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研究生(外文):Yu Hsuan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Studies on DNA Authentication Technology ofCinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh of Taiwanand Their Physicochemical Properties Studies
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chieh Jack Lee
外文關鍵詞:Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh.DNA molecular marker technologiesRAPDISSRITSDPPH free radical scavenging
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近二十年,台灣特有種土肉桂(Cinnamomum osmophloeum)常
力。土肉桂與肉桂在形態分類上雖分屬兩個( s p e c i e s ),
容易造成中藥材混用及代用的缺點。因此本研究利用DNA 分子標
等3 種方法,結果顯示,ISSR 所產生的多型性條帶比RAPD 多,
型分類法所分出的品系還要少;設計特定ITS 引子擴增出土肉桂
ITS 片段後將片段定序,並與NCBI 上所發表之樟科樟屬等肉桂
之ITS 片段比對進行親源性分析,發現台灣土肉桂與已發表的樟
科屬肉桂有很大的差異。ITS 分子標記技術用來鑑定土肉桂基原
系土肉桂之DPPH 自由基清除能力,結果發現曾文水庫2 號、里
龍山、台電四段4 號3 個土肉桂品系自由基清除能力最好。
In Recently twenty years, Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. is unique in
Taiwan for his often used as substitutes for Cinnamon in common. The essential oil
from cinnamon contains many bioactive ingredients, such as cinnamaldehyde,
coumarin, eugenol and so on. Cinnamon is not only used as food, but also in many
other applications, such as cosmetics, aroma therapy, and antiseptic. The market
potential for various cinnamon’s healthy products is growing. Although C.
osmophloeum Kaneh. and C. cassia Presl. are different species in morphology, they
can be miss used by each other on purpose in market. However, different geographical
clones of C. osmophloeum Kaneh. contain different chemical constituents. Therefore,
different gene-source of C. osmophloeum Kaneh. may have different curative effects.
Adulterants and substitutes of traditional Chinese medicine may not be easily
identified by traditional authentication methods. In this study, DNA molecular marker
technologies were used to identify the gene-source of C. osmophloeum Kaneh.,
including RAPD, ISSR, ITS these three methods. The results of this study showed that
ISSR markers produced polymorphism bands more than that of RAPD markers.
However, the number of clone type of C. osmophloeum Kaneh. defined by using both
of ISSR and RAPD markers are less than that of chemo-type available now. ITS
specific primers were designed to amplify ITS DNA fragment for future sequencing
and aligned with NCBI GenBank posted Lauraceae ITS sequences. Our results
showed that the ITS sequence for C. osmophloeum Kaneh. from Taiwan was quite
different from that of Cinnamomum verum. Further more, more genotype can be
grouped using ITS markers for C. osmophloeum Kaneh. than that of chemotypes
available now. The results from DPPH free radical scavenging assay showed that C.
osmophloeum Kaneh. from geographical clones T2, LL and D4 had the best free
radical scavenging activities.
授權書........................................................................................... iii
中文摘要....................................................................................... iv
英文摘要....................................................................................... vi
誌謝............................................................................................. viii
目錄............................................................................................... ix
圖目錄......................................................................................... xiv
表目錄......................................................................................... xvi
第一章 前言.................................................................................... 1
第二章 相關文獻整理..................................................................... 4
2.1 肉桂及土肉桂之簡介....................................................... 4
2.1.1 肉桂簡介............................................................... 4
2.1.2 台灣近年來肉桂進出口狀況................................ 5
2.1.3 土肉桂簡介........................................................... 6
2.1.4 土肉桂分類地位之演變........................................ 6
2.1.5 土肉桂之地理分布位置........................................ 7
2.1.6 植物性狀............................................................... 8 根、莖幹、枝條........................................ 8 葉............................................................... 8 花............................................................... 9 果實........................................................... 9 節............................................................... 9
2.1.7 生長習性............................................................. 10
2.1.8 繁殖方式............................................................. 10
2.2 肉桂揮發性成分組成..................................................... 10
2.2.1 肉桂精油之化學組成......................................... 11 錫蘭肉桂精油組成.................................. 11 大陸箘桂精油組成.................................. 12
2.2.2 土肉桂精油之化學組成...................................... 13
2.2.3 土肉桂葉部精油組成之天然變異...................... 14
2.3 肉桂的生理活性............................................................. 16
2.3.1 桂皮醛的生理活性............................................. 17
2.3.2 桂皮乙酸酯的生理活性...................................... 18
2.3.3 丁香酚的生理活性............................................. 19
2.4 抗氧化活性簡介............................................................. 19
2.4.1 抗氧化劑簡介..................................................... 21
2.4.2 肉桂及其他天然抗氧化劑.................................. 22
2.4.3 抗氧化活性測定法原理...................................... 23 DPPH 自由基清除能力之測定............... 23 亞鐵離子螯合能力測定.......................... 24
2.5 肉桂及土肉桂之應用...................................................... 24
2.5.1 錫蘭肉桂之應用.................................................. 24 家庭用途................................................. 24 商業用途................................................. 25
2.5.2 大陸箘桂之應用.................................................. 25
2.5.3 肉桂類在其他方面的應用................................... 26 化妝品香料............................................. 26 矯味芳香劑............................................. 26 菸草香料................................................. 26 抑菌方面之應用...................................... 26
2.5.4 肉桂於傳統中藥及臨床上之應用....................... 27
2.5.5 土肉桂的應用...................................................... 29 食品的應用............................................. 29 土肉桂精油的生物活性與應用.............. 30
2.6 用於肉桂鑑別上之傳統基原鑑定方法........................... 31
2.6.1 肉桂之形態鑑定.................................................. 32
2.6.2 肉桂之性狀鑑定.................................................. 32
2.6.3 肉桂之顯微鑑定.................................................. 32
2.6.4 肉桂之理化鑑定.................................................. 33
2.7 DNA 分子標記技術....................................................... 33
2.7.1 RAPD.................................................................. 35
2.7.2 SSR 與ISSR ....................................................... 35 SSR(Simple Sequence Repeat) ........... 35 ISSR(Inter Simple Sequence Repeat).. 36
2.7.3 ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer)........................ 37
2.7.4 其他分子標記..................................................... 37 AFLP(Amplified Fragment Length
Polymorphism) ...................................... 37 SCAR(Sequence Characterized Amplified
Region).................................................. 38 STS(Sequence Targged Site)............... 39 SNP(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism)
................................................................. 39
2.7.5 分子標記技術的應用......................................... 40 RAPD 的應用.......................................... 40 ISSR 的應用............................................ 41 ITS 的應用.............................................. 41
第三章 研究材料與方法............................................................... 43
3.1 研究材料........................................................................ 43
3.2 藥品與材料..................................................................... 44
3.3 儀器設備........................................................................ 45
3.4 研究方法........................................................................ 47
3.4.1 DNA 萃取........................................................... 47
3.4.2 DNA 的定量與稀釋............................................ 50
3.4.3 聚合酶鏈鎖反應(Polymerase Chain Reaction)
............................................................................ 50
3.4.4 PCR 產物分析..................................................... 51
3.4.5 T&A Cloning ........................................................ 53
3.4.6 遺傳歧異度及數據之統計分析.......................... 56
3.4.7 精油萃取............................................................. 57
3.4.8 精油之氣相層析質譜儀之定性分析.................. 57
3.4.9 土肉桂萃取液之萃取......................................... 58
3.4.10 DPPH 自由基清除能力之測定......................... 58
第四章 結果與討論....................................................................... 59
4.1 蓮華池土肉桂營養系存活率討論.................................. 59
4.2 DNA 萃取結果及討論.................................................... 59
4.3 不同地理品系土肉桂之RAPD 分析結果..................... 60
4.4 不同地理品系土肉桂之ISSR 分析結果........................ 61
4.5 不同地理品系土肉桂之ITS 結果.................................. 62
4.5.1 不同地理品系土肉桂經定序後之序列比較....... 62
4.5.2 土肉桂與其他NCBI 基因庫中之樟科植物比較63
4.6 不同地理品系土肉桂精油GC-MS 定性分析結果討論63
4.7 不同地理品系土肉桂DPPH 自由基清除能力比較....... 64
第五章 結論.................................................................................. 66
參考文獻...................................................................................... 112
圖1 台灣原生土肉桂的形態........................................................ 67
圖2 省產肉桂類之分類變遷圖.................................................... 68
圖3 台灣土肉桂之地理分布圖.................................................... 69
圖4 土肉桂精油主要成分之分子結構........................................ 70
圖5 ISSR 原理圖.......................................................................... 71
圖6 ITS 原理圖............................................................................ 72
圖7 蓮華池土肉桂營養系永久保留區排列圖............................. 75
圖8 蓮華池土肉桂營養系存活率比例圖..................................... 76
圖9 不同萃取方法抽取土肉桂(曾文水庫二號;T2)DNA 電泳圖
.............................................................................................. 77
圖10 使用RAPD 引子OPC-05 鑑定6 種化學型土肉桂指紋圖譜
.............................................................................................. 78
圖11 使用15 種RAPD 引子鑑定桂皮醛型(E2)土肉桂基原之指紋
圖譜...................................................................................... 79
圖12 使用15 種RAPD 引子鑑定桂皮醛型(S1)土肉桂基原之指紋
圖譜...................................................................................... 80
圖13 使用15 種RAPD 引子鑑定桂皮醛型(D18)土肉桂基原之指
紋圖譜.................................................................................. 81
圖14 使用15 種RAPD 引子鑑定桂皮醛-桂皮乙酸酯型(G2)土
肉桂基原之指紋圖譜........................................................... 82
圖15 使用15 種RAPD 引子鑑定桂皮醛-桂皮乙酸酯型(D17)土
肉桂基原之指紋圖譜........................................................... 83
圖16 使用ISSR 引子UBC876 擴增不同時期採集同一植株(S1)
土肉桂之結果....................................................................... 84
圖17 使用ISSR 引子UBC876 鑑定不同地理品系土肉桂基原之指
紋圖譜.................................................................................. 85
圖18 使用ISSR 引子UBC891 鑑定不同地理品系土肉桂基原之指
紋圖譜.................................................................................. 86
圖19 使用ITS 方式鑑定不同地理品系土肉桂基原之指紋圖譜87
圖20 土肉桂ITS 片段定序後序列比較圖................................... 88
圖21 以UPGMA 方法建立6 種不同地理品系土肉桂ITS 序列樹
狀圖...................................................................................... 89
圖22 土肉桂ITS 片段定序後序列與NCBI 基因庫中樟科植物序
列比較圖.............................................................................. 91
圖23 以UPGMA 方法建立不同地理品系土肉桂及NCBI 上已發
表之樟科植物ITS 序列樹狀圖........................................... 92
圖24 桂皮醛-桂皮乙酸酯型土肉桂GC-MS 圖譜..................... 93
圖25 同地理品系土肉桂及標準品BHT 自由基清除能力曲線圖
.............................................................................................. 94
表1 土肉桂化學品系分類標準.................................................... 95
表2 台灣肉桂製品進出口量值統計表........................................ 96
表3 省產四種型態相似的肉桂類區別點..................................... 97
表4 箘桂和土肉桂的形態差異.................................................... 98
表5 不同營養系之天然林土肉桂葉油之收率............................. 99
表6 不同地區土肉桂各營養系葉部精油主要成分之差異....... 100
表7 本實驗所使用之六種土肉桂化學型,共計十二種品系.... 101
表8 RAPD 各引子列表.............................................................. 102
表9 RAPD PCR 溫度循環反應條件及步驟............................... 103
表10 ISSR 各引子列表.............................................................. 104
表11 ISSR PCR 反應試劑與濃度.............................................. 105
表12 ISSR PCR 溫度循環反應條件及步驟............................... 106
表13 樟科植物於NCBI 上網站之登錄號與品種對照表.......... 107
表14 ITS PCR 反應試劑與濃度................................................. 108
表15 ITS PCR 溫度循環反應條件及步驟................................. 109
表16 yT&A kit 反應試劑與體積................................................ 110
表17 不同萃取法獲得的土肉桂基因組DNA 產率比較表....... 111
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