Currently, the PCM system in Taiwan can be classified into 「PCM include supervision in one process」 and 「PCM and supervision in separate processes」. However, due to most of the time the construction sponsor is not the entity responsible for construction, they cannot supervise the construction. As the result, they authorize PCM Company to supervise the supervision unit during the construction. In accordance with Civil Law Act 103, “Agent, within the authority, can act on behalf of the client while the client is informed beforehand.” In other words, the agent is the PCM Company; the client is the construction sponsor entity, the third person means design construction unit or contractor. As for the supervision class, PCM Company is the agent hired by construction sponsor entity; its rank is equal to “property owner” and its responsibility is to supervise, on behalf on the construction sponsor entity, on the construction. In case of PCM and supervision are handled in one process, and the construction unit does not construct accordingly. PCM Company is the agent hired by construction sponsor entity and it is the cooperation group with the construction unit. Whether or not this case will create the situation, where player is also the referee, what will affect proprietor’s right and further affect the construction quality. It is the focus of this paper. This paper adopts the foreign PCM system; first, we clarify the responsibility of PCM company and construction unit, and then use the three-stage quality control system currently used in domestic projects to participate in the supervision class among the members. Finally, discuss the entity that hires agent for PCM in traditional mode or include-all mode and the suitableness of process PCM and supervision separately and together is discussed. It is hoped that the result can help improve the construction quality of public works.