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研究生(外文):Chian-Yi Jan
論文名稱(外文):Assessment of the Fire Damage to the Bond Strength of Concrete Structures Using the Impact-Echo Method
指導教授(外文):Chia-Chi Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Bond StrengthImpact-Echo MethodConcrete StructuresFire Damage
  • 被引用被引用:6
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The study is aimed to evaluating the bond strength of reinforcement surrounded by fire damaged concrete using non-destructive method. The impact-echo method is applied for the task. The relationships between the local bond strength obtained by pull-out test and the parameters of non-destructive evaluation are discussed. The oven temperatures were controlled as 300,400,500,600 and 800℃. The specimens different steel cover thinkness are 30,40,60 and 80mm. For the impact-echo method, the distribution of the average steel-amplitude identified by the simulated transfer function of impact-echo response, the pull-out strength, the coring compressive strength, as well as the P-wave speed of concrete with respect to the temperature of the oven were discussed. It was found for smaller cover thickness, 30 mm and 40 mm, the bond strength is more closely related to the concrete compressive strength. The affection of reducing steel-amplitude, which means poor interfacial bonding, is limited. For larger cover thickness, 60 mm and 80 mm, the bond strengths are 20% and 10% higher than the one in room temperature when they placed in oven with constant temperature 300 and 400℃, respectively. It was found the steel-amplitude is also 30% higher than predicted for 300℃ specimens with both cover thicknesses, which implies a closer bonding at steel-concrete interfaces. When the bond slip displacement of reinforcing bar is about 0.5mm, the steel-amplitude becomes large for the specimens with cover thickness 30 and 40mm. The behavior may be caused by the reinforcing bar closery contact with the surrounding concrete at early stage of pull-out test. The variation of steel-amplitude becomes very large for the cases with bond slip over the one corresponding to the maximum bonding stress. It may due to large amount of cracks developed around the rebar.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 前言 3
2-2 高溫對混凝土抗壓強度之影響 3
2-3 高溫對鋼筋握裹強度之影響 5
2-4 鋼筋混凝土之握裹行為 7
2-4-1 握裹力基本原理 7
2-4-2 握裹力破壞模式及影響因素 8
2-5 鋼筋尺寸及配置對於敲擊回音反應的影響 10
2-5-1 鋼筋頻率與敲擊回音之關係 10
2-5-2 鋼筋轉換振幅與D/c之關係 12
2-5-3 鋼筋振幅與鋼筋握裹損失之關係 13
第三章 檢測原理及儀器設備介紹 15
3-1 應力波動行為 15
3-1-1 敲擊回音法之原理(頻譜領域分析法) 18
3-1-2 敲擊回音法之混凝土波速量測(時間領域分析法) 20
3-2 近似轉換振幅函數推導 20
3-2-1 轉換函數原理 20
3-2-2 近似轉換振幅函數推導 21
3-3 儀器設備介紹 25
第四章 實驗規劃 28
4-1 單根鋼筋握裹實驗規劃 28
4-1-1 試驗規劃 28
4-1-2 高溫延燒試驗 29
4-2 單根鋼筋握裹之敲擊回音試驗規劃 31
4-3 單根鋼筋高溫延燒後進行拉拔試驗 32
4-3-1 拉拔試驗規劃 32
4-3-2 拉拔試驗時鋼筋握裹之檢測 33
4-4 鑽心驗證 33
第五章 試驗結果分析與討論 34
5-1 高溫下試體溫度結果 34
5-2 高溫延燒前鋼筋握裹訊號試驗結果 35
5-2-1 敲擊回音試驗—頻譜轉換函數反應結果 35
5-2-2 鋼筋轉換函數受Cp影響 37
5-3 高溫延燒後鋼筋握裹訊號試驗結果 37
5-3-1 混凝土波速與火害溫度之結果 37
5-3-2 敲擊回音試驗—頻譜轉換函數反應結果 38
5-4 高溫延燒後單根鋼筋拉拔試驗 40
5-4-1 火害溫度下鋼筋握裹力之探討 40
5-4-2 不同火害溫度下鋼筋局部握裹力與滑移量之探討 40
5-4-3 拉拔試驗時敲擊回音試驗-頻譜轉換函數反應結果 41
5-5 鑽心驗證混凝土強度 42
5-6 影響鋼筋握裹強度之非破壞檢測參數 43
第六章 結論與建議 44
6-1 結論 44
6-1-1 高溫延燒前鋼筋握裹訊號試驗結果 44
6-1-2 高溫延燒後鋼筋握裹訊號試驗結果 44
6-1-3 高溫延燒後單根鋼筋拉拔試驗結果 45
6-1-4 鑽心驗證混凝土強度試驗結果 45
6-2 討論與建議 46
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