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研究生(外文):Shu-li Yu
論文名稱(外文):The effects of left-digit phenomena, NFC, and purchase involvement on the perception of prices for consumption goods
指導教授(外文):Chaang-Yung KungYan-Shei Lee
外文關鍵詞:promotionpurchase involvementNFCLeft-digit effect
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許多企業藉由金錢性促銷方式來吸引消費者購買產品以求提高銷售量。然而,由於消費者不同的人格特質和消費行為,例如認知需求和購買涉入程度,對促銷可能會有不同的態度反應。因此,各種金錢性促銷活動對於吸引消費者購買效果也會有所差異。過去許多研究顯示左數效果或畸零價格對於吸引消費者購買效果有影響。例如,若價格低一分錢(如$2.99 vs. $3.00),消會者較會買購買此產品。雖然像左數效果或畸零價格這樣的金錢性促銷方式有可能會影響消費者購買行為,消費者認知需求和購買涉入程度可能也是影響購買行為的重要因素。認知需求影響消費者購買決策已被粗略地討論過,此研究要更進一步的探討不同認知需求和購買涉入程度的消費者是否會被左數效果所影響。高和低認知需求及購買涉入程度的消費者可能會有不同的購買行為。也就是說,消費者可能會因高或低認知需和購買涉入程度而選擇不同價格的促銷產品。因購買產品時,消費者的不同的思考模式和態度可能會導致不同的價格認知。此研究主要在探討消費者是否會因不同的認知需求和購買涉入程度,對於不同的金錢性促銷會有不同的價格認知。
In order to increase their sales, companies endeavor to lure and stimulate consumers to purchase products through promotional activities, particularly monetary promotions. However, not all monetary promotions influence consumers to purchase products because differences in consumer characteristics and behaviors, such as need for cognition (NFC) and purchase involvement, create different attitudes toward promotions. The question of whether consumers treat a nine-ending price to be cheaper than a zero-ending price has been discussed for long. Recent researches indicate that the left-digit effect has a significant impact on the revenue of firms. A number of researchers suggest that prices with left-digit effects increase the revenues of companies. Although monetary promotions such as left-digit effect and nine-ending prices influence consumers to purchase more, NFC and purchase involvement may be a couple of the important elements that affect the purchase decision of consumers. NFC as one of the elements that affects the purchase decision of consumers has been robustly discussed; this study involves a further research of the question of whether NFC can be one of components that influences consumers who are affected by the left-digit effect. Consumers with high and low NFC and purchase involvement exhibit different purchasing behaviors. In other words, different levels of NFC and purchase involvement cause consumers to select different products. Different considerations and attitudes toward consumption can be classified into high and low price cognition. This research investigates the viewpoint that different monetary promotions cause different perceptions of price because of different levels of NFC and purchase involvement among consumers.
For the purpose of this study, the questionnaire survey method is employed. Four hundred and fifty nine undergraduate university students, 135 males and 314 females in the age group of 17 to 25, from the Department of Business Administration participated in the survey. The results of the first study provide the foundation for the framework. We find that different levels of NFC affect the purchasing inclination of consumers. Not all left-digit effects encourage consumers to purchase products; left-digit effects influence consumers only if they have a low NFC. In addition, we find that different levels of purchase involvement may not be limited to a lower or same left digit. Bearing in mind individual differences, questions regarding whether promotional activities are associated with personal relevance, whether those activities or products can captivate consumers’ interests, and whether consumers can afford the products play an important role for companies.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction……....……………………………………………………………1
Research Motivations and Background 1
Research Objectives 3
Research Flow 4
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 5
Left-digit Effect 5
Promotion and the Basic Theory of Promotion 8
Promotion 8
The Basic Theories of Promotion 9
NFC (Need for Cognition) 10
The Relationship between NFC and Promotion 12
Purchase Involvement 14
CHAPTER 3 Methodology 17
Research Framework 17
Hypotheses and Operational Definition 20
Hypotheses 20
Operational Definition 22
Instrumentation 24
NFC 25
Purchase Involvement 28
Price Cognition 29
CHAPTER 4 Data Analysis and Results 30
Reliability Analysis and Validity 30
Study 1: Left-digit Effect and NFC for Price Cognition 31
Study 2: Left-digit Effect and Purchase Involvement for Price Cognition 36
CHAPTER 5 Conclusions 43
Conclusions of Research 43
Contributions to Literature and Suggestions for Marketing 46
Limitations and Directions for Future Research 48
Questionnaire (English Version) 56
Questionnaire (Chinese Version) 68
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