. In accordance with bank’s policy and organization; create a service procedure for after sale service, to ensure the employees that their performance will not be affected after the sale. It will create another opportunity to improve their job performance.
c. The attitude of Managers and supervisors will have direct impact on employee’s attitude.
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ……………………………………2
第二節 研究目的與問題 ……………………………………8
第三節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………10
第四節 研究方法與流程……………………………………12
第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………………14
第一節 銀行保險定義之探討………………………………14
第二節 銀行經營保險業務之動機…………………………20
第三節 外國銀行兼營保險業務狀況………………………30
第四節 影響績效之因素之探討……………………………38
第三章 研究假設與方法………………………………44
第一節 研究架構……………………………………………45
第二節 研究步驟……………………………………………46
第三節 問卷設計……………………………………………50
第四節 研究假設……………………………………………52
第五節 資料蒐集……………………………………………53
第六節 資料所採用之分析方法……………………………55

第四章 實證結果分析 ………………………………56
第一節 樣本結構……………………………………………56
第二節 認知態度與心理欲求變數之統計分析……………61
第三節 行為表現影響之因素………………………………74
第五章 結論與建議 ……………………………………83
第一節 結論…………………………………………………84
第二節 建議…………………………………………………87
第三節 後續研究與建議……………………………………91
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