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研究生(外文):Chen-Husan Tasi
論文名稱(外文):An Image Error Detection and Error Concealment Scheme based on Interleaving Prediction and Block Direction Hiding
指導教授(外文):Kuo- Lung Hung
外文關鍵詞:blind watermarkerror concealmenterror detectionnoisy channel
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由於3G通訊時代的來臨,數位媒體資料透過無線網路傳播是大家所認同的趨勢,而由於無線通訊環境的易變性及高錯誤率常會有資料容易遺失的問題,一般的影像在noisy channel 環境下傳送時都會遭受到一些意外的資訊干擾而降低該影像psnr值,所以對錯誤的影像進行的修補以提高影像在傳送後的品質,是一個重要的研究課題。
The advent of the 3G communications era has led to a trend of digital media information being transmitted through wireless network. The variability and high error rate of the wireless communications environment often cause loss of information. Images transmitted in a noisy channel environment tend to be obstructed by unexpected information, which decreases the PSNR value of the image. Therefore, it is an intensive research topic to repair error images and increase their post-transmission quality.
This paper proposes two repair strategies based on image block direction information and detective factor to elevate post-transmission quality. However, the repair strategy without good mechanisms to detect image errors does not result in performance of repair capabilities. Therefore, the repair method in this paper utilize blind watermarking technique embed restoration data in an image. In this way, it can not only repair the image, but also detect the image blocks that are erroneous, thus enhancing post-transmission quality of the image.
第一章 緒論 10
1.1 研究動機與目的 10
1.2 本文架構 11
第二章 文獻探討 12
第三章 利用影像區塊的方向資訊的偵測與修補 17
3.1 我們的方法.17
3.2 交錯式預測.18
3.3 區塊方向資訊辨別.19
3.4 方向盲浮水印的嵌入與取出.22
3.5 方向浮水印的偵測破壞與修補破壞.23
3.5.1 影像偵測.23
3.5.2 影像修補.24
3.6 實驗結果.25
3.6.2 模擬noisy channel下實驗結果.28
第四章 利用偵測係數的偵測方法 31
4.1 利用偵測係數的偵測流程與修補.32
第五章 結論與未來工作.39
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