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研究生(外文):Ji-Shuen Wong
論文名稱(外文):A Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Handoff Decision Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
指導教授(外文):Neng-Chung Wang
中文關鍵詞:Mobile IPv6階層式換手機制異質性無線網路服務品質
外文關鍵詞:Mobile IPv6hierarchicalheterogeneous wireless networkHandoffquality of service.
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隨著無線網路與通訊技術迅速的發展,不同類型的無線系統將逐步的出現整合的情況,未來的日子裡,行動使用者對於無縫漫遊的需求將會大幅度的增加,特別是在蜂巢式網路(Cellular Network)和無線區域網路(Wireless Local Area Network)這兩者之間。蜂巢式網路因其無所不在的覆蓋範圍使得行動使用者總是可以與之連線,但是其提供的資料傳輸速度相對比較低。反之無線區域網路提供較高速的資料傳輸速度,速度可以和有線網路互相媲美,但是其覆蓋範圍相對的較小,只適合用於在學校,飯店及飛機場等較小的區域底下。因此這也促使了這二種不同型態的無線技術網路整合為一個異質性的無線網路主要的原因之一。另外,我們還必須考慮到一個真正的無縫行動環境需要同時考慮到垂直換手以及水平換手…等的相關議題。
在本論文當中,我們討論到有關在異質性無線網路下換手機制的問題(其中包含了水平式以及垂直式換手機制)。我們使用一種小區域移動管理的方法HiMIPv6 (Hierarchical Mobile IPv6)。並且我們提出了一個階層式代理節點來主動測量每一個存取點(AP)的剩餘頻寬,我們稱之為主動式測量外部行動代理節點 (Active Measurement-Foreign Mobility Agent, AM-FMA)。
另外,我們也提出了以服務品質(QoS)為基礎的換手方法,並且所提出的方法使用雙重訊號門檻值的方式解決了乒乓效應的問題。 最後,我們導出一些模擬數據來證實我們所提出的方法優於傳統的Mobile IPv6以及HiMIPv6。一般而言,我們所提出的方法可以更有效的減少封包的遺失以及網路負載。
Rapid progress in research and development of wireless networking and communication technologies has created different types of wireless systems. In the future, mobile users will have increased demands for seamless roaming, especially the cellular networks and wireless local area networks (WLANs). Cellular networks promise to offer always-on, ubiquitous connectivity with relatively low data rates. Further, WLANs offer much higher data rates, comparable to wired networks, but can cover only smaller area, suitable for hot-spot applications in schools, hotels and airports. Therefore, these two kinds of different wireless technologies have integrated a heterogeneous wireless network (HWN). Besides, we consider the truly seamless mobile environment can only be realized by considering vertical and horizontal handoffs together.
In this thesis, we discussed the issues related to make handoff decision including horizontal and vertical handoff in HWNs. We used a micromobiltiy management method, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HiMIPv6), and proposed a foreign mobility agent to measure residual bandwidth of each access point, it called active measurement-foreign mobility agent (AM-FMA).
In addition, we also proposed a quality of service (QoS) based handoff scheme. The proposed scheme can avoid ping-pong effect by using dual-threshold of received signal strength (RSS). Finally, we conducted some simulations to show the proposed scheme outperforms traditional Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) and Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HiMIPv6). In general, the proposed scheme can reduce the packet loss and network load more efficiency.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
Chapter 2 Related Work 5
2.1 Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (HWNs) 5
2.1.1 Wireless Local Area Networks and Cellular Networks 6 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) 6 Cellular Networks 7
2.1.2 Architecture of the Integrated WLANs and Cellular Networks 7 Architecture of the Tightly Coupling 8 Architecture of the Loosely Coupling 9
2.2 Mobility Management 9
2.2.1 Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6 10
2.2.2 Micro-mobility Protocols 12 HAWAII 13 Cellular IP 13 HMIPv6 14
2.3 Horizontal Handoff and Vertical Handoff 16
2.3.1 Horizontal Handoff 17
2.3.2 Vertical Handoff 17
Chapter 3 The Proposed Handoff Decision Algorithm with AM-FMA 18
3.1 An Integrated Architecture 18
3.2 Dual-Threshold of the Received Signal Strength 20
3.3 WLAN Bandwidth Measurement 20
3.4 Active Measurement-Foreign Mobility Agent (AM-FMA) 21
3.5 The Message Procedure Flow 23
3.5.1 The Intra-Domain handoff 23
3.5.2 The Inter-Domain handoff 24
3.6 The Packet Format 25
3.6.1 The NewMNconfirm request packet 25
3.6.2 The NewMNconfirm reply packet 26
3.6.3 The MNinfoUpdate Packet 28
3.7 Handoff Process in the Heterogeneous Networks 28
3.7.1 Movement of the Cellular Network to the WLAN 30
3.7.2 Movement of the WLAN to the Cellular Network 31
3.7.3 An Example of the Handoff Process 32
Chapter 4 Performance Evaluation 36
4.1 Handoff Decision Policies 36
4.2 Predictive ITHO Handoff 37
4.3 Simulations Environment 38
4.4 Performance Evaluation 40
4.5 Discussion 50
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 52
5.1 Conclusions 52
5.2 Future Work 53
References 54
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