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論文名稱(外文):The Study for The Usability of Electronic-Paper Display
外文關鍵詞:Electronic-PaperE-bookvisual performancesubjective preference
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This research investigated that the effects of Electronic-Paper Display design on subjects’ visual performance and subjective preference. This research included two experiments. The first experiment used the simulated e-paper to investigate the effects of bending radius of curvature and text/background color-combinations on subjects’ visual performance and subjective preference in illuminance. This result of this research showed that the text/background color-combinations had significant effect on subjects’ visual performance. Subjects’ visual performance had the worst preference when text/background color-combinations was setting at Text2/ green-like of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal than the other text/background color-combinations. Regarding the preference of subjects’ subjective preference, result of this research also showed that the bending radius of curvature, text/background color combinations and illuminance all had significant effects on subjects’ subjective preference. Subjects showed the best preference under the following settings: when the bending radius of curvature was set at 0cm and 10cm; when the text/background color combination was set at Text1/ yellow -like of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal; when illuminance was set at 500lx.
The second experiment investigated the effects of display and screen inclination on subjects’ visual performance and subjective preference in four illuminance conditions. This result of this research showed that the screen inclination had significant effect on subjects’ visual performance. Subjects’ visual performance had the best preference when screen inclination was setting at 105° than the other screen inclination. In addition, interaction between display and illuminance had a significant effect on subjects’ visual performance. When illuminance was set as 200lx, subjects showed better preference under Sony LIBRIé, Kolin e-book and penetrant PDA. Regarding the preference of subjects’ subjective preference, result of this research also showed that the display, screen inclination and illuminance all had significant effects on subjects’ subjective preference. In addition, interaction between illuminance and display, display and screen inclination also had a significant effect on subjects’ subjective preference. When display was set as Sony LIBRIé, Kolin e-book and reflective PDA, subjects showed better preference under 2200lx ;display was set as Sony LIBRIé and penetrant PDA, subjects showed better preference under 105°.
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
誌 謝 viii
目 錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiii

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 電子紙式顯示器的使用績效 5
2.2 使用紙及傳統螢幕的績效差異 6
2.3 環境照度 7
2.4 螢幕色彩及對比組合 8
2.5 螢幕仰角 10
2.6 PDA的產品特性 12
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1 實驗一 14
3.1.1 受試者 14
3.1.2 實驗設備 14
3.1.3 工作站條件 16
3.1.4 實驗設計 16
3.1.5 實驗程序 17
3.1.6 資料蒐集與分析 19
3.2 實驗二 20
3.2.1 受試者 20
3.2.2 實驗設備 20
3.2.3 工作站條件 22
3.2.4 實驗設計 23
3.2.5 實驗程序 23
3.2.6 資料蒐集與分析 25
第四章 結果分析 26
4.1 實驗一 26
4.1.1 搜尋績效 26 曲率半徑對受試者搜尋績效之影響 29 環境照度對受試者搜尋績效之影響 29 色彩組合對受試者搜尋績效之影響 29
4.1.2 主觀偏好 30 曲率半徑對受試者主觀偏好之影響 33 環境照度對受試者主觀偏好之影響 33 色彩組合對受試者主觀偏好之影響 33
4.2 實驗二 34
4.2.1 閱讀績效 34 環境照度對受試者閱讀績效之影響 37 呈現介面對受試者閱讀績效之影響 37 螢幕仰角對受試者閱讀績效之影響 37 環境照度與呈現介面交互作用 38
4.2.2 主觀偏好 39 環境照度對受試者主觀偏好之影響 42 呈現介面對受試者主觀偏好之影響 42 螢幕仰角對受試者主觀偏好之影響 42 環境照度與呈現介面交互作用 43 呈現介面與螢幕仰角交互作用 45
第五章 討論 48
5.1 實驗一 48
5.1.1 紙張曲率半徑 48
5.1.2 環境照度 49
5.1.3 文字/背景色彩組合 49
5.2 實驗二 51
5.2.1 環境照度 51
5.2.2 呈現介面 52
5.2.3 螢幕仰角 52
第六章 結論與建議 54
參考文獻 57


圖1.1 研究架構圖 4
圖3.1 模擬電泳電子紙式顯示器 15
圖3.2 模擬膽固醇電子紙式顯示器 15
圖3.3 實驗二SONY LIBRI’e螢幕平台 21
圖3.4 實驗二KOLIN i-Library螢幕平台 21
圖3.5 實驗二HP iPAQ hx4700螢幕平台 22
圖4.1 環境照度與呈現介面交互作用對受試者閱讀正確率 39
圖4.2 環境照度與呈現介面交互作用對受試者主觀偏好影響 44
圖4.3 呈現介面與螢幕仰角交互作用對受試者主觀偏好影響 46


表3.1 文字/背景色彩組合 17
表4.1 實驗一搜尋績效之受試者平均正確率 27
表4.2 實驗一搜尋績效正確率之變異數分析 28
表4.3 實驗一自變數在不同水準下對受試者的主觀偏好評分 31
表4.4 實驗一搜尋績效主觀偏好評分之變異數分析 32
表4.5 實驗二閱讀績效之受試者平均正確率 35
表4.6 實驗二閱讀績效正確率之變異數分析 36
表4.7 環境照度與呈現介面交互作用之受試者閱讀正確率 38
表4.8 環境照度(200lx)下呈現介面之閱讀正確率 39
表4.9 實驗二自變數在不同水準下對受試者的主觀偏好評分 40
表4.10 實驗二閱讀績效主觀偏好評分之變異數分析 41
表4.11 環境照度與呈現介面交互作用之主觀偏好 44
表4.12 呈現介面(sony)下環境照度之主觀偏好 44
表4.13 呈現介面(歌林)下環境照度之主觀偏好 45
表4.14 呈現介面(反射式)下環境照度之主觀偏好 45
表4.15 呈現介面與螢幕仰角交互作用之主觀偏好 46
表4.16 呈現介面(sony)下螢幕仰角之主觀偏好 47
表4.17 呈現介面(穿透式)下螢幕仰角之主觀偏好 47
表6.1 模擬電子紙式顯示器各因子間搜尋績效之分析結果 55
表6.2 電子紙式顯示器各因子間閱讀績效之分析結果 56
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