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研究生(外文):Jyh-Woei Jiang
論文名稱(外文):RSVP Extensions for Real-Time Services in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
指導教授(外文):Neng-Chung Wang
外文關鍵詞:RSVPreal-time servicesquality of servicemobility managementheterogeneous wireless networks
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現今的使用者透過無線通訊裝置得到許多即時性的服務(Real-time service),包括收看電視現場節目、收聽線上數位音樂、3D線上遊戲(新聞、網站)、交通即時路況和保全監控等多元應用服務,此類資料需要更高的網路頻寬與更嚴格的傳送速度,雖然網路技術的進步,大幅提升了網路頻寬,但由於目前仍是以best-effort為主要的傳送模式,且缺乏有效的資源保留與管理機制,所以無法真正確保資料傳送的品質,加上網路連線容易因交遞(Handoff)時搶不到頻寬而造成壅塞或甚至斷線的情況也會時常發生,故如何維持網路服務品質(QoS)便是當前最重要的議題。
因此,在不久的未來,無線行動裝置使用者將會有在異質無線網路中使用即時性的服務且無縫式(Seamless)漫遊(Roaming)的需求。有鑑於此,在本論文中,我們提出一個在異質無線網路環境中,以延展性RSVP達到使用即時性服務之服務品質(QoS)保證之方法。在行動通信網路(Cellular Networks)的閘道(Gateway)與無線區域網路(WLAN)的閘道間,設一網路互連系統(Intersystem)的服務品質管理者(QoS Manager),負責分配網路資源及控管無線行動裝置使用者的移動,並以資源預留方式及準確的資源預留時機判斷機制,降低封包傳輸因交遞(Handoff)時需重新繞路連線所造成的的延遲(Delay)時間,高效能的達到即時性服務所需之服務品質(Qos)保證。最後,我們透過不同的模擬實驗,包括不同數量的無線網路及移動速度與資源預留數的對應關係,來證實所提出的方法均有效的改善並減少整個網路資源的浪費。
Wireless communication technologies are developing with each passing day, and the whole world is moving forward to the integration of the cellular network and the wireless local area network (WLAN). Users can access the convenient applications and services through the integrated network technology recently, and the new opportunity of the business and the marketing is gradually being formed. The market of the Third Generation (3G) and the WLAN is superimposed but also complementary, not definitely disjointed. Generally, the 3G is the market of conventional telecommunications. If it can be integrated with the public WLANs and take the advantage of mutual help, the complete network architecture will be constructed.
Users nowadays obtain many real-time services via wireless communication devices, including TV programs, digital music, 3D games, traffic situations, security monitoring, and etc.. These real-time services need higher bandwidth and strict transmission rate. The network bandwidth is enhanced substantially, but the data are transmitted mainly by the way of best-effort, and it lacks of efficient resource reservation and management mechanisms to assure the quality of data transmission. The connection links of the networks often congest or break during handoff, hence it’s a significant issue of how to guarantee the quality of service (QoS) and support a variety of services.
Consequently, in the near future, wireless and mobile users will have increasing demands for seamless roaming across different types of wireless networks. In this thesis, we propose RSVP extensions for real-time services to guarantee the QoS with RSVP in heterogeneous wireless networks. We set an intersystem, “QoS Manager,” between the gateways of WLANs and cellular networks to manage the mobility of mobile users, and use the scheme of resource pre-reservation and precise pre-reservation decision mechanism to reduce the delay time of re-routing while handoff occurs and guarantee the QoS of real-time services efficiently. Simulation results show that our proposed approach can reduce 52% waste of the whole network resources as the number of WLANs is set to forty.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Quality of Service (QoS) 1
1.2 Design Motivation and Concept 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Related Work 5
2.1 RSVP Overview 5
2.2 Issues of RSVP Support in Mobile Environments 9
2.3 Related Researches 10
Chapter 3 Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 16
3.1 UMTS 16
3.2 IEEE 802.11 WLAN 19
Chapter 4 Proposed RSVP Extensions for Real-Time Services in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 24
4.1 Reservation Models and Schemes 24
4.2 Functionality of QoS Manager 26
4.3 RSVP Messages 27
4.4 Reservation Setup of Intra-Site Mobility 28
4.5 Reservation Setup of Inter-Site Mobility for Multicast Communication 29
Chapter 5 Performance Evaluation 31
5.1 Simulation Description 31
5.2 Simulation Results 31
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 40
6.1 Conclusions 40
6.2 Future Work 41
References 42
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