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研究生(外文):Shih-Chieh Su
論文名稱(外文):Design of Personalized E-Learning System
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Jian Lin
外文關鍵詞:TAMIRTGrey Relational Analysise-learningGMICompassLearning
  • 被引用被引用:16
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This research is basic on General Model of Instruction (GMI), uses information technology theory and learning theory to build this e-learning system. This research divides into four parts; The first part, to set up the Instructional Objectives, uses the Grey Relational Analysis to evaluate the materials then chooses the right materials. The second part, Placement Assessment, uses the Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Testing system to help finding out the students are prerequisites by assessment. The third part, Instructional Procedures, uses Keller''s Personalized System of Instruction to process teaching actives. The fourth part uses Technology Acceptance Model to find out how the students accept this research. The result of this research shows that the most of students can self paced and can be in the mastery stand. Also proof that most of students can be achieve the certain study level if they spent enough time on it.
The final conclusion, this Technology Acceptance Model teaching system was testing by correlation and regression. The result shows that most of students are successful with our teaching system.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 相關文獻與研究 3
2.1 教學目標 4
2.1.1 擬定課程目標 4
2.1.2 選擇教材 5
2.1.3 組織教材 6
2.1.4 實施評鑑 6
2.2安置性評量 6
2.2.1電腦適性測驗 7
2.2.2史丹佛成就測驗 7
2.2.3試題反應理論 7
2.3教學活動與評量 8
2.3.1卡羅的「學校學習模式」理論 8
2.3.2 Bloom的精熟學習理論 10
2.3.3增強原理 11
2.4回饋 11
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 教育目標模組 14
3.1.1教材評鑑模組架構 15
3.1.2 教育目標的分類 15
3.1.3 教材評鑑方法 18
3.1.4 實驗與評估 21
3.1.5 小結 25
3.2 安置性評量模組 26
3.2.1模組架構 26
3.2.2安置性評量模組建置流程與步驟 26
3.2.3 系統功能 30
3.2.4實驗評估與結果 32
3.2.5小結 33
3.3 教學活動模組 34
3.3.1教學模組架構 35
3.3.2 形成性評量 36
3.3.3 精熟標準 36
3.3.4 立即回饋 37
3.3.5 補救教學(Remedial instruction) 37
3.3.6 實驗與評估 38
3.3.7 小結 48
3.4開發工具 50
第四章 學習意願之研究 51
4.1 科技接受模型 51
4.1.1認知易用性 (perceived ease of use) : 52
4.1.2認知有用性(perceived usefulness) : 52
4.1.3 外部變數(External Variables) : 53
4.1.4 修正科技接受模式: 53
4.2 研究方法 54
4.2.1研究變數 55
4.2.2研究假設 55
4.2.3問卷設計與量尺 56
4.3資料分析與研究結果 56
4.3.1樣本資料分析 56
4.3.2問卷的信度分析 57
4.3.3統計分析結果 57
4.4小結 60
第五章 結論與未來研究 61
5.1結論 61
5.2未來研究 61
參考文獻 63
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