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研究生(外文):Hsi-ming Wang
論文名稱(外文):Surviving in the System: Tales of Personal English Language Learning Motivation in Contemporary Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Nickola Pazderic
外文關鍵詞:social contextcase studylearning motivationethnographic studyindepth interview
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英語學習在台灣早已成為全民運動,其學習者廣佈各年齡層。然而在國家殷切的號招和推動之下,連同全球化及國際化的浪潮,無疑地將英語提昇到學習的最高順位,也無形加重外語學習者的負擔。正當一般學生為英文所苦,被社會集體的英文學習恐懼所支配之時,有些學習者卻能將英語的學習某種程度內化(internalize),將語言的學習與生活結合。對他們而言,英文並不僅只是一門課程,更是生活經驗的延伸。因此,本研究採用人誌學(Ethnographic study)之個案研究(Case Study)來深入探討並了解四位積極的(highly motivated)英語學習者之學習動機,藉由深入訪談、書信訪談以及實地觀察,探討其動機成因、英語學習及家庭背景之敘事(narratives),並對現今台灣社會諸多英語學習現象提出觀察和反省。
諸多英語學習動機多半建構於古典西方二分法(dichotomy)之理論基礎,將動機一分為二,然而卻容易忽略非西方社會環境下之學習者可能持有的不同動機歸因(attributions)。除了基本的內在、外在動機之外,本研究旨在探討在台灣這個社會情境之下,在中國式命令(Chinese Imperative)逐漸演化成全球式命令(Global Imperative)的同時,這些學習者如何努力並生存(Struggling and surviving)下來,甚而能夠成功地習得英語。
Using a case-study, ethnographic approach, the research provides portrayals of four highly motivated English learners who have managed to learn the language while they struggle to survive within Taiwan’s highly competitive education system. In Taiwan, English language learning is subsumed under a Chinese Imperative (Chen, Warden and Chang, 2005), by which the masses of students grind through a testing gauntlet that leaves many students “numb” and exhausted. Unlike average students, the purposively-sampled participants, including two undergraduates and two graduates, show fortitude and flexibility as they succeed in conquering the enormous tasks of learning English.
This study suggests that motivation studies, which tend to place an emphasis on the western-based dichotomy of internal and external motivations, result in an over-simplified model of motivation. These case studies reveal a complex array of motivations for mastering English.
Background 5
Statement of problems 6
About me, the observer 7
Motivation and ESL / EFL 10
Self-efficacy 11
Achievement motivation theory 12
English Anxiety 13
Participants 15
Research procedure 16
Chun-shu: Mr. Know-it-all 17
Follow the steps 18
Achiever and over-achiever 20
In or out of the norm 22
A perfect model 23
Xin-ling: Hao xuesheng 26
Perfection, expectation, malfunction 27
Supportive authoritarians 29
Spoon-fed simplicity 30
Seeking an asylum 33
Xiu-yan: Approaching the sound 36
Bands, gigs, and lyrics 37
Early English experience 38
A youxin teacher 40
Fire and fire doubled 41
Jia-wen: An elite, bu shoujiao oddball 43
Vicious circle 45
Children without mouths 46
Educational ethos 48
Confucian expectation 49
Dragons and phoenixes 51
A crane among chickens 52
Automatic learners 53
Golden Spoon in their mouths 54
Happy English Myth 55
Identity on a global scale 58
The bulldozers 59
Interview transcription 66
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