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研究生(外文):Phui-Si Gan
論文名稱(外文):A DNS-based Rapid Service Discovery for Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks with Load Balance
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Jian Lin
外文關鍵詞:Contents DiscoveryService DiscoveryDomain Name Server (DNS)Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks (P2P)Load Balance
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隨著資訊傳輸技術的快速發展,點對點運算所提供的直接對端存取(direct access)鉅量資訊功能的架構,漸趨為大眾所重視和採用。而當前點對點運算相關探討中,有效的檔案搜尋和負載平衡可謂點對點環境中的重要研究議題,特別是應用在那些沒有主從式架構的網路之中。雖然已經有許多學者提出了相關的研究方法來解決這一類的問題,但是卻沒有辦法在提供有效的檔案搜尋之同時兼顧點對點網路的負載平衡,因此衍生嚴重的負載不平衡之缺失,從而增加使用者的反應時間和降低網路整體的效能。有鑑於此,本篇論文基於 Domain Name Server (DNS) 提出分散式服務搜尋之階層式架構以快速地搜尋到所需要的檔案,來減少使用者的搜尋次數和搜尋時所花費的時間,並兼顧使用者的反應時間和負載平衡的問題。同時以代理人 P2P Registry(P2PReg)的方式來當作DNS和使用者之間的仲介,讓使用者可以透過P2PReg來加入點對點網路和搜尋所需要的服務。為了避免搜尋時回傳的列表有過多與主題不相關的資訊,我們會先把使用者提供分享的資源依檔案的特性分門別類以利查詢。本篇論文所提出的架構,針對前述點對點運算的問題,不但能有效的減短使用者的搜尋時間,同時也能兼顧整個點對點網路的負載平衡,從而避免發生熱門點hotspot (指某一點瞬間有大量的使用者湧入) 的現象。顯而易見的,當檔案重複數越多,熱門點的情況也越能獲得改善,其傳輸品質也會更好。我們也經由實驗模擬來驗證本篇論文所提出的方法之可行性。經由實驗,我們發現區域性之檔案搜尋方式即能讓使用者快速且正確的搜尋到所需的檔案,同時整個系統的效能具有效的提升。
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems have attracted much current attention as a popular way to share huge volumes of resources directly within peers. Efficient content search and load balance are both important research issues in P2P environments, especially in those without centralized global indexes. Although a number of content search schemes are known to alleviate these problems, they cannot provide flexible object searches while balance the load for content demand in P2P networks, thereby resulting in severe load imbalance and consequently increased user response times. In this paper we tend to address these problems that take advantage of current Domain Name Server (DNS) architecture by harnessing all available resources in the P2P networks and balance the load without decreasing user response time. We proposed a novel decentralized service discovery mechanism by creating an agent call P2P Registry (P2PReg) as a middleware within DNS and peers. In our scheme, each peer is able to join in the P2P networks and discover desirable services through current DNS within a short duration in an efficient way with the help of P2PReg. In order to avoid in returning large unneeded peer lists in a request, we also capture the interests and resources being shared by peers as different services. The proposed method does not only perform least searching time and low bandwidth but also balances load in P2P systems in order to avoid hotspot (refers to a node which receives a large volume of requests in rapidly) problems naturally. It is obvious that the more replicas there are, the better the media delivery quality of the specific content object is. We also present the results of simulation work to validate the viability of our approach. Our simulation study showed that serving data discovery over local search is indeed effective in improving the system performance significantly.
中文摘要 (Abstract in Chinese) I
Abstract II
誌謝 (Acknowledgements) III
Contents IV
List of Tables VII
List of Figures VIII

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 The Problems 7
1.3 Research Contributions 8
1.4 Chapters Outline 10

Chapter 2 Review of Related Work 11
2.1 Unstructured P2P Systems 11
2.1.1 Napster 12
2.1.2 Gnutella 14
2.1.3 Freenet 17
2.1.4 FastTrack / KaZaA 19
2.2 Structured P2P Systems 22
2.2.1 Chord 22
2.2.2 Content Addressable Network (CAN) 24
2.3.3 Tapestry 26
2.3.4 Pastry 28

Chapter 3 Service Discovery Mechanism 31
3.1 Design Description 31
3.1.1 DNS Overview 34
3.1.2 P2P Registry (P2PReg) 35
3.1.3 Group Classification 36
3.2 Self Organization 38
3.2.1 Peer Joins 39
3.2.2 Peer Departures / Failure 40
3.3 Routing 41

Chapter 4 Load Balance 46
4.1 Finding Nearby Peers 47
4.2 Replicas 47

Chapter 5 Simulation Result 51
5.1 Evaluating Service Discovery Performance 52
5.1.1 Discussion 56
5.2 Balanced Load Distribution 57
5.2.1 Discussion 60

Chapter 6 Conclusions 66

Publication List of Phui-Si Gan 72
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