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研究生(外文):Chung-yu Liu
論文名稱(外文):Usability Study of Interfaces for Car Receiver Using Computer Animation Technique
指導教授(外文):Tsu-Wu Hu
外文關鍵詞:graphic user interfacecomputer animation techniqueusability engineeringsafely concernuser interface design
  • 被引用被引用:4
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In the graphic operated interfaces of the automobile, there is a ripe trend day by day on the safty aspect. For example, to head-up display screen and middle-up the console board become a basic specification.However, for the car receiver, based on consumer demand, the inbuilt function is requesting more and more, but the size of stereo panel doesn’t correspond with it to request more space for installation.If willing to fill so many functions in such space, a lot of interfact buttons must be multiple functions. The driver will be distracted by thinking and doing certain operation during the driving process, and it will easily carry out potential dangerous factor.
The purpose of this research is to combine the computer animation technique and usability egineering for the industrial designer or usability adjuster, who doesn’t have the background of programming and circuit design, can perform initial function test and improvement of electronic product in earlier design stage. Therefore this research uses the car receiver for the model and improves on it as the experiment.While driver doing drive behavior and operates car receiver in the same time,premises to promote the security, builds the model of noesis for the sequence of operating interface to the car receiver and evaluats on usability.
After improving on the primary interface, time of the project execution on the improvement of interface is less than primary one. Therefore we can make a good interface by altering the IC board, the sequence of operating interface and button''s icon without changing the original object during improving on the interface.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究動機
1.3 研究目的
1.4 研究範圍與限制
1.5 研究流程
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 使用性工程
2.1. 1 使用性工程的屬性
2.1. 2 使用性之評估方法
2.2 駕駛人視覺行為研究
2.2. 1 駕駛坐姿
2.2.2 駕駛者視覺特性
2.2.3 駕駛者視場
2.2.4 駕駛者頭部眼部最佳移動角度計測
2. 3 虛擬實境與視覺模擬
2.3.1 虛擬實境的等級層次
2. 4 認知設計
2.4.1 概念模式
2.4.2 配對原理
2.4.3 易視性與回饋
2. 5 介面的分類與設計原則
2.5.1 介面的種類
2.5.2 汽車內裝的介面分類
2.5.3 介面的設計原則
2. 6 國內外相關研究
第三章 模擬環境的建立與研究評估的方法
3. 1 模擬環境的建置
3.1. 1 RAPID-PLUS模擬軟體的編輯區介紹
3.1. 2 模擬物件的建構方式
3.2 實驗研究方法
3.2. 1 研究對象
3.2. 2 實驗進行
3.2. 3 使用性工程的評估
3.2. 4 使用性工程的數值分析
3.3 改善方案
3.3. 1 主觀評量
3.3. 2 改善方案實驗
第四章 實驗介面的分析與建構
4.1 標的物介面配置分析
4.1. 1 介面的按鍵佈局與功能分配
4.1. 2 LED文字顯示的佈局
4.1. 3 標的物介面按鍵的分群
4.2 標的物介面建構
4.2. 1 典型工作項目的設定
4.2. 2 階層樹狀圖的設定
4.3 標的物原始介面實驗數值分析
4.3. 1 原始介面實驗對象
4.3. 2 原始介面實驗進行
4.3. 3 原始介面結果分析
4.3. 4 原始介面實驗結論
第五章 介面的改善方案與建構
5.1 按鍵佈局的變更
5.1. 1 改善後的介面配置
5.1. 2 按鍵功能與階層的改善設定
5.2 改善後介面的實驗進行與結果
5.2. 1 改善後介面的實驗進行
5.2. 2 介面改善後的結果與討論
5.3 改善結果評量分析
第六章 結論與建議
6.1 結論
6.2 研究缺失與檢討
6.3 後續研究發展與建議
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