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研究生(外文):Jr-Wei Li
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Addition of Sodium Propionate or Sodium Valerate on Continuous Production of Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)under a Phosphorus-Limiting Condition
指導教授(外文):Jui-Rze TooShih-Tsung Yu
中文關鍵詞:PHBVRalstonia eutropha限磷條件連續式發酵丙酸鈉戊酸鈉稀釋速率
外文關鍵詞:PHBVRalstonia eutrophaphosphorus-limiting conditioncontinuous fermentatersodium propionatesodium valeratedilution rate
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聚羥基烷酯類(polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHAs)為一種微生物生合成的可分解塑膠,其性質與傳統塑膠材料聚丙烯相似,其中以聚羥基丁酯(polyhydroxybutyrate, PHB)與聚羥基丁酯和戊酯的共聚物(poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate), PHBV)最受到注意。
Ralstonia eutropha在簡單碳源,以葡萄糖為單一碳源基質可生合成累積PHB;若以有機酸鹽(如:丙酸鈉或戊酸鈉)作為第二碳源,即可生產含HV的聚合物。有機酸鹽的含量不宜過高,否則會影響菌體的生長。
本研究於限磷條件下,以微生物進行連續式發酵生產PHB(V)。使用菌株為R. eutropha(ATCC 17699;BCRC 13036),以葡萄糖為第一碳源(20 g/L),硫酸銨為氮源(10 g/L),磷酸氫二鈉與磷酸二氫鉀為磷源(分別為0.1與0.2 g/L),於限磷條件下,進行連續式發酵,溫度維持30℃,可得最大PHB含量,約2.20 g/L,佔總菌體33.0% ,隨著時間增加,碳源使用殆盡,可看出生質量仍在增加,PHB含量卻在減少。
添加有機酸鈉(丙酸鈉或戊酸鈉)於饋料溶液中,添加丙酸鈉5 g/L,可得到較多PHBV含量,約2.1 g/L,佔總菌體的31.8% (生質量6.79 g/L)。添加戊酸鈉5 g/L,可得HV含量較高的PHBV,約1.61 g/L,佔總菌體的25.9% (生質量5.94 g/L)。比較兩種添加有機酸鹽生合成之PHBV,以添加戊酸鈉可累積較多的HV。
Polyhydroxyalkanoate, a kind of biodegradable plastics, can be biosynthesized by various microorganisms, and possesses physical properties similar to conventional plastics such as polypropylene. Especially, polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) are two polymers frequently brought much attention.
Ralstonia eutropha can produce PHB with a simple carbon source. For instance, glucose can be used as a sole carbon source to produce PHB. If organic acidic substrates, such as sodium propionate and valerate, are used to be the second carbon source, R. eutropha can produce PHBV. However, if the concentration of sodium propionate or valerate is too high, the microbial growth of R. eutropha may be refrained. In this study, PHB(V) was produced by R. eutropha (ATCC 17699; BCRC 13036) that was cultivated in a continuous fermenter in a phosphorus-limiting condition. The major carbon source was glucose (20 g/L), the nitrogen source was (NH4)2SO4 (10 g/L) and the phos-phorous sources included Na2HPO4 (0.1 g/L) and KH2PO4 (0.2 g/L). At 30 ℃, PHB was biosynthesized by R. eutropha with a concentration of 2.19 g/L which was about 33% of the total biomass. As the carbon substrate was depleting, the biomass increased a little, but the PHB was decreasing.
In the other two experiments, the second carbon source (sodium propionate or valerate) was added in the feed in order to produce PHBV. When the medium containing 5 g/L sodium propionate, PHBV (13.2% HV and 86.6% HB) was bio- synthesized with a concentration of 2.1 g/L, and was about 31.8% of the biomass (6.79 g/L). When the medium containing 5 g/L sodium valerate, PHBV (containing 47% HV and 53% HB) was biosynthesized with a concentration of 1.61 g/L, and was about 25.9% of the biomass (5.94 g/L). Comparison of these two cases revealed that adding sodium valerate in the feed would raise the ratio of HV in the PHBV.
封面內頁 i
簽名頁 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 vi
誌謝 viii
目錄 x
表目錄 xiii
圖目錄 xv
符號說明 xvii

第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 可分解性塑膠 3
2.2 PHB與PHBV介紹 10
2.2.1 PHB與PHBV的結構 10
2.2.2 物理與化學性質 12
2.2.3 合成 13
2.3 連續式發酵生產PHB與PHBV 21
2.3.1 反應器類型 21
2.3.2 連續式發酵 22
2.3.3 微生物的代謝作用 26
2.3.4 連續式生產PHB與PHBV 26
2.4 菌體之PHB與PHBV的測定 28
第三章 材料與方法 30
3.1 實驗材料 30
3.1.1 菌株 30
3.1.2 培養基 30
3.1.3 藥品 30
3.2 儀器設備 34
3.3 實驗流程與方法 35
3.3.1 活化 35
3.3.2 預培養 37
3.3.3 發酵槽培養流程 37
3.3.4 連續式發酵培養 38
3.3.5 收菌 40
3.4 分析 40
3.4.1 生質量 40
3.4.2 碳源 42
3.4.3 磷源 43
3.4.4 PHB與PHBV 44
第四章 結果與討論 46
4.1 限磷條件下添加葡萄糖進行連續式發酵 47
4.1.1 菌體生長與PHB生產 47
4.1.2 不同稀釋速率下發酵培養之比較 51
4.2限磷條件下添加丙酸鈉進行連續式發酵 54
4.2.1 菌體生長與PHB(V)生產 58
4.2.2 不同稀釋速率下發酵培養之比較 60
4.3限磷條件下添加戊酸鈉進行連續式發酵 65
4.3.1 菌體生長與PHB(V)生產 65
4.3.2 不同稀釋速率下發酵培養之比較 69
4.4 各種不同碳源培養之比較 74
第五章 結論與未來展望 79
5.1 結論 79
5.2 展望 80
參考文獻 82
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