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研究生(外文):Jun-Fu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Cross Layer-Based Vertical Roaming Using Predictive RSS for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
指導教授(外文):Ben-Jye Chang
外文關鍵詞:RSSvertical roamingHeterogeneous networksRSS predictioncross layer
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近年來,各式的無線網路存取技術快速的發展。而在包含了數種存取技術(如:802.11, 802.16 和 3G/UMTS等) 的網路,我們稱為「異質無線網路」。在這樣的異質的無線網路環境中,「垂直漫遊」是一項可以讓使用者在使用不同存取技術的網路間移動的技術。雖然垂直漫遊可以讓使用者在異質網路中使用不同的存取技術來獲得網路服務,但是,過多垂直漫遊的切換會造成一些負面的影響,如:漫遊的時間延遲過長,連線可能被中斷,和較低的網路使用率。此外,在漫遊的過程中,網路頻寬的快速變化會造成TCP傳輸率不佳。因此在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個高效率的垂直漫遊方法,利用訊號強度的預測來降低不必要的垂直漫遊,以及一個跨協定的漫遊方法,透過跨協定的機制讓TCP可以適時的對漫遊來調整控制視窗,以提昇TCP在異質無線網路環境中的傳輸率。數據結果顯示我們提出的高效率的垂直漫遊方法在不降低網路使用率的情況下可以得到較低的漫遊次數以及良好的grade of service,另外透過跨協定漫遊方法可以使TCP Reno與TCP NewReno得到比TCP Reno與TCP NewReno更好的效能。
Recently, many wireless access techniques are developed rapidly. The wireless networks which consist of several kinds of wireless access techniques, such as 802.11, 802.16 and 3G/UMTS, etc., are formed heterogeneous wireless networks. In such heterogeneous wireless network, vertical roaming allows user moving between wireless networks which have different access techniques. However, too much unnecessary vertical roaming may result in some drawbacks, including long roaming delay, connection dropping and low utilization. Besides, the fast changes of bandwidth cause by vertical roaming will lead to the low performance of TCP. Therefore, in this paper we proposed an efficient vertical roaming approach that uses the RSS prediction to reduce the unnecessary vertical roaming, and a cross layer-based approach that uses cross layer mechanism to adjust the TCP when vertical roaming is performed to improve the performance of TCP in heterogeneous wireless networks. Numerical results show that the proposed efficient vertical roaming approach yields less number of roams and low grade of service while yielding competitive utilization. The proposed cross layer-based approach improves the performance of TCP Reno and TCP NewReno.
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
Chapter 2 Network model 12
Chapter 3 Efficient vertical roaming approach 15
3-1. The importance of hysteresis and RSS prediction 16
3-2. Polynomial Regression-Based RSS Prediction 20
3-3. Optimal Network Selection 27
Chapter 4 Cross layer-based predictive bandwidth for increase TCP good put 32
Chapter 5 Message flow and delay analysis 36
5-1. Message Flow in Vertical Roaming Approach 37
5-2. Delay Analysis of Message Flows in Vertical Roaming Approach 40
Chapter 6 Numerical results 45
Chapter 7 Conclusions and future works 56
References 57
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