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研究生(外文):Shang-Chieh Wei
論文名稱(外文):An Exploration of the Antecedents for Cognitive Incongruence among Participants of an Information System Implementation Project: A Case Study of the Implementation of a Digital Learning System in a University Campus
指導教授(外文):Chuck Cheuk-Hung Law
外文關鍵詞:Implementation of Information SystemCase StudyDigital LearningConservation of Resource Theory (COR)Technological Frame Theory (TFT)
  • 被引用被引用:5
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Although the use of information systems by organizations is becoming more and more popular, the development and implementation of information systems projects cannot be described as a smooth process. This is because the adoption of an information system is not only a process of implementing a technical product, but also it will involve many participants of diverse background, experience, and needs. Such differences may lead to different perceptions and interpretations of the issues regarding the adoption and use of the system. Therefore, an understanding on the cognitive incongruence among the participants of an information system project, and the factors of cognitive incongruence, may be conducive to implementation success. In review of the extant literature, there is a dearth of research in this subject, and therefore, a limited understanding on the phenomenon itself and its antecedents.
This research investigated the abovementioned issues through a case study of an online digital learning system in a university of technology in Central Taiwan. In this study, a conceptual framework was developed to depict the constructs and the relationships among them, drawing upon the technological frame model and the conservation of resource theory as its theoretical underpinning. Empirical data was collected through observations, review of documents, and in-depth interviews of the system superintendent, teachers and students, with interviews as the primary source of information. Through analyzing the data collected, cognitive incongruence among the different categories of participants were identified and the possible causes for the incongruence were explained from the perspective of the theory of resources conservation.
The study showed that cognitive incongruence among the participants arose due to the follow reasons:
1. the gaining and losing of “conditional” resources
2. the gaining and losing of “personal characteristics” resources, and
3. the gaining and losing of “energy” resources
Furthermore, the findings suggested that the phenomenon of cognitive incongruence may be affected by
1. organization cultures, and
2. the critical status of the information system in organization.
This study also tried to explain the abovementioned issues and the interaction among them, by proposing a metaphor of the gear-wheeled organization in which the movement of one component would inevitably affect the others.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第1章 緒論 1
第1節 研究背景與動機 1
第2節 研究問題 3
第3節 研究目的 4
第4節 研究範圍 5
第5節 研究步驟 6
第6節 論文章節架構 6
第2章 文獻探討 7
第1節 數位學習 7
2.1.1 何謂數位學習 7
2.1.2 數位學習系統簡介 10
2.1.3 大學校院在數位學習上之發展 11
2.1.4 小結 14
第2節 科技框架模式 15
2.2.1 科技框架的意義 15
2.2.2 科技框架的架構 16
2.2.3 科技框架的不一致 16
2.2.4 小結 17
第3節 資源保存理論 18
2.3.1 資源保存理論的概念 19
2.3.2 資源的類別 19
2.3.3 資源保存理論的重要論點 20
2.3.4 小結 22
第3章 研究架構、命題與設計 23
第1節 研究架構與命題的形成 24
第2節 研究設計 27
3.2.1 個案研究 27
3.2.2 個案選擇 28
3.2.3 資料蒐集與分析 30
3.2.4 研究信度與效度 32
3.2.5 研究時間與受訪者 33
3.2.6 訪談流程 34
第3節 總結 35
第4章 個案描述與資料分析 37
第1節 個案背景描述 37
4.1.1 個案學校介紹 37
4.1.2 個案委外廠商介紹 39
4.1.3 個案數位學習系統的建置 41
第2節 個案之框架分析 41
4.2.1 科技框架的領域與類別 42
4.2.2 對「科技本質」的詮釋 43
4.2.3 對科技策略領域中「動機」的詮釋 47
4.2.4 對科技策略領域中「成功的準則」的詮釋 51
4.2.5 對使用中科技領域中「推行與訓練」的詮釋 55
4.2.6 對使用中科技領域中「容易使用程度」的詮釋 59
4.2.7 對使用中科技領域中「資訊內容」的詮釋 64
4.2.8 對使用中科技領域中「互動性」的詮釋 68
第3節 研究命題比對 71
第5章 結論與展望 79
第1節 個案研究結果 79
第2節 研究貢獻 81
第3節 研究限制 82
第4節 未來研究 84
參考文獻 86
附錄 93
附錄一、深度訪談問卷整理 93
附錄二、訪談邀請函 100
附錄三、訪談同意書 102
簡歷 103
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