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研究生(外文):Hao Lo
論文名稱(外文):The Strength of Calcium Silicate Board Affected by the Cold-formed Steel Wall Stud under Axial Load
指導教授(外文):Chi-Ling Pan
外文關鍵詞:studsheathingCold-formed Steel
  • 被引用被引用:9
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由試驗結果得知,不同厚度的外覆材矽酸鈣板所量測之單位體積重會有所不同,也因此其彈性模數與剪力模數亦有相當的差異,以板厚12 mm為例其單位體積重最低,代表材料孔隙越大,故會產生E、G值較小的原因。就外覆材與立柱相互束制的關係而言,僅有外覆材受壓內含支撐立柱試體(FS)與僅有立柱受壓但具外覆材束制試體(FC)強度相加,其差距較單根立柱所試驗出之抗壓強度加上僅有外覆材受壓內含支撐立柱試體(FS)強度之差距來的小,而更接近立柱與外覆材同時受壓試體(FF)強度,但還是會有略為高估的情形。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavior of constrained sheathing material of cold-formed steel stud. This study carried out tests and comparison on test specimens with supporting stud and pressurized sheathing (FS) by using calcium silicate boards of different thickness and different screw spacing, and compared the results with test specimen whose stud and sheathing were under pressure simultaneously (FF) and test specimen with pressurized and constrained sheathing (FC). For the purpose of having a better understanding of the mechanical properties of calcium silicate boards with sheathing, this study also conducted a series of material tests, including material elastic modulus test (E)and material shear modulus test(G).
Test results showed that: the unit volume heavy of calcium silicate boards with sheathing was different, leading to considerable difference in their material elastic modulus and material shear modulus. Taking board with a thickness of 12mm as example, its bulk weight was the lowest, which meant its material pore was very wide. As a result, and its E and G values were relatively small. In terms of the mutual constraint relation between sheathing and stud, the result gained by adding the strength of test specimen with supporting stud and pressurized sheathing (FS) and the strength of test specimen with pressurized and constrained sheathing (FC) was lower than the result calculated by adding the compression strength of a single stud and the strength of test specimen with supporting stud and pressurized sheathing (FS), and was very close to the strength of test specimen whose stud and sheathing were under pressure simultaneously (FF), although it might be overvalued.
第一章 緒論..............................................1
1.1 前言.................................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的.......................................2
1.4 論文架構.............................................3
第二章 文獻回顧..........................................5
2.1 局部挫屈.............................................6
2.2 扭曲挫屈.............................................9
2.3 挫屈強度............................................10
2.4 撓曲挫屈與扭轉-撓曲挫屈的評估.......................13
2.5 設計受壓強度........................................15
2.6 有效長度因子K 之考量與建議..........................17
2.7 相關牆體文獻........................................21
2.8 牆體受壓強度........................................22
2.9 板元素之挫屈應力....................................26
2.10 鋼材材料性質.......................................29
第三章 實驗配置說明.....................................31
3.1 前置作業............................................31
3.1.1 材料與實驗試體規格................................31
3.2 試體組裝與實驗配置..................................41
3.3 實驗儀器............................................48
第四章 實驗結果與分析...................................52
4.1 實驗結果............................................52
4.2 FS型式試體應力分佈情況..............................76
4.2.1 板厚6 mm螺絲間距40 cm試體.........................77
4.2.2 板厚9 mm螺絲間距40 cm試體.........................79
第五章 結論與建議.......................................83
5.1 結論................................................83
5.2 建議及後續研究......................................85
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