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研究生(外文):Hung-Lung Su
論文名稱(外文):The Implementation and Analysis of an All-digital Phase-Locked Loop
指導教授(外文):Po-Yueh Chen
外文關鍵詞:All-digital Phase-Locked LoopPhase Frequency DetectorDigitally Controlled Oscillator
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An all-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) circuit is presented. The feature of the ADPLL is that its resolution in the Phase and Frequency detector (PFD) and digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) exactly matches the gate-delay time. With the advances in deep-submicron technologies, the demand for high performance and short time-to-market integrated circuits has dramatically grown recently. The utilization of automated synthesis approach benefits from the standard cell-based design flow and hence implements a user-specified ADPLL within a short time.
A DCO is implemented for ADPLL applications. The DCO exactly matches the gate-delay time and is implemented with faster phase alignment and wider locking range using the same number of ring oscillator stages. Simulation results are presented to evaluate the performance of the DCO.
This paper presents a scheme to overcome the limitations of standard cells and to build up high resolution delay cell and high sensitivity PFD. Since both the design time and design complexity of the ADPLL is greatly reduced, the proposed scheme is very suitable for System-On-Chip (SOC) applications.

摘要 ix

Abstract ix

誌謝 (Acknowledgments) ix

Contents ix

List of Figures ix

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Research Motivation 1
1-2 Thesis Outline 2

Chapter 2 Overview of A PLL 3
2-1 Analog Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) 3
2-2 Digital Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL) 7
2-3 All-Digital PLL (ADPLL) 10
2-4 Chapter Summary 11

Chapter 3 All-Digital Phase-locked loop (ADPLL) 12
3-1 ADPLL Design Issues 12
3-2 ADPLL Basic Block 13

Chapter 4 PFD Overview 14
4-1 Basic Concept 14
4-2 Finite-State Machine Analysis 16
4-3 PFD Circuit Design and Analysis 18
4-3.1 Phase Detector 18
4-3.2 Frequency Detector 20
4-4 Chapter Summary 21

Chapter 5 DCO Overview 21
5-1 Delay Cell Basic Circuit 21
5-1.1 AND-OR-INV Basic Circuit 22
5-1.2 OR-AND-INV Basic Circuit 22
5-2 Delay Line Circuit Overview 24
5-2.1 Delay Line Based Converter Architecture 24
5-2.2 Introduction to Digital Delay-Locked Loop 24
5-3 Introduction to Cycle -Controlled Delay Unit (CCDU) 26
5-3.1 Introduction to Hierarchical Delay Unit (HDU) 27
5-3.2 High Efficiency DCO Design Using CCDU and HDU 27
5-4 Chapter Summary 28

Chapter 6 System Simulation and Analysis 29
6-1 PFD Design and Analysis 29
6-1.1 PD Design and Analysis 29
6-1.2 FD Design and Analysis 30
6-1.3 PFD Design 31
6-2 DCO Design 32
6-2.1 CCDU Design 33
6-2.2 CDU Design 34
6-2.3 FDU Design 34
6-2.4 Control Unit Design 36
6-3 ADPLL System Design 37

Chapter 7 Conclusions 40

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